Inside the store

Collective Effort

Throughout her youth as an athlete, Berkley Gamble (Comm’16) wore her soccer uniform with pride. It showed people what she cared about and stood for: determination, sportsmanship and teamwork. Today, Gamble’s self-expression is rooted in a different type of clothing: her brand Past Life the Collective, “a sustainable, small-batch label for those who speak the truth, walk their own path and raise hell.”

photo of judge's gavel and camera by Sangeun Shin

Through the Lens of the Law

With the award of a $108,000 Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Scholars and Society Fellowship, Assistant Professor Sandra Ristovska is undertaking the first rigorous publicly engaged research project to address the intricacies of “seeing” in court. Working in partnership with the American Bar Association’s Scientific Evidence Committee, her project will systematically examine the use of video as evidence in state and federal court trials in criminal, immigration and American Indian law.

Heart illustration

Designing Tech with Mortality in Mind

It’s inevitable that at some point we must all “get our affairs in order,” and when we do, there are checklists, policies and professionals to help create everything from wills and trusts to advance directives. But a key element—guidance surrounding technology and end-of-life planning—is missing. Assistant Professor Jed Brubaker will work to close this gap through a five-year research project supported by a prestigious NSF CAREER grant.

film camera illustration

Hollywood’s Dirtiest Secret

Film scholar Hunter Vaughan spent years scouring through film archives and directors’ reports, touring studio lots and interviewing execs and local film crews. He discovered an industry culture in which extravagance and waste have been not only allowed but celebrated, even as other industries have been pressured to conserve.

Two face illustration

The Changing Face of Media Morality

With previous lives as an advertiser and a journalist, CMCI faculty members Erin Schauster and Pat Ferrucci draw on their distinct perspectives to examine the changing face of media moral reasoning.

picture of Wisdom

Whose World Is This?

As co-founder and principal of Aurora’s Empower Community High School, Wisdom Amouzou (Comm’13) teaches students that they are the leaders they’ve been waiting for.

People working around a map.

Global Dimensions of PR

What is public relations? Who does it? And for what purpose? These may seem like simple questions, but for Professor Krishnamurthy Sriramesh, they’re critical. The answers, he says, have long been far too limited, with a focus on corporate organizations in America and Europe that has left out much of the world.

During their time at CU Boulder, Scripps fellows and environmental journalism students go on field trips related to a broad array of environmental topics, including climate change — a focus of this joint CEJ and Norwegian expedition to the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. (Photo by Tom Yulsman)

CU Boulder Center for Environmental Journalism Welcomes New Class of Fellows

The Center for Environmental Journalism is proud to welcome its 24th class of Ted Scripps Fellows, who will spend nine months at the University of Colorado Boulder’s College of Media, Communication and Information working on long-term, in-depth journalistic projects and reflecting on critical questions.

Sports doodles

More than a Game

“The highlights of my career have been when events I’ve produced—and intimately been involved in—have united people and a region, more than the game itself,” says ESPN's Vice President of Production Jay Rothman (Jour’84).

Joy Weinberg

Go Figure

The move from competitive ice skating to studying information science may seem like a leap, but senior Joy Weinberg says the two share key elements: precision, drive and creativity.
