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Meeting Minutes 4/5/2021

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Anuja, Tania, Kenny, Jemil, Teagan, Maya, Bailey, Anbareen, Inji, Bennett, Audrea


Excused: Chidera, Ornella


Absent: Cynthia, Jhossep

  1. Open Hearing     

  2. Approval of the Minutes

  3. Approval of the Agenda

  4. New Business

    1. Welcome, Inji! And happy April, everyone!

    2. Bylaws Committee Update

      1. Any comments/concerns for the first draft?


    3. Elijah McClain Tribute 

      1. Kenny, please send an email ASAP to Ms. McClain to make sure she is okay with an online release of the video.

        1. Ms. McClain has approved of distribution across all CU platforms.

      2. Need to send out thank you cards for the tribute participants.  

      3. 6:45 PM - request for $600 in additional funding. 

        1. Someone helped Carson edit the video in post

          1. Tania and Jemil informed beforehand, but additional funding was unclear 

        2. Overview from Carson

          1. Initial time quoted was optimistic ($50 for 12 hours of editing)

            1. 5 cameras and hours of footage on each

            2. Knew there would still probably be more work 

            3. Halfway through the editing process, he decided to outsource to Jake Cameron(?)

            4. Additional 11 hours for color correcting and color grading 

            5. 4+ hours into quality control 

          2. Need an invoice 

        3. Questions from the board

          1. Who is this money going to?

            1. Jake put in 25+ hours 

            2. Carson gave him the initial $600 allocated for post production

            3. New $600 would be for Carson 

        4. Discussion - no comments, move to vote

        5. Motion to provide an enhancement of $600 to the Elijah McClain Budget 

          1. Passes 5 - 1 - 0

      4. Release date?

        1. Need to sort out funding with Carson first 

        2. Is now a good time?

          1. Consider waiting

          2. If we push the date, we can use our original intended date which would likely have more of an impact 

            1. Would possibly be able to have an in person event 

            2. August 23 - anniversary of Elijah’s death

          3. CU community checked out this time of year 

          4. His case is currently in process, still very timely and impactful to release now 

          5. Some people involved in the tribute will be graduating this semester

          6. Online release now, and in person event in August? 

        3. Marketing timeline

          1. Tania - feasible in the next 2 weeks, would need about 3-4 days of prep

          2. Maya - feasible

        4. Should vote on a release date

          1. After meeting with Carson 

        5. Motion to release the Tribute online this semester, followed by an in-person showing next semester (Fall 2021). 

          1. 10 - 1 - 0

      5. Online release this semester 

        1. Before finals, April 19/20

        2. April 16 - weekend, people are more active during this time

          1. Further away from finals

        3. Action Items - look out from an email from me

          1. Advertising - consider in person postering (contains link/QR code to the Tribute… what else?)

            1. Physical posters for online release?

            2. Page about it on the website, video hyperlinked in the virtual “poster”

            3. Entirely online release is also fine if that makes more sense 

        4. Need a quote for CU Boulder Today by the 12th - Tania and Jemil

      6. Plan on watching the Tribute during next meeting 

    4. JJ Update

      1. Please register .

      2. Reminder that attendance is mandatory for this event, and I will be keeping track of who is present and who is absent.

      3. Can only attend the VIP event if you attend the regular event 

        1. VIP session is 10 minutes, link will be sent out during the event 

        2. VIP session needs structure - ideas

          1. Look at what DSB did

          2. Questions unanswered from the event 

        3. Considering inviting Christina Fang (former CEB member)?

          1. Big advocate for bringing JJ to campus

          2. Similar situation has happened in the past… is it fair to allow former CEB members to have these privileges? 

            1. What precedent does this set? 

        4. Motion to invite Christina Fang to attend Jameela Jamil’s VIP session.

          1. Motion passes 9 - 3 - 0

  5. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle

      1. VeRVE “Spring Showcase 2021,” April 17th/18th - Kenny and Bailey

        1. Update: began creating advertising

        2. Event is  coming up, be sure to check in

      2. TEDxCU “Bounce,” April 11th, 12:00 PM - Maya and Cynthia 

        1. Update: Sent out another instagram post...kind of looks the same-thoughts?

            1. Already posted on Instagram (6 days ago) - can’t advertise until we approve materials, sent this photo in today 

              1. They’ve done this several times in the past - should email them about this (specifically to  the Chair)

            2. Also have sent out advertising without proper logos 

              1. Need to add the CUSG logo 

              2. White post with no logos 

            3. Have started doing speaker announcements that include the X thing(?)

        2. Anuja will send an email to the head of TEDxCU

          1. Maya will also reach out 

  6. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. Sent out Doodle Poll to Exec Team (current and future)

      2. Upcoming Events (DSCC/CISC)

        1. April 7th 5pm: Anti-Racism in the Time of COVID 

        2. April 14th 5pm: Asian and Pacific Islander Stories of Triumph, Joy, and Success with CISC

        3. April 26th-April 30th 11am-2pm C4C N320: Self and Community Love Grab and Go

    2. Leg Council

      1. Voting is open for CUSG elections

        1. Includes leg members

        2. $3 increase in student fees to allow the Rec Center to stay open during the summer

    3. GPSG Liaison 

      1. Happy Graduate Student Appreciation Week! The GPSG is grateful to have you in our community. Please check out some of the as a small token of our appreciation.

      2. GPSG is now holding elections for the next academic year. Please take a few minutes to select students who you want to be your representatives over the next year. Find details on our website.

      3. Similarly, CU Student Government has opened voting on several campus-wide initiatives. Please read this from our graduate Senator to CUSG. Exercise your right and responsibility to vote by taking a few minutes to complete your ballot today!

    4. CUSG Liaison 

      1. No updates 

    5. Webmaster

      1. No updates 

    6. Social Media Coordinator

      1. Hi! Share our JJ event on your socials and send it to your friends please!

      2. Also, vote in CUSG elections!


        2. Student fee adjustment being voted on 

    7. Student Outreach Coordinator 

      1. Commission

      2. CUPD Stuff

        1. More outreach between different student organizations 

        2. Teagan attended as well 

      3. Mapping out Budget Season

        1. Meeting with Christina Chambers 

      4. Guess I will be around haha

    8. Speakers Coordinator

      1. No updates

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Will start drafting something about AAPI hate soon 

    10. Marketing Coordinator

      1. End of semester meeting...maybbbbeeee in person? 

        1. Thoughts on movies vs. putt putt golf vs. outdoor (catered?) picnic

    11. Secretary/Historian

      1. No updates 

    12. Chair

      1. Going to send the first draft of bylaws to Senator Carias tonight.

      2. *Note: send out thank you cards for the EM Tribute event. 

        1. After online release date 

      3. Vote!

  7. Adjourn - 7:52 PM