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Meeting Minutes 3/16/2020

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Mavjuda, Victoria, Christina F., Julisa, Jessica, Anuja, Josh, Jemil, Hayden, Monica, Jhossep, Maya, Tania, Kennedy, Sandra, Debbie, Thy





  1. Fun Activity :) 


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Motion to suspend bylaws for the remainder of the semester to allow for meetings via Zoom and allow voting remotely.

      1. Motion passes 16-0-1

      1. Go through section by section and discuss any suggestions (not reading out loud)

      2. If there are no suggestions for the section, then we move on.

    2. VSA would like to request $205.64. To use our Advertising funds to reimburse the decorations we purchased for the show.

      1. Approved


  1. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle 

      1. TEDxCU “TEDxCU 2020” April 2, 2020, 6pm @ Macky Auditorium - Mavjuda and Jemil

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      2. Sikh Student Association “Langar 2020” April 3, 2020, 11am @ Duane Field - Victoria

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      3. VeRVE Collisionz “13th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 3, 2020, 6:30pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jessica and Kennedy

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      4. Persian Student Organization “Nowruz” April 4, 2020, 7pm @ Williams Village Event Center  - Jhossep and Nickey

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      5. South Asian Student Association “SASA Show” April 4, 2020, 7pm @ Lower Rec - Anuja

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      6. Nepalese Student Association “Nepal Night” April 11, 2020, 9am @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Maya and Thy

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      7. CU Boulder “CU Boulder International Festival 2020” April 12, 2020, 3pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Julisa and Tania

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      8. Black Student Alliance “BSA Spring Formal” April 23, 2020, 5pm @ UMC Multipurpose Room 245 -  Sandra

        1. Update: Event cancelled

      9. Asian Unity “Passport to Asia” April 18, 2020, 4pm @ Lower Rec - Hayden & Christina F. 

        1. Update: Event cancelled


  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Stay safe and healthy

      2. Elections Process Update

        1. Per the current bylaws, anyone can run for any position, even new members

        2. Anyone who wants to run for a position must do the following for the zoom meeting on March 30th

          1. Create 2-3 slides per position you want to run for if you are considering it before-hand.

          2. Be prepared to give 2-3 min. (timed) speech per position you want to run for during the zoom meeting

          3. Be prepared for the board to ask questions for up to 5 min.


        1. To make voting fair, voting will be on an electronic platform and will be added immediately following the meeting.

    1. Leg Council

      1. Still having meetings on Thursdays

      2. Meeting will be over Zoom

      3. CEB will be added to Bylaw meeting

    2. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Not here

    3. Webmaster

      1. None

    4. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Contact me if you want to run for Social Media Coordinator

      2. E5 event photos?

    5. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. I am so proud of all of you guys and all of the hard work you have put in! The Exonerated Five event was a total success!

      2. Reach out to your orgs and let them know they can reapply. We are so sorry about the inconvenience and disappointment but, we hope they all stay safe and healthy

        1. Mention funding cycle deadlines for next period

        2. CC Christina Fang

        3. Hello (Insert Student Organization Name Here),

        4. We really appreciate all of the hard work you and your student organization have put into your event. We understand how disappointing getting an event you have been planning gets cancelled due to circumstances outside of your control. We are here for you, and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns during this time. Overall though, we value the health and safety of the student body, and we hope that you are all staying safe.

        5. We encourage you to reapply for this event in the future, and the Board next semester will keep your event in mind during future funding cycles. We will send you next year’s funding cycle dates as soon as we know them, so you can be prepared to apply as soon as you are ready.

        6. Thank you for all of your hard work. Stay safe!

        7. (Insert Liaisons Names)

      3. All of you guys stay safe and take care of yourself

      4. Please let me know if you are interested in being Student Outreach Coordinator. We can ft to talk about it

    6. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Hi anuja ily hehe

      2. Omg i love you so much. I miss you in quarantine ;( sameeeee *cries in quarantine* I’ll see you  on the other side babe you’re my forever fav<3 <3 <3  

      3. Thank you guys so much for all your hard work!!!! <3

      4. Jemil and Jhossep- I have gifts for you!

      5. Also talk to me about SC!!

      6. To add on to Maya’s “Hips Don’t Lie,” may I suggest “Love on Top” (Beyonce) and “Africa” (Toto)- also my favorite song of all time from the 80s- “Heaven Is A Place on Earth” by Belinda Carlisle

    7. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. The Boys Jemil and Jhossep crushed it during the E5 event!!!

      2. Hit ya girl up if you’re interested in ASC

      3. PSA the chorus to Hips Don’t Lie is 20 seconds- sing it when you’re washing your hands or any other chorus WASH THOROUGHLY AND BE SAFE <3 <3 

    8. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Contact me if you’re interesting in Marketing Coordinator position

    9. Secretary/Historian

      1. Office Hours are canceled for the rest of the semester. 

      2. Attendance is still important. 

      3. Let me know if you are interested in my position and stay safe!

    10. Chair

      1. Elections are happening the Monday we return from Spring Break

        1. Please reach out to people if you are interested in their position

      2. Graduating Spring 2020

        1. Monica

        2. Mavjuda

        3. Julisa

        4. Jessica

        5. Chidera????

        6. Josh

        7. Nickey

        8. Sandra

        9. Helen

        10. Niko


  1. Adjourn

    1. 7:59 p.m.