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Meeting Minutes 07/24/23

  1. Call to Order   


Present: Aneesh, Teagan, Alexis, Iliana, Apoorva, Manasa, Taylor, Raya, Marya (late, excused)

Absent: Allie (excused)


  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


New Business

  1. First Funding Cycle

    1. Liaisons

      1. BLSA (September 14th)

        1. Apoorva

        2. Marya

      2. CU Ceramics Club (September 18th-20th)

        1. Raya

        2. Iliana

      3. WoAA (October 17th)

        1. Teagan

        2. Marya

      4. SLB (October 3rd)

        1. Apoorva

        2. Aneesh

      5. Hindu YUVA (September 29th)

        1.  Iliana

        2.  Allie

      6. MSA (September 9th)

        1. Aneesh

        2. Manasa

      7. CU Gaming (September 10th) 

        1. Teagan

        2. Taylor

      8. MGC (October 25th)

        1. Allie

        2. Taylor

  2. Mission Statement:

    1. The Cultural Events Board aims to broaden cultural knowledge by supporting the voices of underrepresented and misrepresented groups on campus, thereby promoting student engagement with their platforms. The Cultural Events Board encourages opportunities for interaction among students resulting in respect, appreciation, and understanding for cultural differences. 

  3. 4:00 PM - Black Law Student Association,  “The Things We Carry: Artist Talk with Chloé Duplessis,” September 14th, 6:00-8:00 PM, Wittemyer Courtroom (Wolf Law)

    1. Notes

      1. Working since February 2022 on this proposal 

      2. Collaborating with Colorado Disability Alliance 

      3. Goal was to find local Denver/Boulder Black people who have a disability and see what they are doing for the community 

        1. Found Chloé Duplessis

          1. I voted stickers 

          2. Asked people to fill out questionnaires about their experience of being Black in Colorado and created digital art out of it 

        2. Create original artwork that reflects Black people at CU Boulder 

          1. Work on building connection with community in the school

          2. Don’t have a very visible presence 

        3. Have an artists talk

          1. She will bring art she has worked on and talk about the practical things about how the law has affected folks of color and those who are disabled 

        4. Has a good background in education and the university system, and is a leader in the community 

        5. Michael is out this week

          1. Email - michele.manceaux@colorado.edu

    2. Questions

      1. How will you ensure that this event is open and easily accessible to undergraduate students as well?

        1. Advertise through CAAAS

          1. Don’t have many other connections, but are open to other suggestions!

    3. Discussion

      1. Been working on the event for over a year 

      2. Different identities and intersectionalities addressed at the event

      3. Very prepared for the presentation 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Black Law Student Association’s event  “The Things We Carry: Artist Talk with Chloé Duplessis”

    1. 6 - 0 - 0

    2. Motion passes

  2. Post-presentation notes


  1. 4:15 PM - CU Ceramics Club,  “Visiting Artist Series,” September 18th-20th, 12:00 PM on 18th-10:00 PM on 20th, VAC 171/175

    1. Notes

      1. 3 artists both internationally and nationally

      2. Part 1: Kate Strachan  

        1. September 18-19, 2023

          1. Monday

            1. Demonstrations, workshop, conversation (VAC 171 and 175)

              1. 4 hours plus lunch break 

            2. Lecture/Artist Talk (ATLAS lecture hall)

              1. 1 hour

          2. Tuesday

            1. Individual studio visits (20-30 minutes per student)

              1. 1-1 time with artist and students to discuss anything they want 

        2. Ceramic artist based in Japan and Taiwan 

        3. Previously met her at a conference and were impressed with her speech and her work 

        4. Studied fashion first and then started doing ceramics 

        5. Will bring a different perspective and showcase east Asian art 

      3. Part 2: Rose Schreiber and Maxwell Henderson

        1. February 1-2, 2024

      4. Mission statement alignment

        1. Diverse perspectives and backgrounds 

        2. Open cultural dialogue

        3. Cultivate an inclusive ceramics community 

        4. Facilitate conversation 

        5. Celebrate emerging talent 

      5. Advertising

        1. Mostly targeting ceramics students and ceramics club members 

          1. But also the greater campus community and Boulder community

        2. Announcements in classes

        3. Posters

        4. Instagram 

        5. Email lists 

    2. Questions

      1. Currently, you did not apply for any funding for marketing, so what is your plan to ensure that people know about your event?

        1. Will likely be asking for additional funding later for marketing 

      2. What will your speaker’s main topic be?

        1. Her path in life as an artist and what the journey can look like for students.

    3. Discussion

      1. A unique event 

      2. Even though they didn’t ask for marketing money initially, they already had a plan for marketing. 

        1. They are prepared 

      3. They know a lot about the speakers they are bringing 

        1. Speaker has a good message to share about the artist's journey and having lived abroad. 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Ceramics Club’s  “Visiting Artist Series” event

    1. 6 - 0 - 0

    2. Motion passes

  1. Post-presentation notes


  1. 4:30 PM - Women of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  “WoAA Conference 2023: First Take Off,” October 7th, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, Aerospace Department on East Campus

    1. Notes

      1. Mission: provide support, empowerment, and networking opportunities for minority students in the aerospace field 

      2. Focus on diversity and inclusion

      3. Developing skills 

      4. Provide students (specifically underrepresented) a space to work on their professional skills 

      5. Registration went live 7/24

    2. Questions

      1. This conference looks like a larger conference that we are only paying a small portion of, so who is paying for the rest of the conference? 

        1. As a note; all of the items are smaller and not necessarily culturally relevant (have been notified that there are other things they can request items for)

        2. Might have other sources, but they are not sure yet. 

          1. SOAC, UCEC and BOLD Program 

      2. You did not apply for any marketing funding, so what is your plan to ensure that people know about your event?

        1. Already started advertising

        2. Social media and posters 

        3. Previously had members pay for the printing cost and distribute them 

        4. Have a website on Campus Groups (CSI) and through BOLD 

        5. LinkedIn page

      3. How many pens do you want? - CSI may be able to just give them pens

        1. Probably just needs supplies they can get from CSI

    3. Discussion

      1. Seem to be on top of planning since they already have advertising and registration out. 

      2. New org that has not asked for funding in the last several years

      3. Newer topic/event that CEB has not explicitly been involved in recently

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for WoAA’s  “WoAA Conference 2023: First Take Off”

    1. 6 - 0 -0

    2. Motion passes

  1. Post-presentation notes


  1. 4:45 PM - Sigma Lambda Beta,  “Noche de Baile,” October 3rd, 5:30 PM-10:00 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room A

    1. Notes

      1. During the Latinx Heritage Month 

      2. What it means to be a Latino/a at a PWI

      3. Enrichment

        1. 3 speakers

          1. Chicano struggle in US (CU Ethnic Studies Prof)

            1. Aldama Arturo

          2. Personal Latina story

            1. Ysatiz Pinero

          3. Meaning of First-Gen

            1. Zack (brother of SLB)

      4. Bachata instructor 

      5. Grupo (band) that will play Bachata music and those who learned the dance can practice 

      6. Purpose

        1. Create welcoming space for Latinx identities

        2. Build a stronger community 

        3. Promote diversity

        4. Ensure voices are heard and amplified

        5. To have fun 

      7. Will have an open food station 

    2. Questions

      1. Considering that this process will heavily rely on the consistent communication between your team and ours, can you please explain a little bit about the communication issues you’ve had thus far with deadlines and Presence and how you intend to ensure that we have clear and consistent communication?

        1. President/vice president will be on top of emails

          1. Everyone has access to the email now

        2. Can dedicate a communications manager to ensure proper and prompt communication 

      2. Do you have food quotes?

        1. Not yet. 

      3. Are you paying the speakers/individuals employed at the university for their presentations?

        1. No

    3. Discussion

      1. Really need to be on top of communication 

        1. Not been great in the past

      2. Very prepared in presentation, but not in the lead up to applying for funding and communication 

      3. Who is in charge of planning the event? 

        1. Their president? Could be more hands-on leadership from all members.

      4. Hopefully they work with the feedback we provided them last year and improve in those areas

      5. Will it get better based on what they said?

        1. Many orgs are very on top of it and then they go silent. 

        2. Can no longer blame issues on Presence 

        3. Follow-up is needed from their end 

        4. Communications manager will help

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Sigma Lambda Beta’s event  “Noche de Baile”

    1. 5 - 1 - 0

    2. Motion passes 

  1. Post-presentation notes

    1. Who is your/would be your communications manager?


  1. 5:00 PM - Hindu YUVA,  “Ganesh Festival,” September 29th, 3:00 PM-no end time, Farrand Field

    1. Notes

      1. Ganesh Chaturthi purpose

        1. Cultural integration 

          1. Integral part of Indian culture

        2. Community building

          1. Students and faculty together 

          2. Promotes social interaction 

        3. Education and awareness

          1. Learn significance of the event 

          2. Tell stories 

          3. Might have posters/visual aids

        4. Creativity and artistic expression

          1. Art activities for participants 

        5. Stress relief and wellbeing

          1. This kind of event on the weekend will be relaxing and good opportunity for Indian students to come together and interact outside of the classroom

        6. Leadership and organizational skills 

          1. The planners will gain these skills in planning a large event 

      2. Event

        1. Ganesh idol worship and decoration

        2. Activities for students

        3. Prayers and songs (rituals)

        4. Musical ensemble

        5. Procession of Ganesh idol 

      3. Lots of student participation 

    2. Questions

      1. How will you ensure that you are also advertising to non-Indian students?

        1. Showcase how Hindu YUVA is a cultural club

          1. This is interesting for everyone

        2. Lots of banners and posters

        3. There will be a competition and activities that will interest students of all backgrounds 

        4. Planning for everyone, not a particular group 

    3. Discussion

      1. A lot of people could benefit from the event and learn more about the god Ganesh 

      2. Have many activities planned and will have information available for students 

      3. Have planned to make the event eco-friendly 

      4. It is an important event for many communities and is less of a religious observance and more of a festival 

        1. This will help bring non-Indian students as well


  1. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Hindu YUVA’s “Ganesh Festival.”

    1. 5 - 0 - 0

    2. Motion passes 

  1. Post-presentation notes


5:15 - 5:30 - Break!


  1. 5:30 PM - Muslim Student Association, “MSA Barbeque,” September 9th, 2:30 PM-no end time, Williams Village Field

    1. Notes

      1. Joint event with all the CO colleges to come to the event

        1. Sports day and halal food 

      2. 100+ people

      3. Have fun and learn about Islamic culture 

        1. Have a booth to learn about it

      4. Praying on the field 

        1. A call to prayer 

    2. Questions

      1. For the Islamic Circle of North America, can you explain what the format will be for them to speak with people? 

        1. Free speaker that is not guaranteed to come 

        2. Have a booth with info and people can walk up and ask any questions 

      2. CEB does not fund purely social events; are you able to tell us a little about what makes this event different from that?

        1. The prayer on the field and recite the Koran 

        2. Having the booth with info about the Islamic religion and culture

        3. The Halal food 

        4. By having people from all over CO come, they can show the diversity of the Islamic culture 

        5. Part of an overarching CO Joint MSA event 

          1. Bigger audience than weekly events

          2. Usually a talk is given by a leader in the community 

    3. Discussion

      1. Hope they avoid it being a purely social event

        1. Seems like they have a plan to avoid this, but there isn’t a way of knowing for sure

      2. Not much of an education piece other than the Islamic Circle of North America and the booth 

        1. If this org is present or someone else isn’t present to table, how will it be an educational event where people can learn about Islamic culture besides the food 

        2. Could be a recommendation that we could give for other options to make it educational 

      3. The incorporation of the prayer makes the event more than just a social gathering 

        1. Maybe similar to Diwali event from ISA 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Muslim Student Association’s event “MSA Barbeque” 

    1. 5 - 1 - 0

    2. Motion passes

  1. Post-presentation notes


  1. 5:45 PM - CU Gaming,  “Press Start,” September 10th, 5:00-10:00 PM, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom

    1. Notes

      1. Bring out the various niche gaming cultures for students to find, especially if they are new to CU

      2. Headline speaker will be speaking about her experiences as a woman in the e-sports world in a male-dominated area 

    2. Questions

      1. What is JuggleGod teaching in the workshop?

        1. One of the casters (sports casting)

        2. Teaching up and coming casters how to cast e-sports video games 

        3. Help students start their casting careers

      2. We’ve brought in RichRad every semester for a few years now; would you mind explaining a little more about the selection of the casters/speakers you all bring in?

        1. Try to pick and choose people who encompass the entire e-gaming industry 

        2. Can teach us what he does with casting and commentating 

        3. Can help students network 

          1. Give students their LinkedIn and schedule a meeting with students and connect them with people and give them advice specific to their sector of the gaming industry 

      3. Can you please tell us a little more about Alan?

        1. Student did not have additional context for speaker so no further info was provided at hearing. 

      4. For the workshop, when/where is that occurring?

        1. If similar to last year, it might be in another UMC room

          1. But there should be enough room in the main room (depends on the # of people attending)

    3. Discussion

      1. Event seems to be the same year after year

        1. Same speakers

        2. Emphasis on women, but where are the women besides the headline speaker?

      2. Adding women as a marginalized community feels like a way to make it qualify for our funding. 

      3. After having done it so many years, it should have evolved. 

      4. Networking is great but it is only targeted at the members of the organization. Does that benefit anyone else?

      5. Helps people find a community on campus

        1. All of them joined CU Gaming through this event, so is it kind of a recruitment event?

      6. Would the new CSI Gaming Coordinate be able to help with this event?

        1. Might not be hired in time to help with the event. 

        2. Still having problems with only one person being in charge of the event and supposedly no one else to help. 

      7. Are they bringing in anything new?

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Gaming’s  “Press Start” event. 

    1. 4 - 0 - 2

    2. Motion passes 

  1. Post-presentation notes


  1. 6:15 PM - MGC,  “MGC Yardshow,” October 24th, 8:00-12:00 PM, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom

    1. Notes

      1. Moved from Wednesday to Tuesday 

        1. October 25th to 24th 

        2. Need to finalize details for the new date

      2. It is an opportunity for all CU students to come together 

      3. Purpose

        1. Cultural awareness

        2. Inclusivity

        3. Education 

      4. Stepping and strolling

      5. D9 organization connections 

        1. Want to dedicate time this year to honor the D9 and talk about how the paved the way for the multicultural greek organizations 

      6. We cannot currently fund MGC…

        1. Either suspend bylaws or have a specific RSGO take ownership

        2. I think going with the specific group is a better option because I’m not sure if we can suspend the section of the Bylaws in question.

        3. MGC is open to discussing changing the leadership of the event so that CEB can fund it. 

          1. Will start discussing this as soon as possible and get back to us. 

    2. Questions

      1. What is the purpose of the awards and is there a reason that they are priced so high?

        1. To show each organization appreciation for them taking the time to attend the event and show the community their culture 

          1. It is a very intensive event 

        2. Acknowledging their hard work

        3. Not necessary, but a nice thing they want to do

      2. It’s a Tuesday, you all said last time that you canceled because you felt that not enough people would show up and that you didn’t have enough time. How do you plan to avoid that this time?

        1. Have been clear with notifying the organizations about when the event is so they can start planning now 

        2. Trying to have everything ready starting now so they can support each individual org

      3. Sounds like you’re partnering with Homecoming, how will you ensure that there is clear communication and that things run smoothly?

        1. The advisor, Melissa, has handled more of the communication and it has been more clear

        2. Having someone from the HC committee on their committee to avoid miscommunications and conflicts 

      4. The final date of your event is Tuesday, October 24?

        1. Yes. 

        2. Change was made after Presence request was submitted. 

        3. Have you talked with PC and the venue to make the changes?

          1. Still pending. Reached out but waiting to hear back. 

        4. They don’t anticipate the change to be difficult. 

    3. Discussion

      1. None of the decorations are culturally relevant nor a necessity to the success of their event

      2. The Spring event was much better than Fall, but will it continue to improve or be the quality of the Fall again?

        1. Many issues still with presentation for the Spring event 

        2. But was it a successful event, or just a step up from the Fall?

          1. It went well and looked good. But it wasn’t what they planned and most of MGC did not compete. 

          2. It still did not reach people outside of MGC which is a recurring issue. 

      3. Date has already moved so they don’t have anything finalized 

      4. If this event is supposed to be passed from college to college, why is CU hosting again?

      5. Have they reached out to other college’s chapters yet? Or just CU?

        1. An issue last year as well. 

      6. Presentation was not well prepared and did not give much new information. 

      7. Event is still not appealing if you aren’t in Greek Life 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for MGC’s “MGC Yardshow”

    1. 2 - 1 - 3

    2. Motion fails 

  1. Post-presentation notes



  1. Second Hearings

    1. BLSA,  “The Things We Carry: Artist Talk with Chloé Duplessis,” September 14th, 6:00-8:00 PM, Wittemyer Courtroom (Wolf Law)

      1. Notes

        1. Speaker - $5,000.00

      2. Discussion

      3. Budgetary Questions/Comments

        1. Has been notified that they are able to request funding for things like water/venue to ensure event success (any additional request will be sent prior to the meeting)

        2. Orgs did not send any additional quotes prior to meeting

      4. Motion to approve $5,000.00 for BLSA’s event “The Things We Carry: Artist Talk with Chloé Duplessis.” 

        1. 5 - 0 - 0

        2. Motion passes 

    2. CU Ceramics Club,  “Visiting Artist Series,” September 18th-20th, 12:00 PM on 18th-10:00 PM on 20th, VAC 171/175

      1. Notes

        1. Speaker - $4,000.00

      2. Discussion

      3. Budgetary Questions/Comments

        1.  Has been notified that they are able to request funding for things like water/venue to ensure event success (any additional request will be sent prior to the meeting)

        2. Orgs did not send any additional quotes prior to meeting

      4. Motion to approve $4,000.00  for CU Ceramics Club’s “Visiting Artist Series.” 

        1. 6 - 0 - 0

        2. Motion passes 

    3. WoAA,  “WoAA Conference 2023: First Take Off,” October 7th, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, Aerospace Department on East Campus

      1. Notes

        1. Decorations/Event Supplies

          1. Name tags - $7.00 - $7.00

        2. Miscellaneous

          1. Stress relief balls - $80.00 - $0.00

            1. Not event-specific

          2. Stickers - $56.00 - $56.00

            1. Event-specific

          3. Pens - $105.00 - $105.00

            1. Fund, but include a comment about getting from CSI

          4. Notebooks - $88.99 - $0.00

            1. Not event-specific

          5. Tote bags - $929.00 - $929.00

            1. event-specific

        3. Food - $1,221.10 - $1,215.74

          1. Bagels - $171.56

          2. Water - $5.36 - $0.00

            1. Choose a more sustainable water option

          3. Jimmy John’s (Lunch) - $1,044.18 - $1,044.18

      2. Total - $2,487.09 - $2,312.74

        1. $

      3. Discussion

      4. Budgetary Questions/Comments


      5. Motion in email

    4. SLB,  “Noche de Baile,” October 3rd, 5:30 PM-10:00 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room A

      1. Notes

        1. Advertising - $500.00 - $500.00

        2. Event Supplies - $387.49 - $367.50

          1. Plastic Utensils ($19.99) were not compostable

        3. Entertainment - $2,650.00 - $0.00 (No quotes for either performer)

          1. El Pollo y su Pandilla - $2,500.00

          2. Bachata Instructor - $150.00

        4. Food - $2,578.60 - $2,578.60

          1. Snacks - $78.60

          2. Catering - $2,500.00

        5. Venue - $500.00 - $500.00

      2. Total - $7,204.92 w/tax - $4,554.92

        1. $

      3. Discussion

      4. Budgetary Questions/Comments

        1. Allie did the math here; waiting on them to update their own request 

      5. Motion

    5. Hindu YUVA,  “Ganesh Festival,” September 29th, 3:00 PM-no end time, Farrand Field

      1. Notes

        1. Venue -  $418.00 - $418.00

        2. Event Supplies - $653.16 - $653.16

        3. Traditional Decorative/Cultural Supplies - $274.95 - $274.95

        4. Catering - $2,024.16 - $1,935.16

          1. Bottled Water - $89.80 - $0

            1. Choose a more sustainable water option

          2. Plates - $163.78

          3. Food - $1,766.61

        5. Drum rental - $1,030.00 - $1,030.00

        6. Marketing - $164.00 - $164.00

      2. Total - $4,564.27 - $4,475.27

      3. Discussion

      4. Budgetary Questions/Comments

        1. I’m mainly curious about the items in the King Soopers cart (ex. A single apple, a single banana, etc.)

        2. They can ask for additional marketing funds

        3. Should ask to use water carts from the caterer. Or make a reservation for EP&C.

        4. Have an end time to their event. Is the end time of their event 8pm? If so, they will need to extend their reservation to allow for clean up

        5. Would they like to get more funds for advertising?

      5. Motion to approve $4,475.27 for Hindu YUVA’s “Ganesh Festival” 

        1. 6 - 0 - 0

        2. Motion passes 

    6. MSA, “MSA Barbeque,” September 9th, 2:30 PM-no end time, Williams Village Field

      1. Notes

        1. Equipment Rental - $360

        2. Venue - $400.00

        3. Catering - $1,065.00

        4. Advertising - $30.00

      2. Total - $1,830.00 - $1,830.00

      3. Discussion

        1. Requesting an additional $200 to add for set up/clean up to reservation request 

        2. Requesting an additional $100 to add for gratuity/delivery to catering line item

      4. Budgetary Questions/Comments

        1. Would they like to get more funds for advertising?

      5. Motion to approve $2,130.00 for MSA’s event “MSA Barbeque”

        1. 5 - 1 - 0

        2. Motion passes 

    7. CU Gaming,  “Press Start,” September 10th, 5:00-10:00 PM, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom

      1. Notes

        1. Venue - $2,000.00 - $0

          1. Old/outdated quote

        2. Performers - $7,500 - $6,273.00

          1. Danielle Rourke - $1,000.00 + $353.00 (hotel)

          2. JuggleGod - $1,500.00

          3. Alan Donofrio - $1,720.00

          4. RichRad - $1,500.00 + $200 (flight)

          5. Org requested $7,500, but the math for the above performers only adds up to $6,273.00

        3. Advertising - $500 - $500.00

        4. Computer Rental $11,792.00 - $11,792.00

      2. Total - $18,565.00

      3. Discussion

      4. Budgetary Questions/Comments


      5. Motion to approve $18,565.00 for CU Gaming’s “Press Start”

        1. 6 - 0 - 0 

        2. Motion passes 

    8. MGC,  “MGC Yardshow,” October 25th, 8:00-12:00 PM, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom

      1. Notes

        1. Venue - $353.28

        2. Catering - $2,046.00

        3. Program Council - $3,028.00

        4. Decorations/Costumes/Awards - $2,671.51

          1. Decorations - $1,249.81

          2. Costumes - $629.70

          3. Awards - $792

        5. Advertising - $531.00 - $500.00

          1. Limit 

        6. Photo Booth - $1,029.00 - $0.00

      2. Total - $9,658.79

        1. $

      3. Discussion

      4. Budgetary Questions/Comments


      5. Motion

  2. Old Business

    1. None! Woo hoo!

  3. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. Timesheets are due and are now late! SUBMIT NOW! :) 

      2. Please hold off on sending approving emails to your orgs before checking in with Allie! Basically just make sure that the template is good to go for that org’s needs/events 

      3. Also pre-spending meetings are going to be superrrr important so if you can prioritize having more people there and getting it done at a later date rather than sooner with less people since CSI Finance will be going through the new platform.

    2. Leg Council Liaison

      1. No updates

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. Any update regarding summer semester stipend?- to Aneesh

        1. Not yet. Will update you soon.

        Thank you , no worries :) - Manasa

  1. Finance Board Liaison

    1. No updates!

  2. Marketing Coordinator

    1. No updates!

  3. Speakers Coordinator

    1. The murals are done! Reveal date is August 21st 5-6pm 

    2. For Vir, no updates

  4. Secretary/Historian

    1. Just got back! 

    2. Anyone interested in helping with cleaning/updating the office? 

    3. Since I missed a couple meetings, do we have an update on if meetings will still be at 7 PM?

    4. Remembering now that we want to be present at the PC/Org meetings

  5. Student Outreach Coordinator

    1. Alrighty hello y’all I have some important things to remember 

      1. is specifically written for this funding cycle due to us going in between Presence and CG, so I’m begging you to please just copy and paste the email!!

      2. Please cc me on all emails so we don’t have any issues with this down the line!

  6. Social Media Coordinator 

    1. Interact with our posts, tis all 

  7. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

    1. Planning to meet the 26th at 4:30pm with all of CCP to discuss how we want the mural reveal to look— so more details to come!

  8. Webmaster

    1. N/A

  9. Chair

    1. Resignation

    2. Expect bylaw updates soon

    3. Thank you all for your time and hard work!

  1. Adjourn

    1. 8:01 PM