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Meeting Minutes 09/13/21

  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

Present: Anuja, Bailey, Jemil, Teagan, Inji, Ornella, Maya (tardy excused)

Excused: Suvu, Tania



  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Acting Secretary: Teagan

      1. Secretaries, please remember to send out the meeting minutes 24 hours after every meeting with a quick summary of what we discussed included in the email.

    2. Kenny has unfortunately decided to leave the Board.

    3. Liaison Assignments

      1. South Asian Student Association

        1. Anuja and Ornella

      2. Nepalese Student Association

        1. Maya and Teagan 

      3. CU Catalan Club

        1. Jemil and Bailey 

    4. Second Funding Cycle

      1. 7:15 PM - South Asian Student Association “Step Up Dance Competition CU”, December 4th, 2021

        1. Notes

          1. Dance competition open to all

            1. Encourages diverse community participation and enriches culture

          2. Around 300 participants

            1. Huge success in 2019

          3. In lower REC Basketball Court

          4. Dinner from Bawarchi’s at the end of the event 

          5. Mission statement alignment

            1. Bringing people together and showing different cultures through different dances and singing groups. Showing off the culture and background of the different dance styles. 

        2. Questions

          1. Can you explain the relevance of food to this event? (Please note that CEB only occasionally funds food if it is deemed necessary for the success of the event.)

            1. Food is a big part of the event because it is a big part of the cultures represented. It is a big part of South Asian culture in general. 

          2. Have you considered Program Council in terms of staging and other needs?

            1. Tried in the past, but they had problems. Just doing it the way they have in previous years. 

          3. What are you doing to mitigate technical difficulties or delays?

            1. Book time ahead of program to make sure it is on time

            2. Have more volunteers and staffing

            3. Soundcheck beforehand

              1. Maybe consider a dress rehearsal?

          4. What are you doing to make sure that countries other than India have a voice and are being represented?

            1. Set a requirement that groups have songs that cover a wide representation.

            2. Posters about the different countries that SASA represents. 

          5. What strategies do you have to reach out to new student groups and new students?

            1. They are quite active on Instagram and plan on having posters. 

        3. Discussion

          1. No problems with food. It is culturally relevant. 

          2. It aligns with the mission statement. 

          3. We want to make sure they have a dress rehearsal because they have run late in the past. 

        4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for South Asian Student Association’s event “Step Up Dance Competition CU”. 

    1. 6 - 1 - 0

    2. Motion passes

  1. Post-presentation notes

    1. Stress how they should send quotes for their budgets before next Monday

    2. Please check the COVID-19 restrictions of the Rec Center.

    3. How will you minimize waste and practice sustainability since you may have food at this event?

    4. Make sure they have a dress rehearsal.

  1. 7:30 PM - Nepalese Student Association “Cultural Talent Show ”, November 13th, 2021 5:30 - 9:00 PM

    1. Notes

      1. Trying to showcase Nepalese culture at CU Boulder as well as other student talents on campus. 

      2. Trying to get multicultural events to perform.

        1. Basically an open mic night. 

      3. Limiting to about 15 performances.

        1. About 2 hours (5:30-9:00 p.m.)

      4. Nepalese trivia

        1. Candy bag prizes 

      5. Glenn Miller ballroom is booked. 

        1. 150-200 people expected 

      6. Most performances will be Nepalese and performing dancing and singing. 

        1. About 40% will be outside. 

        2. Trying to expand to comedy possibly. 

      7. 36 members this year versus 22 during the last event. 

    2. Questions

      1. Can you explain the relevance of food to this event? (Please note that CEB only occasionally funds food if it is deemed necessary for the success of the event.)

        1. They have had food in the past and it was a big focal point and “attention grabber.” 

        2. Extra guests that came because of the food that ended up staying for the event. 

          1. Food is a big incentive for attendance. 

        3. The food will be culturally relevant. 

      2. Which clubs are you planning on involving in this event?

      3. Will the event just be for CU Boulder students?

        1. Will be open to the broader CU community.

          1. Lots of off-campus students

          2. Lots of alumni participation

      4. Please check the COVID-19 restrictions of Glenn Miller Ballroom.

        1. Normal capacity with masks at the moment. 

        2. Working closely with their liaison to communicate any changes. 

      5. What will you do to market to current CU students?

        1. Event happened back in 2018. Putting their own spin on it, but they have done this kind of event before as well as advertise for it. 

        2. Promote through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. 

        3. Reaching out to AU. 

        4. Already have a collection of groups that will perform because they have done the event before in 2018. 

          1. Lots of networking within different departments. 

      6. How will you minimize waste and practice sustainability since you may have food at this event?

        1. Have the food be open to anyone at any time instead of just at a specific time. 

        2. Advertise to make sure people come and eat the food. 

        3. AVʪ what types of food are better for not wasting and also keeping the replenishment options to a minimum. 

          1. Light food, snacks, are better for people to consume more and it doesn’t go to waste as easily.

          2. Free food chat in GroupMe

          3. Use compostable plates and napkins

      7. Do you have experience coordinating between many different groups and with dress rehearsals?

        1. Have had rehearsals a week before to run through as well as one day of the event to make sure that everyone knows what they are doing and when they are going. 

        2. Tell groups to make sure to prepare themselves beforehand. 

    3. Discussion

      1. No concerns about this event. 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Nepalese Student Association’s event “Cultural Talent Show”. 

    1. 6 - 1 - 0 

  1. Post-presentation notes

    1. Emphasize a dress rehearsal

    2. Stress how they should send quotes for their budgets before next Monday

  1. 7:45 PM - CU Catalan Club “Making Traditional Catalan Panellets”, November 5th, 2021

    1. Notes

      1. Tots Sants--All Hallow’s Day 

      2. Catalan celebration dedicated to the memory of the ancestors. 

      3. Traditions:

        1. Visit the cemeteries, family gatherings, eat roasted chestnuts and sweet potatoes, bake and share panellets. 

      4. La Castanyada: the chestnut party 

        1. Most festive part of the celebration. 

      5. Focus on the Panellets

        1. Marzipan pastries.

        2. You learn to make them in school and at home. Or you can buy them professionally. 

      6. Budget contains everything needed from the recipe. 

      7. Main part of the event is everyone making and shaping the Panelletes. 

      8. Before the event, everything will be ready since there are no rooms to reserve with a kitchen. 

      9. During the event they will mix the ingredients and have fun. People can take them home and bake them themselves. 

      10. This event has been held in the past and been successful. 

    2. Questions

      1. Since this event centers around food, how will you minimize waste and practice sustainability?

        1. There are reusable kitchen items as well as table clothes to minimize disposables. 

        2. Only waste would be to have plastic bags for people to take the Panelletes home.  

      2. Is the Rec Center classroom outdoors?

        1. It is inside and has a sink for washing hands. 

    3. Discussion

      1. Food is the center of the event so it is necessary. 

      2. Mission statement does align. 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

      1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Catalan Club’s event “Making Traditional Catalan Panellets”. 

        1. 6 - 1 - 0 

    5. Post-presentation notes

      1. Make sure to explain how to send quotes. 

  1. Old Business

    1. Elijah McClain Event

      1. Date

        1. Discuss with Program Council

      2. Venue

        1. Discuss with Program Council

      3. Teagan + Anuja, go speak to PC in their office at some point this week/next week.

    2. Speaker Updates

      1. No updates on RC

        1. Still trying to figure out the Glenn Miller Ballroom situation. 


  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Sorry I’m not able to be with you all tonight. 

      2. Payroll Update

        1. I have re-initiated the process for payroll with HR, so folx should be hearing from HR in the next day or two to fill out new information. Here is who I have as still having issues with payroll: 

          1. Teagan 

          2. Maya (for new position) 

          3. Bailey

        2. If I am missing someone, please add your name above and I will get it updated. There were some changes to board members since I originally submitted paperwork over the summer, so just want to triple check I have the correct information. 

    2. Leg Council

      1. Excused

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Excused

    4. GPSG Liaison

      1. N/A

    5. Marketing Coordinator

      1. N/A

    6. Speakers Coordinator

      1. See above

    7. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Applications are due this Friday, so far we have received one. 

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. N/A

    9. Webmaster

      1. Group photos!  

    10. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Excused

    11. Secretary/Historian

      1. N/A

    12. Chair

      1. 1-on-1s 

        1. Teagan: 

          1. Tuesday 11:00am-5:00pm

          2. Wednesday: After 1:30 p.m.

          3. Thursday: 4:00-5:00 p.m. 

          4. Friday: 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. 

        2. Bailey:

        3. Maya:

        4. Jemil: 

      2. Quarterly report

  2. Adjourn

    1. 8:36 PM