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Meeting Minutes 08/09/21

  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

    1. Present:   

    2. Excused: Anbareen

    3. Absent: 


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Welcome back, everyone!

    2. Acting Secretary: Tania

    3. Organization Liaisons 

      1. French Club: Kenny 

      2. CU Gaming: Jemil

    4. Quick Update: Fall Welcome Event

      1. General 

        1. AF contract has been confirmed

        2. Event will be September 1st in the CU Events Center - 3,000 to 5,000 people expected

        3. Transition from Tania to Maya as SC

        4. Books are coming soon!

      2. Interviewer

        1. Ornella

    5. First Funding Cycle

      1. 6:15 PM - French Club “Movie Series 2021”

        1. Budget Request

        2. Notes

          1. Film Series

            1. 5 total movies being screened

            2. Post-screening discussions in french and english

          2. Did not receive CSI Budget request

            1. Request was submitted but was not received

            2. BuffConnect/Presence = disaster

          3. Budget

            1. Snacks

              1. We don’t fund food...

        3. Questions

          1. Where is your budget request?

        4. Discussion

          1. Majority of budget was food

            1. There is precedent in funding food for smaller events

              1. MSA Showdown

                1. Snacks weren’t central but funding was provided

                2. Consider referring to scale for extent of funding

            2. Does any other CUSG entity fund food?

              1. School/College could potentially fund it

              2. Some funding boards are having delays getting started this year

                1. Also food has been less prioritized as an expenditure for student fees

          2. Discussing budget because if we choose to not fund the entire event, there is no need to approve through the mission statement

          3. No cost of movies mentioned

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for French Club’s event “Movie Series 2021”.

          2. 4 - 0 - 5

            1. Motion fails

        6. Post-Presentation Notes

          1. Liaisons: Kenny

          2. Have them contact their CSI liaisons to get information on their school funding 

      2. 6:30 PM CU Gaming “Press Start 2021”, September 10th

        1. Notes

          1. Press Start 2022

            1. Provides resources and experience for gamers of all levels at CU

            2. Gathers all avenues of gaming together in one place

            3. Culturally, the event wants to highlight the gaming community that CU has consisted of all different types of students.

        2. Questions

          1. Your requested budget has more than doubled from the Press Start event in 2019 ($21,830 versus $47,584). Can you explain why there is such a large increase?

            1. Encouraged to go big by Christina

            2. Experimenting with professional broadcasting and engagement (event video and photo etc.) but can’t do it on their own (lack of tools) so most of the increase is purchasing equipment

              1. Could rent from CSI but isn’t enough to cover the whole event

            3. Looking to make Press Start the headliner of the year

            4. Want to provide more career experience for their staff through the event

          2. Who is your speaker?

            1. League of Legends player Indiana Black (gamertag Froskurinn)


              1. Identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community

                1. Significant due to heavy discriminatory culture in League of Legends

          3. Who are the casters and notable talent you are planning on bringing?

            1. 2-3 people

              1. Chris “Boopasaurus” Lessard

              2. Devin “PiraTechnics” Younge

          4. Did you get your estimates for chairs, tables, pipe and drape, etc. from Program Council or the UMC?

          5. Many of the requested items for purchase seem like they could be rented, either from outside vendors or University partners (lighting sources, consoles, extension cords, recording equipment). Have you explored any of these options?

            1. Outside vendors have been explored but have shown to be more expensive than university partners

              1. Is willing to explore outside vendors more

                1. Provided PC as a possible vendor for lighting

                  1. PC’s selection is too limited and doesn’t have the capacity needed

          6. Waste minimization, management, and environmental friendliness is of particular importance to CEB. How would you ensure your event minimizes waste?

            1. In contact with proper channels

            2. Students will not be provided anything that will create waste (i.e. handouts)

          7. CEB almost always only funds catering found to be necessary to the event (e.g. Langar, a Sikh celebration where people eat together, would not be possible without food). This is just something to be aware of in case we do not fund your catering.

          8. Plans for storage post-event and later use?

            1. Will be stored under lock and key in the office and will be used in more events later in the year that require similar levels of productions

            2. Will be used a projected 15 times throughout the year

        3. Discussion

          1. CU Gaming caters to an underrepresented population on campus

          2. Props to them for bringing a speaker that tackles big issues in the gaming community

          3. Committed to top quality events, providing their staff with career experience

          4. Renting vs. Buying and year-to-year transition

            1. Question of using CEB-funded equipment for non-culturally relevant events later on

          5. Sustainability

            1. Campus departments can potentially provide equipment

            2. Providing funding for gaming consoles for them to just sit in an office

          6. Budget will most probably need a rework and reconsideration

        4. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Gaming’s event “Press Start 2021”.

            1. 8 - 1 - 0, mission statement alignment passes

        5. Post-Presentation Notes

          1. Liaisons: Jemil

          2. Look into rental options from outside vendors for lighting, etc.

          3. As confirmations/contracts/invoices come in from the speakers and casters, please send them to Jemil

          4. Recommend they look into different funding sources in the event that CEB does not fund every line item - we will provide these contacts to the best of our ability

            1. A&S

              1. cusg.leg.president@colorado.edu - Sophia Khan, A&S Senator

              2. ​​jezebelle.medina@colorado.edu - Jezze Medina, A&S Senator

            2. Altec? 

            3. International student organizations


  1. Old Business

    1. None


  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. CSI student positions are open

      2. Welcome Week is coming!

    2. Leg Council

      1. No meeting this week

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. New position, new updates

      2. Working on filling cabinet positions

        1. If you know anyone who wants to apply, send them to me

      3. Cabinet is starting to get things going

    4. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Finished the surveys for post-speaker events & student organizations

      2. Will be printing America Ferrera posters before Aug. 17 

    5. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. First Funding Cycle is done

        1. Had a lot of orgs submit late applications

      2. Timeline is set up for recruitment 

      3. Be Involved Fair is August 25th 2-6 Norlin Quad 

    6. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Transitioning into speakers role, getting up to date with Tania & Erin

    7. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. TBD

    8. Webmaster

      1. Please send updated photos/bios for the ‘Meet the Board’ section for me to add if you don’t like what’s currently uploaded 

      2. Looking to use a different site building platform 

      3. Would love some group photos to add once everyone is back in Boulder

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Absent

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. TBD

    11. Chair

      1. So good to see everyone!

      2. Bylaws have been approved

      3. The chaos of getting back to normal

  2. Adjourn

    1. 7:48 PM