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Meeting Minutes 04/24/23

  1. Call to Order   


Present: Marya, Iliana, Michelle, Taylor, Allie, Manasa, Teagan, Aneesh, Apoorva

Absent: Alexis

  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Elections!

      1. Chair

        1. Aneesh Waikar - Congrats!

      2. Marketing Coordinator

        1. Allie Lindsey - Congrats!

      3. Speakers Coordinator

        1. Iliana De La Rosa - Congrats!

        1. Michelle Valdez 

        2. Taylor McCormick - Congrats!

        1. Marya Miften - Congrats!

        2. Iliana De La Rosa

        3. Michelle Valdez

      4. Social Media Coordinator

        1. Taylor McCormick 

        2. Apoorva Kanekal - Congrats!

      5. Webmaster

        1. Apoorva Kanekal 

      6. Secretary 

        1. Marya Miften

        2. Teagan Boiarsky - Congrats!

    2. Post Event Review

      1. CEBxPC Collab Concert

        1. Advertising

          1. Advertising looked really good

          2. Chalking was done

            1. Didn’t always include “PC and CEB”

          3. Flyers on the Hill

          4. Posters in buildings

            1. Also on other locations like Pearl St.

          5. Also on one bus

          6. On the UMC Board by Starbucks

          7. Res Halls and Rec

          8. 131 people opened the email

          9. ~400 tickets sold

        2. Logistics

          1. Set up was good

          2. Photo Booth was good

          3. “That was like a real concert” - people exiting the event

          4. Artist choice

            1. N + RS was good because they were on our list

            2. C was not on our list, not sure how they came to that artist

          5. RAP Lab

            1. Very inconsistent with emails and comms

            2. Showed up very late

              1. Had to call them multiple times

            3. Did come prepared though

          6. Artist Issues

            1. Headliner

              1. Didn’t fully fill our Rider

              2. Manager was rude

              3. Photography

              4. Didn’t sign the posters

              5. Late to Sound Check and Perform

        3. Content

          1. People were getting real rowdy

          2. Crowd was also booing openers 

          3. “That was like a real concert” - people exiting the event

        4. Future Notes 

          1. UMC Security

          2. Future collabs need to be evaluated carefully

          3. Maybe we can have multiple cultures present in the concert, so that people who come get exposed to different cultures.- Feedback on the concert


  1. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle 

      1. MECHA “MECHA National Conference,” April 28th-30th

        1. Aneesh and Iliana

        2. Updates: Asked for translator and accommodations for legally blind attendee—> Aneesh emailed Shane

          1. :

            1. Yucca Supply Co

              1. $860.00 - 41 items

            2. Cempaxochilt Arts - 875

              1. $875.00 - 35 items

            3. Hecho x B

              1. $500.00 - 60 prints

            4. Ollin Cafetzin

              1. $2,875.00 - 2875

            5. Yamz World of Color

              1. $800.00 - 800

            6. Juicy Pumps Apparel

              1. $500.00 - 20 items

            7. Altsavant 

              1. $480.00 - $0

            8. Duality Beadwork

              1. $1,000.00 - 1000

            9. Total - $7,890.00 - $5,500

              1. 7 - 0 - 0

          2. - $1,800.00 - $1,800

            1. 7 - 0 - 0 

            1. 2 people at 100/hr for a total of 9 hours 

          3. Who is going?

            1. Michelle - sometime sunday :)

            2. Iliana (Friday 28th)

            3. Apoorva - Friday

            4. Taylor- sunday/saturday 

            5. Allie; sometime :)

            6. Manasa- one of the days for sometime

            7. Aneesh - sometime

    2. Post Event Review 

      1. SASA “SASA Show,” April 22nd, 6:00-10:00 PM, Lower Rec Courts

        1. Advertising

          1. Social media 

          2. No posters 

          3. No tabling

        2. Logistics

          1. Started a bit late (~5 minutes)

          2. Separation of food and performances

          3. Good performances

        3. Content

          1. Veg and Non-Veg Food

        4. Future Notes

          1.  Announce the Survey 

      2. Students Against Campus Sexual Assault “An Intersectional Lens on Human Trafficking,” April 18th, 6:00-8:00 PM, ECCR 200

        1. Advertising

          1. Tabled

          2. Reached out through professors in the Gender Studies Department

        2. Logistics

          1. Started on time

          2. Well organized

          3. Audience Q&A through QR code

          4. Very good at communication

        3. Content

          1. Very informative

          2. Very emotional

          3. Lots of community members and turnout

        4. Future Notes

          1. Reach out to other departments and poster in more locations

  2. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. Absent

    2. Leg Council

      1. N/A

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. No Updates

    4. Finance Board Liaison

      1. No Updates

    5. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Will have updates on merch soon hopefully

        1. It is possible that I will need you all to swing by the office sometime during finals week to grab jackets, but more updates to come!

    6. Speakers Coordinator

      1. No Updates!

    7. Secretary/Historian

      1. BSC met

    8. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. none

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Thank you to everyone who interacted with the social media posts! 

    10. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. None!

    11. Webmaster

      1. No updates!

    12. Chair

      1. Dinner voting  

      2. Everyone needs to set up a meeting with their successor to coordinate the transition. 

        1. Please include Alexis in these meetings because she wants to start working on transition docs. 

      3. Half signed posters are in the office!

  3. Adjourn

    1. 10:13