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Meeting Minutes 7/20/2020

  1. Call to Order                     


  1. Roll Call

Present: Anuja, Bennet, Chidera, Christina C., Christina F.,  Hayden Jemil, Jhossep, Kenny, Thy,  Tania

Proxies: Bennett

Excused: Maya

Late: Christina F.

Absent: Victoria, Isaiah


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Some reminders

      1. Video on + use a computer, if possible

      2. Use ‘raise hand’ feature to speak and Hayden will call on you

    2. New budgetary members and associates- motion to approve

      1. Christina F.

      2. Hayden

      3. Jhossep

      4. Tania

      5. Kenny

      6. Thy

      7. Motion to approve budgetary members passes 9-1-0

    3. Final budget has decreased from $559,903 to $541,795

      1. “Yay!” not too much of a loss - Kenny

  2. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. TedxCU “Pale Blue Dot” September 13th, 3pm @ CMCI’s Walnut Street Studio (Armory)- Jemil (20 min)

        1. Questions:

          1. What is the necessity for five cameras? Is it possible to reduce this number?

          2. Is the event being live-streamed?

        2. Answers:

          1. “The reason for having 5 cameras is for the need of having a dynamic shot, as well as both recording and live streaming. If we were to lower the camera count more than we already have, originally we were looking at having 8, then the production quality will substantially decrease. The decrease will cause stale content that seems unprofessional and will in turn lower the view count. Having multiple angles running at different settings will provide the opportunity to record the best quality talk possible.”-Nick

          2. “This is because we need to focus on the live streamed event, and to answer your second question, yes we will be livestreaming the event.”- Nick

        3. Budgetary Questions

          1. Advertising

            1. Social Media - $500.00 - $500.00

              1. Good to focus on advertising, and it matches past approval for advertising budget

              2. Clicks cost a sum of cents per post, it is possible to compound to $500

          2. Audio/Visual

            1. One College Productions - $5,002.00 - $5,002.00

            2. Make note that the budget can change due to social distancing procedures and policies

              1. We can possibly suggest changes or organization that can fulfill these policies, for instance, staggering 

          3. Services

            1. Photographer - $300.00 - $0.00

            2. Cannot approve a photographer according to bylaws

          4. Total: $5,802.00 - $5,502.00

        4. Motion to approve CEB funding of $5,502.00 for TEDxCU’s “Pale Blue Dot” event, which shall follow proper social distancing protocol and take place in the form of a live stream from the venue.

          1. Motion passes  in 8- 1- 0

  3. Officer Reports (5 min unless otherwise specified)

    1. Advisor (10 min)

      1. Speaker Event Collab Options

        1. Welcome Week Committee

          1. No definitive person yet; looking for a bigger name to welcome students back and possibly address current social issues

          2. No financial commitment at this time.

          3. Good opportunity to get CEB out there; especially with first-year students

        2. DSB

          1. Interested in bringing the BLM founders as an event

          2. Possibly interested in assisting the Welcome Week Committee

          3. Collabing with them has been successful

          4. Will most likely be virtual

          5. Need to clarify what event will look like

        3. What we need to know today?

          1. Interest in exploring either?

            1. Motion of general interest in partnership with collaboration with Welcome Week committee 

              1. Motion passes, 10 - 1 - 0

            2. Motion of general interest in collaboration with DSB to bring BLM speakers

              1. Motion passes 10 - 1 - 0 


      1. Next Exec Meeting: Aug. 3rd

      2.  Exec 1 on 1s with me this week

        1. Jemil: Wednesday (7/22) 11:30am

        2. Maya: Thursday (7/23) 3pm


    1. Leg Council

      1. No new updates

    2. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Not present

    3. Webmaster

      1. Signed up for trainings in August, and another in September

    4. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Black/Jewish conversation

        1. Four sessions, an hour long

        2. Looking for name ideas!

          1. Oppression is not a competition?

        3. Consider change to conversation webinar due to connotations of connection to professors or teachers; but are hopefully inviting professors


      2. BIPOC campaign

      3. “Casting Call” for Elijah Tribute

        1. Will be posting soon, it is VITAL that everyone shares it

        2. Suggest a definite number of people wanted, and how long as well as desires for the events so we know people can meet requirements

    5. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Working on creating SFR training for everyone! Would we want it done before the semester starts? (invite Jamey Lockley)

      2. Elijah McClain event!! Real hyped!

      3. Working on supporting CUSG’s efforts to create a multi-cultural advisory board. 

        1. Want to outreach and fill gaps between underrepresented groups on campus

          1. Gives more of a direct line to administration to talk about issues in communities and issues on campus; opens lines between different orgs on campus


    1. Speakers Coordinator 

      1. Speakers Discussion (extended, 30-45 min)

    2. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Elijah McClain Tribute Event: Sub-Committee, Logistics, Time, How many people 

      2. Asking Elijah’s family for permission, giving them a copy of the tribute video, asking if they want to participate/speak 

      3. Asking OneCollege Productions about collaborating/budget estimate and costs quote

      4. If this is going to be considered a small CEB event, the finances will come out of our speakers’ budget- consider keeping it around $1,000 to $2,000

      5. Consider Old Main as the venue, or possibly a park 

    3. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Not present

    4. Secretary/Historian

      1. Blast from the Past, working 

      2. Elijah McClain 

      3. Ratified by Leg Council!!!

    5. Chair

      1. Bennett, please enter your contact information below.

  1. Adjourn - 7:59 pm