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Meeting Minutes 10/19/2020

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Tania, Anuja, Anbareen, Cynthia, Ben, Teagan, Kennedy, Jhossep, Christina Chambers, Jemil


Excused: Bailey, Maya

Late: Chidera, Thy

Absent: Ornella


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Welcome, new members!

    2. 6:30 - Carson Becker, Elijah Mcclain Event

      1. 5 students from the School of Music, violin performance of “A Change Is Going to Come”

      2. 4-5 spoken word performers over the music

        1. Audrea Fryar

        2. Emmanuel Howard

        3. Isaiah Chavous

        4. Kenny Blackwell

      3. Montage of found footage from Elijah’s life

      4. Include center-frame shots of 10-20 students around campus

      5. Conclude with the music back in Macky

      6. Goal is to inspire empathy rather than a call to action

      7. Keep in mind that the wishes of the Mcclain family are to keep this centered around Elijah, rather than around the BLM movement

      8. Email Carson at carsonbeckerphoto@gmail.com if you have additional ideas/input for the event

    3. 7:00 - Senator Carias, Robert’s Rules Training

      1. Welcome, Jake!

      2. Parliamentary Rules

        1. Purpose: 

          1. Ensures order and structure in a meeting

          2. Difficult to hear people, ensures everyone has an opportunity to speak 

          3. Prevents confusion of meetings in who people speak

          4. Meant to help make speedy meetings

        2. Principles:

          1. Discuss one subject at a time

          2. Allow free and full discussion of every idea presented

          3. Treat all members with justice and courtesy

          4. Carry out the majority rule and respect the minority dissents

          5. Ensure we all come together and cooperate

        3. Motions:

          1. Motion - a formal way to bring an idea, business item to your group

          2. Part of a way to conduct orderly business in creating an agenda in a parliamentary procedure

            1. You can add an event at any time through a motion

          3. 4 types

            1. Privileged Motions

              1. You do not have to ask to speak, you can interrupt the Chair 

              2. Chair can choose to ignore privileged motions

              3. To adjourn the meeting

                1. Always allowed

              4. Questions of privilege

                1. Move to take a short break needs a second

              5. Question of personal privilege

                1. Ex. Cannot what is happening in the meeting; asking Chair to address issues 

            2. Resolutions

              1. Ex. Issue of cultural relevance

            3. Incidental motions

              1. Tied directly to what is happening in the assembly currently 

              2. Ex. Amend the agenda (common)

              3. Ex. Amend the rules (uncommon)

              4. Ex. Approve the minutes and moving to adjourn the meeting

            4. Subsidiary motions 

              1. Amendments 

            5. Main motions (lowest ranking)

              1. Business items, what you do 

              2. Introduces new item of business (agenda items), can be ruled out of order 

              3. Chairs decision can be overturned

              4. Can be amended and you can debate them 

                1. Can refer an amendment to another board (we are peers of each other)


  1. Discussions:

    1. Must receive recognition by the Chair to speak

      1. Place an order of people into which to speak

    2. Chair must approve you to speak

    3. Members start with “I move . . .”

    4. Motion must be seconded by a member to be recognized

    5. Discussion is held on the motion when approved

    6. The presiding officer repeats the motion and says “The question on the motion is to . . .” 

      1. After there are no more questions

      2. “All say I if approve, say Nay, if opposed” - By count

      3. Can change mind until count is officially released by Chair

    7. Stay on topic when discussing one issue 

      1. Cannot make another motion while in one motion

    8. Withdrawing a Motion

      1. Have responsibility of resending motion if it is incorrect

      2. Allows someone to make another motion

      3. To resend motion while in a discussion or question periods, motion must be continued unless a withdrawal of a motion is approved by the Chair

  1. Vietnamese Student Association “Lunar New Year Show” February 20th, 7:30 PM - Chidera & Teagan

    1. Emailed around 6 in the evening on Saturday

    2. They submitted a budget request, but notified us that they will not be able to attend tonight’s meeting for a mission statement hearing.

    3. Just approved one member attending at 7:30pm tonight at 6:05pm 

    4. Notes:

      1. Lunar New Year Show virtually

      2. Modern dances

      3. Facebook event advertising

      4. Showing different cultural diversities in the event and club

        1. Desires to bridge gaps between generations

      5. Still seek to showcase performers

      6. No videographers for photographers

    5. Questions:

  1. Do you have any quotes you could forward us? We will need these before we can allocate any funds to the event.

    1. Can I send emails? - Yes (to CEB email)

  1. How will you compensate for the event being shifted to a virtual format?

    1. Showcase all cultural items and performers as usual, except shifted to a virtual format

  2. Who will be editing your videos?

    1. One of the community members who is also a film major

    2. Edited video last year, gave him the opportunity to grow

    3. We will need credentials from this person saying he has worked in a professional capacity before

  3. Would you consider half zoom and half facebook to double stream?

    1. CEB - This would ensure to prioritize students while still monitoring and keeping engagement

    2. May look into zoom more, and then may switch from Facebook to zoom

  4. Why are you choosing to highlight your event with Facebook?

    1. Want to monitor event in seeing who is present

    2. Want all people to be able to come

  5. How will you secure the event for majority students?

    1. Reach out to students through classes, work. 

  6. Who will your headliners be ($1000 and $4000, respectively)?

    1. AJ Rafael - $4,000

    2. Thuy - $1,000

  7. We have previously funded you for props and costumes ($1500 in Fall 2019). Is there any possibility of reusing those items?

    1. Yes, items will be reused. But there are some costumes that are not reusable and want to ensure everyone has access 

  8. How will you record these performances while adhering to CU Boulder’s and Boulder County’s social distancing guidelines?

    1. Each individual will record themselves and editors will collage the videos together

  9. Do you intend to record the videos on campus?

    1. No, we plan to pre record it and live stream

    2. Each individual will be responsible for recording themselves

  1. Discussion

    1. Great event and appreciate how they are going to keep everyone safe

    2. Advertising 

      1. They are probably not asking for a full $500 because they are already very active on their social media, especially instagram 

  2. Mission Statement Alignment

    1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Vietnamese Student Association’s event “Lunar New Year Show.”

      1. 11- 1 - 0

      2. Motion passes

      3. Vietnamese Student Association’s event “Lunar New Year Show” is approved as serving CEB’s mission statement in supporting underrepresented voices by showcasing Vietnamese culture through dance, clothing and music. 

  3. Questions for them:

    1. How will you advertise to students outside VSA?

      1. Social Media

        1. Instagram, Facebook

  1. Old Business

    1. Second Funding Cycle

      1. SHPE and UMAS y MECHA “ACTIVATE SLAM Poetry Workshops & Open Mic” November 7th-9th - Anuja and Thy

        1. Update: had a funding meeting last Friday

    2. Register for our events next week

      1. TOMORROW: discussing Pero Like and the AfroLatinx identity, led by Ken

    3. Elijah McClain Event

      1. Update:

        1. What is this?

          1. Tribute to Elijah McClain (a teen killed by police August 2019 in Aurora)

          2. Per request of his family, tribute that communicates love, humanity, and caring 

            1. Going to be a 10 - 15 minute video tributing to his life and celebrating him

          3. November 7th, Saturday - Macky

          4. Speakers

            1. Emmanual Howard

            2. Reaching out to music school

            3. Sam Cook 

              1. We need sheet music)

        2. Goal: to have everything (speakers, musicians, and videographers) solidified as well as equipment

          1. Interview with CU Independent

            1. Reached out to Jemil for an interview (woo freakin’ hoo)


          1. Oh we also locked in speakers WOOOO (I’m very excited)

        4. CUI interview is in the works

        5. Updated expenses:  

        6. *Ask Carson about email exchange tonight

        7. Be cognisant and conscious of COVID regulations and executive orders

        8. Please have video approved by Elijah McClain’s family before release

      2. Carson Meeting

        1. Direction: Honoring Elijah’s life through illuminate his story in a unique way

          1. Focused on Elijah and his life

          2. Beginning: Filming musicians from the school of music 

            1. Lights coming up in a wide shot in Macky (warm tones: oranges and reds)

              1. Beautiful due to wood tones

            2. 5 seats for Violinists 

            3. They are going to walk in and sit down into empty seats

            4. “A Change is Going to Come”

              1. Lasts for 30 seconds

          3. Spoken Word (4-5 people)

            1. People begin to talk over the music

          4. Montage of footage from Elijah’s life

          5. Introducing center stage thoughts of students on campus

            1. Center framed of constant lookup of 10-20 students

            2. Concluding with music

          6. Wide shots of Macky - lights will fall

            1. The video ends the same way it begins

            2. A call to empathy in the Colorado community

          7. Goal: to have people feel they learned of Elijah McClain and they know who he is

          8. Mrs. McClain adamant about non Black Lives Matter event

            1. Clarify with speakers

        2. Budgetary Capacity



Dollar Amount

Carson post-production


  • $50/hour (estimated 12 hours)

Macky costs, estimated


  • Base rate: $520; $41/hour 



  • $250 for Carson & Steven

Camera Rental


  • Film with Canon USR

  • $86 + $21 insurance

Two Camera Operators


  • $50/hour

  • Rate begins at $250

Post-production audio


  • $50/hour - ensure vocals are polished

Day of production (Carson)


  • Hourly rate and usage of equipment

Total Budget:


  1. Budget: $3,530

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s) 

      1. Welcome new members!

      2. Wednesday Event Updates

        1. It is an expectation that all members are to attend unless you have class. Register now.

        2. We need a last minute push for the event

        3. Please join Ken and I at the DSCC event tomorrow at 5pm. Zoom link above.

        4. Tania and Ken were sent the Run of Day

        5. Jemil will be monitoring the CEB email and Social Media for the event since Tania is moderating (beginning Wednesday)

        6. The closed captioner is confirmed


  1. Next Funding Cycle (March Events): Requests due November 4th by 5pm.

  2. Exec 1 on 1s this week: Jhossep (Wednesday)

  3. Food Pantry: Info here

  4. Interview will be up in the CU Boulder paper

  5. Media can cover event by 

  1. Leg Council

    1. Ratifications of new members

    2. Nothing pertaining to CEB

  2. UGGS Liaison

    1. No updates :)

  3. CUSG Liaison 

    1. Still working on it

  4. Webmaster

    1. Up to date on the minutes 

    2. Wednesday event is on website

    3. Formal pictures

  5. Social Media Coordinator

    1. PLEASE repost the events! CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH

    2. The Bold is aware of the event and is potentially covering it!

    3. Also, headshots! Due November 2nd

  6. Student Outreach Coordinator

    1. New Member Orientation was on Saturday!

    2. Welcome

    3. Promoting new funding cycle

      1. Social media campaign

    4. More direct outreach to groups on larger funding request email

  7. Speakers Coordinator

    1. Proud of Ken and Tania

    2. Last speaker for the semester

    3. May hold another speaker’s discussion next month to look at who we want next semester

  8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

    1. Please come to discussion tomorrow at 5pm

    2. Really fun and interesting

    3. Cool things!

  9. Marketing Coordinator

    1. Welcome new members!!! YahOOO!

    2. If you haven’t already- apply for your absentee ballot/don’t forget to VOTE!!

  10. Secretary/Historian

    1. Welcome, welcome, welcome, new members! We are so happy to have you

  11. Chair

    1. Thank you all for being so engaged today!

    2. Please take for meeting times.

    3. We will be doing budgetary member elections next week. Two positions are available.

    4. Cynthia and Ornella, will you be available to attend the Legislative Council meeting this week?

    5. New members, congratulations on your first CEB meeting! If you have any questions, please feel free to email/text me.


  1. Adjourn - 8:13 PM