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Meeting Minutes 09/11/23

  1. Call to Order   


Present: Apoorva, Marya, Kellen, Teagan, Aneesh, Alexis, Manasa

Absent: Allie (Excused), Taylor (Excused)


  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Introductions

    2. Speaker’s Coordinator Elections

      1. Marya Miften - Congratulations! 

    3. Fall Recruitment 

      1. Thank you to everyone who tabled for BIF/CUnity! Hoping to see some applications come through soon

        1. Side note: Teagan/Aneesh, did that email get sent out to our list?

          1. It is getting sent out tomorrow. And then again next week, probably at the beginning of the week and then right before the deadline. Allie Lindsey

      2. Timeline

        1. Apps open: 8/30

        2. Deadline: 9/22

        3. Review applicants: 9/25

        4. Interviews: 10/2

        5. Retreat: 10/20-22 **mark your calendars

      3. I Love Mondays - Sep. 18th from 2-3pm

        1. Hi all, we are confirmed for doing I Love Mondays a week from today. It’s only an hour, so if you all could please just list below here if you’re free, that’d be great! We will be doing root beer floats and mainly just tabling for our recruitment cycle 

          1. Aneesh 2:00-2:20 PM

          2. Apoorva 2:30-3:00 PM

          3. Manasa 2:00-3:00 PM

          4. Alexis 2:00-3:00 PM

    4. NSA Second Funding Cycle Situation

      1. They contacted EP&C for their booking for a Nov/Dec event. EP&C initially said yes but recently changed and said they couldn’t. EP&C can only now do an October 28th event, so that would technically be a first funding cycle date, but they would be applying in the second funding cycle. 

        1. Motion to allow NSA to apply for funding during the second funding cycle for an October event date. 

          1. 5 - 0 - 0

  2. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. Black Law Student Association,  “The Things We Carry: Artist Talk with Chloé Duplessis,” September 14th, 6:00-8:00 PM, Wittemyer Courtroom (Wolf Law)

        1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Marya

        2. Updates:

          1. Sent them the post-event survey today!

          2. Haven’t heard from them in a while, will send a check in email

        3. Who is going:

          1. Apoorva (7:15-8)

          2. Allie

          3. Marya 

          4. Aneesh (maybe)


  1. CU Ceramics Club,  “Visiting Artist Series,” September 18th-20th, 12:00 PM on 18th-10:00 PM on 20th, VAC 171/175

    1. Liaisons: Allie 

    2. Updates:

      1. Request for $500 for marketing approved by Chair 9/11/23

      2. Please check out their marketing and get me any comments by tonight! We are speed running this bc I don’t think it’s entirely their fault that they’re so behind schedule with us!

        1. They do have all the logos they need. 

        2. Needs to be “for more information” and not “or more information” at the bottom. 

        3. Switch the Monday and Tuesday event info so that it is chronological and easier to read. 

        4. It is a neat and clean looking poster. 

      3. Who is going?

      4. Monday (9/18) at 5:30pm at VAC 175 - classroom workshop

        1.  Allie

      5. Tuesday (9/19) at 5:30pm at VAC1B20 - public lecture

        1. Apoorva

        2. Teagan 

        3. Aneesh


  1. Women of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  “WoAA Conference 2023: First Take Off,” October 7th, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, Aerospace Department on East Campus

    1. Liaisons: Teagan and Marya

    2. Updates:

      1. No updates, just lots of emails and advertising 


  1. Sigma Lambda Beta,  “Noche de Baile,” October 3rd, 5:30 PM-10:00 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room A

    1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Aneesh

    2. Updates:

      1. Haven’t heard from them in a while, will send a check in email

      2. They have not submitted a post-spending report for at least one event/operational expense. They need to submit this by September 30th to be in good standing with CSI. 


  1. Hindu YUVA,  “Ganesh Festival,” September 29th, 3:00-7:00 PM, Farrand Field

    1. Liaisons: Allie and Taylor 

    2. Updates:

      1. They are working to get marketing to us, but they’re struggling with software right now

        1. They requested that we purchase an annual subscription for them to Canva pro, Adobe pro, and VistaCreate pro (9/10) and I’ve informed them that we could not fund this.

        2. Essentially, it’s getting sorted, but it’s taking some time

        3. They literally just sent marketing - pls look at the “Hindu YUVA” folder and all 3 posters. I do see that the date is different and they’re missing some logos, but please let me know any other comments!

          1. Poster 1

            1. Missing CUSG and ASL logo

            2. Says it is September 28th when their funding request says September 29th. 

            3. Maybe elaborate more on what Dhol Pathak and Pooja and Aarati are for students who might not know. 

          2. Poster 2

            1. Same date as the other one (they definitely changed it)

            2. Same logos are missing

            3. Recommend using black or white CEB logo

          3. Poster 3

            1. Recommend using black CEB logo

            2. Missing same logos as before 

          4. Not sure if they want us to choose between them, but if so, the Board would suggest the first or second poster. 

            1. We highly recommend that they choose one poster so that marketing is cohesive. 

      2. There will be a request for additional security coming through soon (I hope)

        1. They’re struggling with fixing their requests that we didn’t fund or that they need to make (CUPD, water, etc), but they’ll be talking to Alexis soon, so this should get sorted

  2. Muslim Student Association, “MSA Barbeque,” September 17th, 3:00 PM-no end time, TBD

    1. Liaisons: Aneesh and Manasa

    2. Updates:

      1. The date and location have changed

        1. Now at the Business Field on September 17th from 3 PM

          1. Actually now cannot use the Business Field because of some athletics event 

            1. There will be a meeting with higher ups to discuss how the Board does not think that this is acceptable because it shows a priority of athletics and not cultural events on campus. 

              1. If this doesn’t work, perhaps we will go to CUSG to see what can be done. 

          2. Should have an update soon on where the event will actually take place 

            1. Will either be Sewall, Duane, or Norlin (in that order of preference)

          3. Have a walkthrough of Sewall tomorrow (9/12)

        2. The new venue quote is less than the original

        3. Flyer for advertising is approved

        4. Needed funds for miscellaneous items for $60 and Chair approved

      2. More updates from Alexis


  1. CU Gaming,  “Press Start,” September 17th, 6:00-8:00 PM, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom

    1. Liaisons: Teagan and Taylor

    2. Updates:

      1. Date change… 

    3. Who is going? (Sunday)

      1. Aneesh

      2. Taylor 


  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. SFR Spending Deadline: 30 days post event

        1. Post event form - 14 days after - notes on extending this?

          1. Aneesh - Change in Bylaws before ratification

      2. - Please go if you can!

      3. Meeting with Marya, Apoorva and Aneesh on Thursday to talk about marketing, announcing and timeline for VD.

      4. Student Leader Reception - Monday, September 18 6-7:30pm (CEB members back by 6:50)

        1. Who can go?

          1. Aneesh 

          2. Apoorva

          3. Manasa

          4. Teagan

          5. Kellen 

          6. Marya

        2. Can/should we table?

          1. Would be a good way to reach out to student leaders on campus 

          2. A number of us will already be there, so it makes sense to get some recruiting done at the same time

          3. Also free food, so it provides dinner before our potentially long meeting 

      5. Allie - can I send you a list of orgs to email regarding missing their Post Spending Report Forms? I think it would be a huge help to finance if we could email all the orgs the board has worked with!!

    2. Leg Council Liaison

      1. No Updates

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. No updates

    4. Finance Board Liaison from Madam Chair Allie 

      1. No updates

    5. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. **Important!!!

        1. Okay hi y’all, as we’re getting used to BuffConnect, we will need to change the ways that we do allocations. Moving forward, if there are any changes to allocations (add/reallocate/etc.), the SOC (aka me right now) will need to be informed because our process moving forwards includes edits into BuffConnect and emails to CSI Finance. I know this isn’t the most convenient thing to do because simply emailing was nice before, but this is what I’ve worked out with Jamey and their team. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

      2. Next Monday will be first hearings for our 2nd funding cycle - so please be prepared for a little bit of a longer meeting! 

        1. We have at least 4 so far (NSA, Latine Student Association, ASA, SASA, Creative Non-Fiction Club?)

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Mark your calendars! Final retreat dates: Oct 20 - 22!!

      2. Fill out this for retreat! 

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Congrats Marya!

    8. Secretary/Historian

      1. Sending out a newsletter tomorrow. Will send another one out next week as well. 

      2. Working on putting together a joint calendar

      3. Will work on the bulletin board outside the office this week

        1. Any ideas?

      4. Add Marya to the office access list!!!

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Give me your birthdays 

        1. Marya 9/4

        2. Teagan 4/10 (won’t be here though…)

        3. Apoorva 5/20

        4. Alexis 6/14

        5. Manasa 6/3 (I wont be here by next year.. May 2024 is my graduation )

        6. Kellen 10/30

        7. Aneesh 05/17

      2. Pls interact with out posts and stories 

    10. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. No updates

    11. Webmaster

      1. N/A

    12. Chair

      1. HM

        1. Perhaps a CEB bonding event on Friday, November 10th 

        2. Teagan will try to look into pricing and maybe a group rate

      2. Bylaws

        1. Working on getting them ratified. Hopefully soon, but CUSG might be having some slow downs with ratifications right now. 

      3. PC

        1. Had talked about creating a docusign for our orgs to sign with PC to make sure everyone is on the same page. 

        2. Also having CEB members go to the PC meetings that our orgs have for their events. 

      4. Pricing for events meeting with other Boards?

        1. Had a conversation last Spring about ticket pricing and there is now a ticket matrix that was sent out that should determine ticket pricing based on capacity of venue, cost of the contract in total, and maybe another metric. 

        2. Set up a meeting to discuss what more reasonable ticket prices would be. 

          1. $5 max for students

          2. $10 for community members 

          3. Thinking $2 for our VD event in GM

      5. Good job on the recruitment push

        1. Woohoo 

  2. Adjourn

    1. 8:13