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Meeting Minutes 9/14/2020

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Anuja, Ben, Jemil, Christina Chambers, Tania, Thy, Jhossep, Christina Fang, Chidera


Excused: Maya, Kenny




  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Welcome to our second funding meeting!

    2. Reminder to register for the BLM event - you must register in order to get into the event.

    3. Send out your department emails.

      1. Christina F.

      2. Jemil

      3. Chidera - got Communications, missed CU Admin and CU Advising

      4. Jhossep - got Res Life, missed Women and Gender Studies

      5. Assignments located . 

      6. Email lists located .

      7. Check my email to you (sent 9/8) for the template and instructions.

    4. Kenny and Chidera have class during our regular meetings.

    5. Hayden and Jemil will now be moderating the event. 

    6. PC/OT/AG Moderated Q&A - BSA Questions

      1. What is the relationship between policing and BIPOC student mental health? How might divesting from police provide mental health resources for nonwhite community members?

      2. So often we talk about BLM in terms of police brutality and policing, which is valid and incredibly relevant, but how does BLM play a role in the education system in predominantly white institutions (such as CU Boulder), which have their own histories of racism and exclusivity? 

      3. There are so many student leaders pushing for change on a systemic level at this university, for issues regarding diversity, retention, policing, wellness, and so much more. What should CU do, on an institutional level, to actually show that Black Lives Matter, rather than simply saying they support the movement in statements? 

      4. Why is self-care so important as Black women, activists, and organizers? What do you personally do to care for the physical, spiritual, and mental aspects of your being? 

    7. 8:00 PM - SHPE and UMAS y MECHA “ACTIVATE SLAM Poetry Workshops & Open Mic,” November 7th-9th (10 min presentation, 10 min discussion)

      1. Notes

        1. A virtual two part workshop for poetry, specifically is inviting Afro-Latinx poet teaching “I am Here” statements as tools of activism in reclaiming their bodies and histories

        2. Allows people to engage in poetry in a way that expresses people their true selves by including their culture

        3. Event

          1. Spread out over two days

          2. Each event three hours long

            1. Accomodates 40 people

      2. Questions

        1. Do you have any invoices you could forward us? We will need these before we can allocate any funds to the event.

        2. Is this event open to CU students outside of SHPE and UMAS y MECHA?

          1. Open to all students. In the event if the sign for 40 people was overloaded, it would prioritize members 

        3. Who will be responsible for editing the video of the workshop?

        4. Is a Zoom license for 1000 people necessary, or would one for 500 work (since your projected attendance is 500)?

          1. Would you get all of the features on the 1000 person license on the 500 person license as well?

          2. Strives to advertise the event a lot, and wants to shoot for above 500; is okay with securing a license for zoom space of 500

        5. In terms of logistics, how long will Gabriel Ramirez be speaking and how long will the open mic be?

          1. 3 hour workshop for each day (one day event for each participant)- 11/7 and 11/8

        6. Advertising costs?

          1. Facebook ads 

          2. Printing actual flyers for campus to garner attention

      3. Discussion 

        1. Recommendations

          1. CU Zoom offers 300 capacity, see how much it is to upgrade a room to 500

          2. Build in time for a “dress rehearsal” for soundcheck for zoom to ensure minimizing technological errors

        2. Comment

          1. Impressed with their perseverance

      4. Mission Statement Alignment

        1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for SHPE and UMAS y MECHA’s event “ACTIVATE SLAM Poetry Workshops and Open Mic”

          1. 8 - 1 - 0

  2. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. TedxCU “Pale Blue Dot” September 13th, 3pm @ CMCI’s Walnut Street Studio (Armory) - Jemil

        1. Thank you to Tania (and, of course, Jemil) for attending!

        2. Advertising

          1. Pretty good, outdoor advertising, plus lots of outdoor advertising (primarily Instagram)

          2. Did send marketing materials early without approval and without appropriate logos

        3. Content

          1. Great content, the speakers are very powerful

          2. Topics

            1. Informal settlements in Mexico

            2. Millennial Stress

              1. inequality

            3. BIPOC race

        4. Logistics

          1. A lot of technical issues in general in addition to sound issues

          2. Had to start 30 minutes late

          3. One speaker had to start their speech approximately 4 times

          4. Stayed socially distanced

            1. Outdoor waiting area, then walk on to stage (without mask), then mask on after performances

            2. Three cameramen

            3. Few working social media

            4. 12 people total

          5. Number in attendance streaming - Needed

          6. Unsure if google doc for sign up was sent for sign up

        5. Future Recommendations

          1. Seek approval from CEB for marketing materials

          2. Follow through with google doc invites for the CEB survey

          3. Equipment check and technology run hour before event

          4. Mitigate how speakers have to deal with technical difficulties

            1. Not ideal for performing during a live stream

            2. Create a plan for technical difficulties

      2. Elijah McClain Event

        1. Updates:

          1. Carson Becker is taking point! 

            1. He’s building a team of students to help bring the project to life

            2. Aiming to use Macky

            3. Carson has a great idea of how it’s all gonna get put together and we’re super excited to have him!

          2. This will not be a CUSG project, he is taking on this project as a personal project! 

          3. Portfolios needed

  3. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. BLM (It's Wednesday!): If you haven’t .

        1. I did a run through of the Zoom with SR

      2. PL in process--hoping to get the offer out by the end of this week.

      3. Let me know if you want/need to meet 1 on 1

      4. Events:

        1. DSCC Dialogues/CEB: BLM and Judaism Convo. (9/15-5pm) Link

        2. DSCC Dialogues: Voting Informational (9/23-5pm) Link

        3. Other CSI Events Link

    2. Leg Council

      1. No updates

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Still in transition

    4. Webmaster

      1. Training onWednesday!

    5. Social Media Coordinator

      1. Recruitment is going strong! 

        1. 6 people have DMed us for apps

        2. 3 have emailed us (because they can’t read)

      2. A heavy last-minute push is going up tomorrow for the event!

        1. Share on all platforms!

      3. If anyone wants to come watch the event with me, I’m gonna find a room in CASE and turn that ish into the Situation Room

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Application is rolling!

      2. Reached out to UGGs, chief of staff at CUSG

      3. Emailed many student orgs

        1. Individually emailed Umas y Mecha, BSA, and ASA independently

      4. Excited for Wednesday :)

      5. Lots of applications! Yay

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. No updates, organizing Audience questions for Wednesday!

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Absent

    9. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Absent

    10. Secretary/Historian




    11. Chair

      1. Super excited about our event this Wednesday!

      2. Good luck to everyone on midterms. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need a friend during this stressful time.


  1. Adjourn - 8:28 PM