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Meeting Minutes 2/08/2021

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Kenny, Anuja, Bailey, Teagan, Christina C, Jhossep, Audrea, Chidera, Jemil, Maya, Tania, Ben, Cynthia, Ornella




Absent: Anbareen


  1. Open Hearing     


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Reminder to complete your CUSG training by Feb. 15th and your mandatory Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Training (for officers).   

      1. Minimum 70%

    2. Speakers Update

      1. Feb. 23rd (Tuesday by 4PM)

      2. 30 min performance, 20 min interview following the performance 

      3. Announce on Wednesday, Feb. 10th or Friday, Feb. 12th

      4. Q&A

        1. Maya Shrestha

        2. Chidera O.

        3. Kenny Blackwell

      5. RN Interview Candidates

        1. Kenny

        2. Chidera

      1. We allocated a total of $58,096.25 this fiscal year.

      2. This is down by $95,159.75 from last fiscal year. (Past total was $153,256.00.)

    3. Bylaws revisions- will send an email to the proper Legislative Council member to begin this process. All those who volunteered for the committee, please watch for an email this upcoming week.

    4. Elections are exactly one month from now.

    5. Ornella and Bailey, are you free this Thursday @7PM for Leg Council ratification?

  2. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle

      1. VeRVE “Spring Showcase 2021,” April 17th/18th - Kenny and Bailey

        1. Updates: We are meeting with VeRVE this week

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

  1. Hillel “An Evening with Idan Raichel,” March 3rd, 5:00-6:00 PM - Jhossep and Tania

    1. Updates: 

      1. Graphics person is abroad so fixing poster will take a second

      2. Waiting for recording to be watched

      3. Possible date change

  2. TEDxCU “Bounce,” March 15th, 12:00 PM - Maya and Cynthia 

    1. Updates: TEDxCU met with Jamey Lockley (Pre-Spending)

    2. Marketing & advertising

  1. Third Funding Cycle

    1. Vietnamese Student Association “Lunar New Year Show” February 20th, 7:30 PM - Chidera & Teagan

      1. Updates: Sent the CEB event survey link to them this morning. 


  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. Speaker Update

        1. ISS/SB (Wed. March 24th)

      2. Complete your CUSG Training now!

      3. Exec Team 1 on 1s are this week.

      4. The VRC is hiring!

      5. DSCC/CISC Events for Black Heritage/History Month (all at 5pm)-

        1. Feb. 11th: Black Healing: Yoga, Meditation, and Reflection with Manifesting M.E. Wellness

        2. Feb. 16th: Starting Your Own Business with Tasha Plaza and Prime Legacy Security

        3. Feb. 25th: An Evening with Maya May with Buffalo Nights

    2. Leg Council

      1. Budget season

    3. GPSG Liaison

    4. CUSG Liaison 

      1. CAAAS Center Support Form -  

      2. UndocuAlly Training x 

        1. Th, 02/11, 6-8PM

    5. Webmaster

      1. No updates.

    6. Social Media Coordinator

      1. Elijah McClain narrative

      2. Thoughts on BHM campaign

      3. Petition for CAAAS


      4. Food pantry volunteering

    7. Student Outreach Coordinator 

      1. Applications for new members due Feb. 12th!!

      2. We will be hosting interviews Feb. 22th!

      3. Let me know if any of you guys need anything! Love y’all!

    8. Speakers Coordinator

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Black History Event

        1. I’ve been brainstorming ideas… Hopefully for a small event next week

    10. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Working on the marketing materials for RN

      2. Incorporating the website more into our marketing

    11. Secretary/Historian

      1. Photos aren’t going to be great, just archive the stuff

    12. Chair

      1. - due Feb. 15th

      2. DSB’s event “An Evening with Esther Perel” is Feb. 18th. 

      3. Please get back into the habit of typing out your updates, officers.


  1. Adjourn - 7:07 PM