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Meeting Minutes 04/11/22

  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

Present: Inji, Allie, Apoorva, Taylor, August, Bailey, Anuja, Maya, Josh, Sydney, Ornella, Aneesh

Excused: Teagan, Jemil, Cole

Absent: Crisol


  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business 

    1. Thank you Allie (and all of you) for a wonderful retreat!

    2. Reminders

      1. Elections will be April 18th (you must be present if you wish to run for a position)

  2. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle

      1. International Festival “IFest 2022,” April 10th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Advertising

          1. Good turnout of people

          2. Seemed like there was about 50/50 ratio of community members and students

            1. 44.4% undergraduate

            2. 5.6% graduate

            3. 8.3% faculty

            4. 41.7% community

          3. Chalking and a lot of social media posts (countdown to IFest)

          4. Good marketing

        2. Logistics

          1. Good idea for passports

          2. Good use of space for GMB

            1. Didn’t feel too crowded but more organization with lines

            2. One piece of feedback was to try and get a bigger space so there aren’t lines

          3. Really good use of logistical and student in charge was on top of it 

          4. Started on time

          5. Surveys were prepared and completed - good distribution of them

        3. Content

          1. Different booths/tables for different reasons - were knowledgeable about each culture

            1. Pamphlets included about the same amount of information for each booth

          2. Great performers 

          3. A lot of freedom with each organization being able to present on what they felt was needed

        4. Future Notes

          1. Larger space perhaps lower rec for the same amount of people or more

          2. Doing the survey later on in the event rather than earlier

          3. May be difficult but staying consistent with the amount of stamps and the food given for stamps

          4. Larger prizes for students and maybe even the orgs.

      2. Graduate Musicology Society “Samba Workshop,” April 8th, 2022, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Kittredge Central

        1. Advertising

          1. Advertising seemed to be targeted towards the music school

          2. No tabling

          3. Didn’t see many flyers in other areas

          4. No social media posts

        2. Logistics

          1. Event was slightly hard to find for people who were not familiar with Kitt

          2. Event started 10 minutes late

          3. 10 people in total

        3. Content

          1. Lower attendance meant that people got more individual feedback/innstruction

          2. First half was mostly samba related

          3. Second half was focused on the music (mainly drums)

        4. Future Notes

          1. Advertise to a broader audience

            1. Lots of people would probably be interested

          2. Maybe more instruction on how to get to the room

          3. We can provide them an email list for professors in the dance and theatre departments

          4. Maybe put like a QR code that links to a Google maps

      3. VeRVE Collisionz “VeRVE Collisionz Competition,” April 23rd, 2022, 6:30 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Maya

        2. Updates:

          1. Please approve marketing/provide feedback ASAP!

          2. Want to see if they can move funds from CUPD to apply to PC and venue line items

            1. We’ve approved similar situations for other student orgs

            2. Chair approves reallocation (under $500.00) to Program Council

          3. Str8jacket is no longer coming

            1. Want to hire new judges from the local CO area

            2. Need bios so that we can vote

      4. Psychedelic Club “Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium,” April 15th @ 4:00 PM to April 16th @ 6:00 PM, 2022, Norlin Quad and Zoom

        1. Aneesh & Inji

        2. Updates: 

          1. Aneesh emailed and waiting to see about advertising situation

      5. South Asian Student Association “SASA Show 2022,” April 16th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, CU Recreation Center (Lower Court)

        1. Anuja & Jemil

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates

      6. Hillel “Israel Fest 2022,” April 7th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Farrand Field

        1. Advertising

          1. Advertising was delayed due to them not giving us enough time to approve it well ahead of time

          2. Didn’t see much on social media other than our repost

          3. Some chalking

          4. No tabling

          5. Some postering in the UMC

        2. Logistics

          1. Setup

            1. The overall setup was a little to spread out

              1. Things like food felt like they were tucked away

              2. They could have worked on the walkability/route that people could take

              3. It seemed like the setup was intended for a larger crowd

              4. The entrance was not super clear

                1. People may have come in from entrances that were not near the welcome booth

                2. Hillel did mention that they would have ushers to guide people to the welcome desk

                  1. Allie and Maya did not see any ushers as they were leaving

          2. During the Event

            1. There was not a lot of focus on the performer and hard to hear the speaker/performer or anyone speaking

            2. They didn’t get the amount of people that they had initially hoped for

              1. Made the event feel and look empty

            3. We will have to wait to get a headcount because they took names down in a notes app on their phones

              1. Card readers were not working and they didn’t have wifi.

          3. Teardown

            1. Ended around 7:05ish - on time

        3. Content

          1. Booths - some booths were not prepared to speak too much on what their orgs were actually there for or what makes them culturally relevant (most of them were just giving out freebies or hosting an activity) - hard to understand the connection between activities and cultural relevance

            1. AFI

              1. Sprayed art on t-shirts - whatever each individual wanted

                1. Basically turned into like a fun/jokey booth where people turned up for the free t-shirt with whatever they wanted on there

              2. Doesn’t feel like it was really worth the $8000.00 that we funded them for

            2. CUFI

              1. Very vocal about advocating for Israel

              2. Less focused on the culture and delved into the politics

              3. Mostly focused on Zion instead of Israel

            3. There was one booth that was just handing out candy as long as you rolled a die

              1. The candy was just normal candy

              2. They were also handing out “fun facts” regarding the twin cities.

            4. Bamba booth was interesting because the guy there was willing to talk to people about Israeli culture.

            5. Tie Dye

              1. You just got to go up to the table and get a free tie dye shirt

                1. No instruction

                2. No conversation regarding Israel or the relevance of tie dye to their culture

                3. People who didn’t know about how tie dye related to to Israeli culture probably left not knowing anything regarding the topic

            6. Booths seemed to be giving away “throwaway” items that had little to do with Israeli culture

              1. Stress balls

              2. Socks

              3. Plants

          2. Utensils at the event were not compostable

          3. The dj was playing just regular music 

            1. Essentially shuffling a playlist

        4. Future Notes

          1. Do not use plasticware for food, compostable items instead.

          2. More culturally relevant activities, meaningful traditions and practices that are associated with Israeli culture - each activity should have a learning piece/tie to culture and not just for “fun”

          3. What is the need for CEB funding? - Alexis will follow up with exact numbers of how much they spent from CEB

          4. Was there leftover food and, if so, what was done with it?

          5. Why were there quotes made up for budget items? - Quotes were TOTALLY different from what they initially asked for

            1. $600 for henna that became $190

            2. CUPD budget also dropped from around $2,000 to around $600

      7. Hillel Probation Hearing

        1. Interactions with CEB

          1. Very unprofessional for the majority of communications with Allie - not responding to all elements of emails, only responding to one part of an email when there are several elements to respond to, didn’t read emails in full, very demanding

          2. Unnecessary comments and questions from Hillel leadership

          3. Rounding of numbers when talking about finances, unclear communication regarding quotes and prices

          4. A lot of the emails were also unprofessional and incoherent

          5. Communications shifted from Jake to Assaf

        2. Interactions with CSI

          1. Alexis will see how much of their ~$24,000.00 they actually ended up spending

            1. They spent $619 and have $21,636 left to be paid

            2. Started spending very late

          2. Signed contracts before funding was approved - expected CEB to pay a contract that Hillel signed

          3. They were were unclear and untimely with their communication directed at CSI finance

            1. Emails were often confusing

            2. Emails were also demanding despite being sent late or with incomplete information

              1. Example of this is rounding

            3. Very few of their performers were paid on time because of their delays

              1. Alexis will check how many of them were paid on time

            4. They were probably making up quotes and prices

              1. $600 for henna that became $190

              2. CUPD budget also dropped from around $2,000 to around $600

        3. Alignment of event with CEB mission statement

          1. Things that were successful

            1. Passport idea was well developed

              1. Aimed at prioritizing learning over just a food grab

            2. Some of the music was culturally relevant

            3. Some of their booths had aspects that were relevant to Israeli culture - there was potential, but not well- executed

              1. Henna

              2. Bracelets

            4. The food was both good in terms of quality and in terms of culturally relevant

            5. Bamba guy

          2. Elements that were not successful

            1. Used plasticware for food instead of compostable items.

            2. Booths - some booths were not prepared to speak too much on what their orgs were actually there for or what makes them culturally relevant (most of them were just giving out freebies or hosting an activity) - hard to understand the connection between activities and cultural relevance

              1. AFI

                1. Sprayed art on t-shirts - whatever each individual wanted

                  1. Basically turned into like a fun/jokey booth where people turned up for the free t-shirt with whatever they wanted on there

                2. Doesn’t feel like it was really worth the $8000.00 that we funded them for

              2. CUFI

                1. Very vocal about advocating for Israel

                2. Less focused on the culture and delved into the politics

                3. Mostly focused on Zion instead of Israel

              3. Tie Dye

                1. You just got to go up to the table and get a free tie dye shirt

                  1. No instruction

                  2. No conversation regarding Israel or the relevance of tie dye to their culture

                  3. People who didn’t know about how tie dye related to to Israeli culture probably left not knowing anything regarding the topic

            3. They generally failed to teach people about things regarding Israeli culture

        4. Violations of CEB Bylaws

          1. Probation Clause in current writing - “The Board reserves the right to revoke present funding or deny further funding through the next fiscal year or academic semester for any organization for violation of these Bylaws and/or if the funded organization is not able to successfully produce the event.”

          2. Signed contracts by themselves

          3. Made up quotes – hard to prove but obvious

          4. Utensils - general CU guidelines (also environmental clause in CEB Bylaws)

          5. Did not disclose their sponsor organization (technically a violation of a bylaw clause)

            1. Jake stated that they were getting funded by multiple organizations (made specific mention of non CU donors)

              1. Ended up being just CU Hillel

      8. Motion to deny Hillel further funding through the next academic semester for violating the above Bylaws. 

        1. 10 - 0 - 1

        2. Motion passes

      9. Nepalese Student Association “Nepal Night: Expedition to the Himalayas,” April 15th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room

        1. Anuja & Teagan

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates

  3. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Members who will be returning next semester - Please let me know if you have any class schedule conflicts for meeting at 6pm or 7pm on Mondays next semester.

        1. I have class from 5:45-6:35 -Taylor 

    2. Leg Council

      1. Absent

    3. Finance Board Liaison

      1. Excused

    4. Marketing Coordinator

      1. I promise I’m working on merch and swag :)

    5. Speakers Coordinator

      1. No updates

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Excused

    7. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Excused

    8. Webmaster

      1. No updates

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. No updates! 

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. is also ready

        1. CEB → 2021-2022 → CEB Bylaw Review

    11. Chair

      1. Reach out to Crisol about attendance at meetings

  4. Adjourn

    1. 9:00 PM