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Meeting Minutes 12/11/23


  1. Call to Order   


Present: Aneesh, Allie, Teagan, Freya, Taylor, Marya, Monique, Hanna, Apoorva, Manasa, Morgan, Lawrence, Kellen    



  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Elections

      1. Student Outreach Coordinator

        1. Taylor - Congrats!

      2. Assistant Speakers Coordinator 

        1. Freya - Congrats!

    2. More clear speakers discussion - choosing one route or another

      1. CWA things

        1. Having a panel is unlikely due to cost. We have a large enough budget to bring two speakers (two different events, one at the beginning of the semester, one with CWA). 

        2. We could have a series of events about the same topic, one smaller event early on and a larger event later in the semester. 

          1. SR as an academic perspective and a smaller event. Less a speakers event, and somewhat a workshop or seminar. 

          2. LS could be a large event and more keynote type event that is more of an applied perspective on tough conversations. 

        3. How realistic is putting on two events with all of the planning being all in the Spring?

          1. One of the events could be “early” (i.e., late February or early March)

          2. If we can figure this out ASAP, then this is possible. It might just be a couple additional meetings between Alexis and Marya/Apoorva over break. 

        4. Smaller events are still a lot of work, but it would be interesting to try to do a speaker series. If everyone is committed to it, then it could work. The turnaround is just very tight. 

          1. There would be A LOT of tabling. 

          2. We have a lot of good ideas, but sometimes they are more work than we plan for. Having the events be rushed will not give people a good takeaway and experience. 

        5. As far as collaborations go, the Board has had a rocky past. 

          1. But a benefit of collaborating with CWA for the later/bigger event, is that we would have help. 

          2. If we start working on the collaboration early, it might make it smoother. 

          3. CWA is willing to take on as much as the Board doesn’t want, but they also are planning an entire conference. 

            1. They do have a good network. 

            2. They have students on their board that could help with things like tabling. 

          4. Not that we haven’t had past support from CU as a whole, CWA is very popular and supported by the University and administration, so that could help with drawing support and turnout for the event. 

        6. We could have the events very close together. We could market them as the same thing, but they would occur on dates close together. 

          1. It might make marketing a little more difficult because they both have to approve the same marketing, but it might be less work because it is only one poster. 

          2. We could then do the tabling at the same time if they are quite close together. 

            1. Tabling also might not be the most effective. 

            2. But the A-frame is a game changer. 

          3. Some people do not like to read, so they might only see the first event and not notice the second one. 

            1. Turnout might not be great. 

        7. We do need to think about how many people we will have next semester and the brain power that will be at our disposal. 

          1. We perhaps will be “mentally checked out”. 

        8. It will be tough, but sí se puede. 

        9. We will have a lot of budget left over, so we could always try to add things to the event, not necessarily other speakers, that would make it better. 

        10. The second event would be CWA, but we don’t know who the speaker would be for which event. 

        11. There might be an issue with bringing SL because of the world’s politics. It might be controversial, but that shouldn’t be a reason to not bring them. Just might want more security at the event. But CEB/CWA shouldn’t be in hot water for it. 

          1. Haters gonna hate, we must prevail. 

        12. Plan A: One event 

          1. CWA collab?

            1. What are they bringing to the table?

              1. Networking, connections, marketing. 

              2. It is a very well-known event that brings a lot of people. 

                1. It would be good for CEB’s marketing. 

              3. They have Macky, but is that right for this event?

            2. Are our missions similar?

              1. The Board should have a very solid idea of what we want out of the event and plan it not as a collaboration before discussing it with CWA. 

            3. Collaborations are complicated. 

              1. Need to establish many things up front. 

              2. Both groups need to be 100% on board.

            4. If it isn’t a collab, we could do a different time than April. 

              1. March might be better. 

                1. Maybe not enough planning time.

                2. Work around Spring Break. 

                3. But April is BIG student org event time. 

                4. Check week of March 11th. 


  1. Old Business

    1. Second Funding Cycle 

      1. ASA, “ASA Fashion Show,” December 9th, Glenn Miller Ballroom 

        1. Liaisons: Allie and Apoorva

        2. Updates:

          1. Funding for parking was approved on 12/8 - $80

          2. Based on the RSVP form, ASA requested additional seating arrangements, so this was an additional $274.64 approved for the venue on 12/8 by the Chair

        3. Post-Event Discussion

          1. Advertising

            1. Saw posters in LBB. 

            2. Timing on the posters seemed to change throughout the planning. 

          2. Logistics

            1. Lighting was interesting…

              1. They did request to meet with on-site AV tech. 

              2. They did everything they could and this was not their fault. 

            2. There was not a lot of time to rehearse due to interpersonal conflicts at that time.  

            3. DJ Ambitious perhaps was struggling. 

            4. Many issues could have been avoided with a dress rehearsal. 

              1. They had one the day before but not in Glenn Miller. The practice was in the rec. 

            5. Not enough chairs. 

            6. Not enough food. 

            7. High attendance. 

            8. They were very good at communication. 

          3. Content

            1. The fashion show was fun. 

            2. They did a very good job for it being the first time doing this event. 

              1. Especially considering what they were up against. 

          4. Future Notes

            1. They could be more strict with RSVPs next time if they wanted. 

            2. Should put up the post-event survey next. 

            3. The screens might be better suited to have the name of the country or the names of the people walking. 

    2. Third Funding Cycle 

      1. CU Ceramics - “CU Ceramics Club: Visiting Artist Series Spring 2024” at Visual Arts Complex 1B20 (Auditorium) & 175 (Ceramics Common Studio) 

        1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Hanna

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates / will send a check-in email

          2. Spent $0.00 so far from their budget as of 12/11

      2. CUBASGA - “CUBASGA Conference” at UMC - Aspen Rooms, UMC-247

        1. Liaisons: Monique and Marya

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates

          2. Spent $0.00 so far from their budget as of 12/11

      3. Saudi Student Association - “Saudi Foundation Day 2024” 

        1. Liaisons: Taylor and Freya

        2. Updates:

          1. Spent $0.00 so far from their budget as of 12/11

          2. Working on the catering process with EP&C, according to them they have submitted both menu items and recipes to EP&C

      4. Vietnamese Student Association - “VSA Culture Show” at GMB - 5-10 PM 

        1. Liaisons: Aneesh and Kellen

        2. Updates:

          1. They have gotten their exemption - yay! But will be following up with EP&C about this

          2. Spent $0.00 so far from their budget as of 12/11

    3. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. TExCU - “TEDxCU” 

        1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Manasa

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates

          2. Spent $0.00 so far from their budget as of 12/11

      2. Sigma Psi Zeta - “Culture Shock”

        1. Liaisons: Aneesh and Lawrence

        2. Updates:

          1. Spent all of their performer line item ($19,000) from their budget as of 12/11 - woohoo!

  2. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. Thank you so much Kellen and Teagan! We will miss you!

      2. Hopefully will be preemptively working on a collaboration doc/agreement to use and reference when collaborations come up

      3. CWA things:

        1. Do we want the event to be in Macky?

        2. Are they collaborating with DSB?

        3. Who else are they bringing?

        4. Could we fill Macky?

        5. Collaboration conditions

    2. Leg Council Liaison

      1. Thank you for everything you guys do! 

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. Attended GPSG Meeting last wednesday and detailed them with the semester updates of CEB

      2. Also discussed about the EP&C issue related to cultural food

    4. Finance Board Liaison

      1. No updates

    5. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Just want to take a quick moment

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. No updates

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Will relay our speakers discussion ideas to CWA in our meeting tomorrow

    8. Secretary/Historian

      1. It’s been fun, bye y’all. 

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. None!

    10. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Hey! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!

    11. Webmaster

      1. Pls send me a fun fact and why you joined ceb (still waiting on a few)

    12. Chair

      1. Thank you all for a great semester!

  3. Adjourn

    1. 9:33 PM