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Meeting Minutes 11/09/2020

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Hayden, Anuja, Teagan, Christina Chambers, Jhossep, Tania, Anbareen, Ornella, Cynthia, Bailey, Chidera, Maya, Ben, Jemil, Audrea Fryar


Excused: Thy, Kenny




  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. The Elijah McClain tribute budget for $5,000.00 was approved.

    2. New voting system - polls

    3. 7:20 PM - Hillel “An Evening with Idan Raichel,” March 3rd, 5:00-6:00 PM - Jhossep and Tania

      1. Notes

        1. Zoom concert

        2. Want people to learn of Israel that they have not seen before

        3. Birthright experience 

        4. No set time or date yet

        5. Want to shoot for a big audience 

        6. Free event

        7. Want to give Jewish and non-Jewish students the experience

      2. Questions

        1. How are you planning on advertising to non-Jewish students?

          1. Postering on campus if able

          2. CU Newspaper

          3. Boulder - flyer Pearl street and the Hill

          4. Social media

        2. Would you be interested in a collaboration with CEB due to the cost of the performer?

          1. Yes, great!

        3. Performer

          1. Vocal performance with instruments (guitar)

        4. Is the event open to the community?

          1. Open to the community, which is why they are advertising in synagogues and Jewish activity centers

        5. How do you ensure security at the event?

          1. No security yet

          2. Maybe will have a process where you enter and answer email and question

          3. Can also have a password on the zoom call

        6. Is Idan Raichel controversial? - C.C.

          1. No, he is not controversial as an artist, but served as the IDF and are considered “oppressors” 

          2. Not that he’s controversial, but because Israel in general

      3. Discussion

        1. Great opportunity to uplift voices of underrepresented group and for community to learn of Israeli culture

        2. Idan Raichel

          1. Was part of a band of refugees and is very popular in Israel

        3. Concern

          1. Israel is a hot button topic, we may be taking a stance and then have an issue with MSA 

        4. Ideas to Mitigate Concern

          1. Can work with the language

          2. We have had events in the past to speak against islamophobia; this is not us taking a stance and we have supported MSA on numerous occasions

          3. No political questions of any kind

      4. Questions for them

        1. Make sure there are no political questions in the interview questions.

      5. Mission Statement Alignment

        1. CEB finds Hillel’s “An Evening with Idan Raichel” to align with CEB’s mission statement as they are uplifting and teaching Israeli culture through song and performance. 

        2. Motion to approve the mission statement alignment for Hillel’s event “An Evening with Idan Raichel.”

          1. In favor 9 - Abstain 2 - Negation 1

          2. Motion passes

    4. 7:45 PM - TEDxCU “Bounce,” March 15th, 12:00 PM - Maya and Cynthia 

      1. Notes

        1. Purpose: Aims to bring together a diverse group of people that can spread ideas to CU Boulder and Boulder area

        2. Theme: Bounce → we bounce back from hard times, and bounce from transition to transition; this is to say we will bounce back in this hard time

          1. Do not have any speakers yet but will coordinate to theme

        3. How they apply to our mission statement

          1. We want to support underrepresented groups on campus, and TEDxCU has diversity as a main emphasis

        4. Event

          1. Record event in March

          2. Edit video from March to April + advertising

        5. Asynchronous Event

          1. Want to produce a video of better quality than Fall event to help adjust from Covid

          2. Macky supervisors 

          3. Speakers coming in one at a time

        6. Budget

          1. Speaker Coach - $8,000

            1. Avg. Speaker Coach is $12,000

          2. Marketing 

            1. $500 

              1. Want to ensure that they are reaching a large range of people

          3. Macky

            1. $4,975.25

            2. Black background good for video editing

          4. Video Editing

            1. Private video editing company - $10,000 (Discount)

              1. When using CU Boulder orgs and companies, it resulted in lower quality

              2. Want a higher quality product

              3. Cheaper from other avenues, typically $20,000

      2. Questions

        1. Your speakers coach (Jeff Motter) is quite expensive. 

          1. Was able to previously have a speaker coach, and sought out funding from another org. Was suggested that they need a speaker coach

          2. Jeff Motter - already works with CU

          3. Did this person ask for compensation?

            1. Is typically $14,000; he is a paid professional

          4. For what amount of time will this person be coaching your speakers?

            1. Will be editing 8 different manuscripts (three different times) 

            2. Meet with speakers individually; spends hours meeting each week

          5. Is there any possibility of negotiating down?

            1. Already 50% discount

          6. Is there any possibility of bringing someone with similar expertise who is a lower price?

            1. Tough finding people in the area who are available for such a long period of time

            2. Would usually be $4,000-$5,000 for three group meetings and would not result in high quality

        2. Could you send credentials of Jeff Motter?

          1. Yes, he previously wrote speeches for political candidates

        3. What is the selection process for speakers on stage?

          1. Application process until November 30th

          2. Typically 100 applicants, select 15 people they like

          3. Middle to late December for people to talk about their ideas

          4. Slowly become more focused on a diverse poll

            1. Last year, they had numerous speakers from different countries

        4. Where will you release the video?

          1. Youtube & the TEDxCU page

        5. Who are your target audience?

          1. Want majority of speakers coming from CU

            1. Last year, 3 professors and one student

          2. Usually poster for these events on campus and in Boulder

          3. Advertising through social media 

        6. Video and editing is $10,000. 

          1. Recording and editing the event

          2. What are the credentials of your videographer?

          3. Have you explored any other options that are a lower price?

            1. Have invoices from six different companies

              1. Less cameras and less editing for $15,000 - $20,000 dollars more

        7. Your total budget is almost $24,000. How do you plan on advertising to students and community members so attendance of the event warrants this big of a budget? 

          1. Going to ask other boards for marketing money

            1. Online ads and newspapers, Buff Bus ads

            2. Want to look for more innovative ideas to get a larger opportunity

            3.  Looking at roughly 3,000-4,000 audience members

            4. Would be open to suggestions 

              1. Contacting schools and other organizations

          2. There were problems with advertising for your last event, are you prepared to have correct advertising materials?

            1. Have a design director that will be helpful

            2. Please make sure to tag us and we will help advertise!

      3. Discussion

        1. Loved how they were prepared and had a powerpoint presentation

        2. Several times they come with large budgets and they do not meet standard for the amount of money they request

          1. They do pull large audiences

        3. Previous work experience with Jeff

          1. Problems with reliability, did not receive a lot of support

        4. Unsure about logistics about faculty member being paid and being CU employee

          1. Does appear that he does do a lot of work with the org

        5. One College Productions tech may be best, are they willing to try again? 

          1. Quality may be better due to month long editing process

      4. Questions for them

        1. Are you willing to try One College Productions again?

        2. Can we get a line item estimate for Macky?

        3. Can you provide credentials for Jeff Motter?

      5. Mission Statement Alignment

        1. CEB finds TEDxCU’s “Bounce” event aligns with the Cultural Event Board’s mission statement due to their focus on promoting diverse members of the community with diverse topics. 

        2. Motion to approve the mission statement alignment for TEDxCU’s “Bounce” event.

          1. In favor 10 - Abstain 2 - Negation 1

          2. Motion passes 

  2. Old Business

    1. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Vietnamese Student Association “Lunar New Year Show” February 20th, 7:30 PM - Chidera & Teagan

        1. Updates: Met with Jamey and VSA. Just waiting on advertisements materials. 

    2. Second Funding Cycle

      1. SHPE and UMAS y MECHA “ACTIVATE SLAM Poetry Workshops & Open Mic” November 7th-9th - Anuja and Thy

        1. Updates: second part of the event is tonight @7 PM!

        2. Thy

    3. Elijah McClain Tribute

      1. Updates


        2. Thanks to all the budgetary members who voted on time :)

        3. Drop your favorite clorox wipe scent in the chat

  3. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)  

      1. I will be stopping by the Elijah McClain recording on Saturday

        1. As a reminder, be sure to adhere to Covid regulations

      2. 1 on 1s Exec Meetings this week (sent invites today)

        1. Hayden (Wednesday)

        2. Chidera (Thursday)

        3. Maya (Thursday)

        4. Anuja (Thursday)

    2. Leg Council

      1. No updates

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. No updates

    4. CUSG Liaison 

      1. FreshPrints - clothes for organizations, reached out for Diversity and Inclusion collection with only 2 pieces and profited $30,000

      2. Proceeds are dispersed between Bipoc orgs

      3. Combating Ableism project 

      4. Multicultural advisory board - not many responses

        1. Want as many student orgs on that as possible

    5. Webmaster

      1. Headshots- put your titles on the pictures

    6. Social Media Coordinator

      1. STILL MISSING HEADSHOTS (you know who you are)

    7. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Poetry by Audre Lord in UMAS y MECHA and SHPE’s event, very great

      2. Training next week!

    8. Speakers Coordinator

      1. No updates.

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Excused

    10. Marketing Coordinator

    11. Secretary/Historian

      1. Watch for your weekly email :)

      2. One on One this week with Christina!

    12. Chair

      1. Vote! - Representatives at large 

      2. Gentle professionalism reminder

        1. Sorry - Tania


  1. Adjourn - 8:46 PM