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Meeting Minutes 1/27/2020

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Mavjuda, Jemil, Jessica, Julisa, Jhossep, Thy, Christina C, Anuja, Tania B, Christina, Hayden, Sandra, Victoria, Monica, Maya, Helen, Debbie, Nickey, Kennedy, Josh, Olivia



Absent: Josh 

Birthdays: Sandra


  1. Fun Activity :) 


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Quick Updates (Christina C.)

      1. Directions for gas reimbursements for retreat (takes 7-15 business days to process)

        1. Email Shannon in CSI (Shannon.Bowden@colorado.edu) by February 3rd the following:

          1. Your full name

          2. If you want to pick it up or have it mailed (it will be a check)

          3. Note if you are not a US citizen

          4. Amount of purchase

      2. Students for Sensible Drugs 

        1. Claim they submitted their budget on time but were warned that CEB does not hear budgets that were not submitted on time. 

        2. Dear cultural events board 

        3. My name is Chad Tannous. I am the president of students for sensible drug policy at CU Boulder. I am writing to you in the deepest regret, as a budget proposal which to the best of my knowledge was submitted on Friday for some reason didn’t go through. I told my liaison l was 100% sure I submitted it on Friday, yet she was unable to find anything submitted in time to submit to you for hearing over the weekend. While I am unsure if this was a technological glitch or an internet glitch, I am writing to you to beg for your leniency as this evening you will be deciding on whether or not to hear my proposal late. We have run the cannabis and psychedelic symposium for 7 years now, and we are expecting a great turn out, so please consider that having an intellectual and respectful 4/20 event on the boulder campus could do allot to counter stigmatized narratives about cu boulder that have risen from events like the 4/20 smoke out. I am asking with all seriousness in my heart that you consider my request for funding, as we listened to all of your pointers from last year’s events and incorporated them into our proposal.

        4. Please try to understand I submitted the proposal on Friday, and whatever error happened that caused my Liaison Christina to not receive the submission, the cultural culture of the school shouldn’t suffer for it.

        5. All the best

        6. Chad

        7. Motion to approve Students for Sensible Drugs for discussion

          1. 15-0-3

        8. Motion to hear Students for Sensible Drug Policies budgetary hearing

          1. 4-13-1

    2. - Possible Event Cancellation

      1. They are concerned about spreading an international virus 

        1. They want CEB’s opinion on whether or not the event should be executed anyways with an event control waiver.

        2. If they can get a space, they should postpone.

          1. This might make them too late for this type of celebration.

    3. 5th Funding Cycle

      1. 8:45-TEDxCU “TEDxCU 2020” April 2, 2020, 6pm @ Macky Auditorium - Mavjuda and Jemil

        1. Notes:

          1. Free event that is organized by students on campus

          2. Have moved to Macky over the years due to the increase in attendance

          3. Encourages widespread topics on campus 

          4. Talk is 7-15 minutes

          5. Each speaker has a different length depending on topic

          6. Scott: How scientific mistakes help us.

          7. Escobar: CU professor

          8. Nora:

          9. Dominique Christina:

          10. Theme: Pale blue dot.

          11. Moving to Macky Auditorium

          12. Budget updates

            1. TedxCU Letters

            2. Photographer

            3. Argus Staffing (about 600)

        2. Questions:

          1. What is One College Production and what will it be used for?

          2. CEB does not fund for photographers.

          3. What are the Stage Design Materials for $500?

          4. CEB does not fund Volunteer Banded Attire.

          5. You are selling tickets for this event- how are you planning on refunding the $10? You must also refund the $2.24 if CEB funds your event (Mavjuda correct this if this is wrong?).

            1. Your website says “CU students (undergrad & grad) will pay a $10 deposit that you will be refunded to you after you attend the event. You will not be refunded the Eventbrite fee of $2.24.”

            2. Eventbrite introduced that fee this year. This fee will not be refunded but the deposit will. 

          6. How does this event align with our mission statement?

            1. We will be giving a voice to people who need to be represented. 

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. TEDxCU aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for students of different backgrounds to practice public speaking and sharing their passions on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for TEDxCU

              1. Motion passes 15-1-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you please send us a quote for Argus?

          2. Can you figure out a way to make sure students are not charged?

          3. How are the logistics of returning people's money?

      2. 6:15- Sikh Student Association “Langar 2020” April 3, 2020, 11am @ Duane Field - Victoria

        1. Notes:

          1. A communal meal to bring people of all faith and backgrounds together to demonstrate peace and unity.

          2. They need to forward all the documents to their liaisons.

          3. They have to make sure to clean up after themselves for this event to prevent the same mess that they left behind last time.

        2. Questions:

          1. Why are you requesting for Chadaars when we funded them in the fall?

            1. Different since they are on the grass. Have to be different because of the event location and they are different in nature.

          2. What happened to your head scarves from the fall event?

            1. Gave them all out because they wrote their names on it.

          3. Can you save the headscarves?

            1. Yes, they are focusing on saving the ones they can to prevent unnecessary purchases.

          4. How are you going to reduce waste at this event?

            1. They had catering problems last time, so they changed the caterer and are expecting a better outcome with less waste.

          5. Are you getting compostable items for this event?

            1. Extra supplies will include compostable items. 

          6. Do you need head scarves for this event?

            1. Head scarves from last year will be re-used.

          7. You were asked to supply documents by CSI by last Friday, do you have them?

            1. Yes, but we will be revising the budget to make requests clearer.

          8. What are the extra supplies?

            1. Operational materials. Plates, utensils, sharpies, etc

          9. Do you have a quote for reservations?

            1. Do not have it right now. 

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. The Sikh Student Association aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for Sikh people to practice the customs of langar on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for Sikh Student Association

              1. 15-0-3

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you please provide us with a quote for your location, food, and supplies/amazon decorations?

      3. 6:30- VeRVE Collisionz “13th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 3, 2020, 6:30pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom- Jessica and Kennedy

        1. Notes:

          1. Student Run Street Dance Crew; motivated to bring the community together through dance

          2. Free for students and public

          3. 2 free workshops the next day

          4. Guest: The Exiles, they embrace community outreach and value connecting with the hip hop mantra. - $7500

          5. This event will hold cultural significance by being the only event that holds different types of dance that embrace diversity.

          6. Community will be able to come together and express themselves.

          7. MC: Franklin Cruz, Block 1750 sponsorship

          8. Budget has been improved by re-allocating fees and reducing other requests.

          9. They will not only be performing but also judging and hosting the workshops.

          10. For water bottles, ask for the funding through operational.

          11. Send quote for dancers to liaisons.

        2. Questions:

          1. CEB does not fund for Water bottles and Event Staffing T Shirts

          2. How long will the Exiles be performing for?

            1. 6-10 minutes a piece.

          3. How many people will be flying in from the Exiles?

          4. Do you have a quote from the Exiles and FC?

          5. Are you concerned about your event being on a Friday instead of Saturday?

            1. No, we do not believe it will be an issue since the dancers will be available and the event will take place in the evening.

          6.  Can the Exiles perform for longer?

            1. Maybe, can ask. Audience might lose interest

          7. Can they break it up in two performances?

            1. No because they close the event and VeRVE opens it.

          8. Will you be using any money from their revenue fund?

            1. No because they will be paying for prices.

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. VeRVE Collisionz aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for students to practice the culture of hip hop through a competition based performance on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for VeRVE Collisionz

              1. Passes 16-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you please provide us with a quote for Franklin Cruz and the Exiles?

      4. 6:45- CU Abhinaya “Spring Showcase” April 4, 2020, 5pm @ CU Theater Auditorium (?) - Josh and Olivia

        1. Notes:

          1. Indian appetizers, wanted it a little formal. Will be the usual acapella but with a different twist.

        2. Questions:

          1. How important is food?

            1. It is not essential, but it is a good incentive to attend.

          2. How can ensure you have a good turn out?

            1. Significant social media marketing

            2. Our team is pretty well known.

            3. Flyers

            4. Speaking at local indian events to spread the news. 

            5. BuffConnect

          3. Did you request operational funding for costumes?

            1. We will pull from our operational funding account, but we are hoping to receive all the materials from India and the expenses will be less. 

            2. Dancecostumesandjewelry.com

            3. Email this quote to liaisons.

          4. Do you have a venue reserved?

            1. They will not be able to accommodate our needs, so we are planning to get in contact with the ATLAS building.

          5. How important is food to your event?

            1. Would prefer to have food but not necessarily important. 

          6. Do you have a quote for the costumes? 

            1. Yes, through a website. Will be sending a quote.

          7. CEB does not fund for photographers or parking.

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. CU Abinaya aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for students to practice the Indian culture of dance through a variety of performances on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for CU Abinaya

              1. Motion passes 16-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you provide us with a quote for the costumes?

          2. Can you provide us with a quote for the room reservation?

          3. Can you please provide us with a quote for the food and an itemized statement of what is being ordered?

          4. How will you ensure you are advertising to students to make sure the student turnout will be higher than the community turnout?

      5. 8:00- Persian Student Organization “Nowruz” April 4, 2020, 7pm @ Williams Village Event Center - Jhossep and Nickey

        1. Notes:

          1. Former SNL actress would bring more students to the event than in years past.

        2. Questions:

          1. Besides the speaker, how else would you market this event?

            1. Were only bringing one comedian, student performer, and food while we focus on making this event memorable for students. There is a 120 attendance cap.

          2. How many people are you expecting to attend?

            1. 400 - 120 will be capped for community members

          3. How important is food for your event?

            1. Performers.

          4. Why are you asking for $15,000 in performers if K-Von is only asking for $4,500?

            1. Nasim and Shahidi? - 

          5. Who is your DJ? Can you provide a quote?

            1. Yes

          6. Why is your lodging so expensive? At a rate of $134 a night, CEB would only fund for one night, equaling to $268.

          7. Do you have a quote for Nasim Pedrad?

            1. No

          8. How long is each performer performing for?

            1. 1 hour performance/ 30-45 minutes for Ari

          9. Are you using props and costume from last year?

            1. Yes

          10. If you get a performer that doesn't perform, what is the plan?

            1. We would do an interview and open a Q&A

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. The Persian Student Organization aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for Persians to spread the culture of Norouz through a variety of performances, dances, and songs on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for Persian Student Organization

              1. Motion passes 16-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. How will you ensure there is a stronger CU Boulder student turnout?

          2. Can you please send us an exact quote for all the performers? Performers who do not have a quote will be denied CEB funding.

          3. What are the activities and performances going to look like for each performer?

      6. 7:15- South Asian Student Association “SASA Show” April 4, 2020, 7pm @ Lower Rec - Anuja

        1. Notes: 

          1. This year will be a throwback theme on South Asian culture from the 90’s and early 2000’s.

          2. Since we have always done traditional stuff, we realized that there is a lot of disconnect in the modern society of south asian countries and we wanted to bring that to that community.

        2. Questions:

          1. How will you ensure that there will be no food waste?

            1. We do not believe that will be a problem.

          2. How do you think all southern asian countries will be represented?

            1. We can collaborate with other orgs, but we feel confident that we are well known enough that individuals from other countries will attend.

          3. Why is your audio and visual from an outside vendor?

            1. Had issues with Program Council last year.

          4. How important is food at your event?

            1. Entrees will only be calculated for 300 people, but since there will be more people we will give appetizers too.

          5. How long will your performer be performing for?

            1. Second generation indian - he will be performing for about an hour or so.

          6. If the quote if over $10,000, would you be ok with a collaboration with CEB?

            1. Yes but renegotiated to $9,000

          7. Do you have a back up?

            1. Yes, they are roughly the same amount. 

          8. Do you have a cheaper back up?

            1. We have backups but we are not sure about the quotes.

          9. How will you improve your event from your previous events?

          10. We cannot fund parking.

          11. Performer or food?

            1. Performer.

          12. How do you plan to start on time this year?

            1. We will be more strict and start on time regardless.

          13. Can decorations be used from last year?

            1. We re-use a lot of decorations, the new funding is specifically for a new type movie-look.

          14. Was last year's event successful?

            1. Yes.

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. The South Asian Student Association aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for South Asian students to practice the South Asian culture through a variety of performances on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for South Asian Student Association

              1. Motion passes 17-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you provide us with the quotes for different performers?

          2. How will you ensure you will have a back up plan should CEB reject this event?

          3. How will you ensure to advertise to students?

          4. Will you be using the Photobooth from CSI?

      7. 7:30- University of Colorado Trumpet Alliance (CUTA) “Female Pioneers in the Trumpet Field - GT” April 7-April 9, 2020, 3:30pm @ Imig Music Building - Monica and Debbie 

        1. Notes:

          1. Third part of the series will celebrate women in the music field.

          2. Ginger Turner: planning on having her work with students in master classes.

          3. Ginger Turner is a leader in the military world.

        2. Questions:

          1. Do you have a quote for the venue?

          2. Do you have a quote for the performer?

          3. How does this event align with our mission statement?

            1. The music industry is dominated by men and we are bringing recognition to the women.

          4. What would she be performing and for how long?

            1. She would be here for about 3-4 days, and she would be performing workshops and also music solos.

          5. Is it open to everyone on campus?

            1. Yes.

          6. How do you plan to ensure attendance during CWA?

            1. We can try to avoid any conflicts by trying to avoid other events during the same time.

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. The University of Colorado Trumpet Alliance aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for female musicians to practice the culture of music within the military to destigmatize women in the trumpet field through a workshop with a performer on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for University of Colorado Trumpet Alliance

              1. Motion passes 19-0-1

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you please provide us with a detailed schedule of the event?

          2. Please send us a confirmation for venue, agenda, and quote for performer?

      8. 7:45- Buffs for Bernie “BR on the ‘Basis of Power’” April 10, 2020, 5pm @ Benson Earth Sciences Room 180 - Sandra and Helen

        1. Notes:

          1. This will not be endorsing Bernie Sanders.

          2. We do not hope to recruit people for our org.

          3. Boots Riley was a successful event and we would like to bring him to campus. 

          4. Building a working class movement in the US coincides with Bernie Sanders values.

        2. Questions:

          1. Considering Boots came to campus last year, why should CEB help bring him this year?

            1. It is a different topic, and we believe there is a serious need for voices like this in the Boulder community.

          2. Where is your advertising budget coming from?

            1. We are going to submit and advertising budget shortly.

          3. Would you be willing to find another speaker if necessary?

            1. Yes, we would like to bring Chelsea Manning.

          4. How will you ensure attendance?

            1. We have not given thought on how we would advertise, but we will reach out to people who would be interested. 

          5. How does this event align with our mission statement?

            1. The speaker is a black man with an adverse mentality regarding personal politics. Having him speak at this event would bring a distinctive intersectionality on perspective.  

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. Buffs for Bernie aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for communist students and their perspective to hear an anti-capitalist point of view on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for Buffs for Bernie

              1. Motion passes 17-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you provide us with an all inclusive quote for the speaker by next Monday to see if they can lower the price?

          2. How do you plan on advertising to the CU Boulder student population?

      9. 7:00- Nepalese Student Association “Nepal Night” April 11, 2020, 9am @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom- Maya and Thy

        1. Notes:

          1. We strive to make our org a safe space for Nepali students and other students that want to be involved. 

          2. Nepal Night: an annual event that showcases the culture.

          3. Event will last 4-5 hours

          4. Dances will be categorized by class

          5. Audience will be involved in games 

          6. We would like to put a bigger emphasis on Nepali culture and how the community should be more inclusive and thoughtful. 

          7. Band will perform after the dances.

        2. Questions:

          1. Is there a possibility that your performer can give you an all inclusive price?

            1. Yes, we will ask. 

          2. What is the order of preference for your performers?

            1. The performer will be performing for about and hour or hour and a half.

          3. How important if food for the success of your event?

            1. It is important because we have intermissions and people will need to get food during those breaks.

          4. Do you have costumes and decorations from last year, and are you still using them?

            1. Yes, but every year is a different costume.

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. The Nepalese Student Association aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for students to practice the Nepalese culture through hosting a performance night on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for Nepalese Student Association

              1. Motion passes 15-0-3

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you please submit the quote for the performer, the food, and Program Council?

          2. How will you ensure that there are more students than community members at your event?

          3. How will you make sure to advertise to the CU Boulder student body?

      10. 8:15- CU Boulder International Festival Committee “CU Boulder International Festival 2020” April 12, 2020, 3pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Julisa and Tania

        1. Notes:

          1. Biggest student run event

          2. Keep IFest at CU to celebrate and educate other students at CU 

          3. IFest is a split between cultural booths and performances.

          4. Booth Requirements : 6 photos of country being represented, cultural fact sheet

          5. Recruitment is necessary for us.

          6. Pamphlets increase the participation of the attendees

          7. Objectives:

            1. Cultural booth requirements

            2. Improved participant interaction

            3. Improved feedback collection

            4. Increase number of student attendees.

        2. Questions:

          1. How important is food for the success of your event?

            1. It is crucial for culture, in the survey it was listed as important in making students interested.

          2. Why do you have two line items for advertising materials, both $2000, making it $4000 in total?

            1. The first one is advertisement (prizes), the second half is for materials and operational funds.

          3. How would you reduce waste?

            1. This is out of our control.

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. CU Boulder International Festival Committee aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for multiple cultures to highlight their cultures through a night of dances, education, food, and performances on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for CU Boulder International Festival Committee

              1. Motion passes 16-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. CEB does not fund any more than $500 for advertising. Please provide us with how you would revise your advertising budget accordingly. 

          2. How will you ensure people are exploring all booths rather than gathering around one booth?

      11. 8:30- Asian Unity “Passport to Asia: 303 Night Market” April 18, 2020, 4pm* @ Lower Rec - Christina and Hayden

        1. Notes:

          1. Theme is 626 night market in LA

          2. Will have a live singer and live DJ with other performances

          3. Open to general public

          4. Collaborating with other student organizations

          5. Will bring awareness to culture though entertainment and food.

          6. Food is really important to this event.

          7. 35 minutes - Asian Fusion Show

        2. Questions:

          1. How important is food for your event?

            1. Very important, we would rather have food than the performers.

          2. Which performer would you choose if you had to choose one?

            1. Asian Fusion

          3. You mentioned this event will showcase cultures outside of East Asian cultures- can you elaborate a little bit on what will be done to accomplish this?

            1. None of the performers listed were from cultures outside East Asia, although you are collabing with other cultural orgs at CU.

          4. How long is the performance?

            1. 4-9pm

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. Asian Unity aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for Asian students to practice their cultures through a variety of performances and dances on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for Asian Unity

              1. Motion passes 15-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. If you were to prioritize food over your performers, which would you choose?

      12. 9:00- Black Student Alliance “BSA Spring Formal” April 23, 2020, 6pm @ UMC Multipurpose Room 245 - NONE

        1. Notes:

          1. Annual formal: hanging out and celebrating each other as a whole

          2. Room 245, rest of budget is for decorations

          3. Everyone is welcome

        2. Questions:

          1. How important is food at your event?

            1. It is reception sort of formal, so food is important.

          2. How can you ensure that attendees are not just friends of BSA?

            1. Advertising will specify. 

          3. Who are the staff members and what will they be doing?

            1. UMC EPC staff members

          4. CEB cannot fund photography services

          5. Do you have the UMC room reserved?

            1. Yes, will forward quote.

          6. Can Ricky’s charge be lower?

            1. Yes

          7. What is a general outline of what the night will look like?

            1. Slideshow: photos of past event

            2. Dancing

            3. Games

            4. Scholarship

            5. End of the year talk

          8. How will you advertise for students to attend this event?

            1. Our social media has reached outside the CU Boulder community so that will help us. 

            2. Our president is big in the Denver community and he will have friends that will advertise. 

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. Black Student Alliance aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for African-American students to practice their culture through a variety of dance and food during their formal on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for Black Student Alliance

              1. Motion fails 5-9-3

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you provide us with a quote for the UMC?

          2. Can you provide us with a new quote for the DJ?

          3. How do you plan on advertising for other students who are not a part of BSA or friends of BSA members?

          4. What is the room capacity for room 245?

          5. Could you please give us a schedule of the event?

      13. 9:15- Multicultural Greek Council “MGC Formal” April 24, 2020, 7pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - NONE

        1. Notes:

          1. 9 recognized organizations

          2. Serve as a liaison between campus and orgs

          3. Theme for this year is the roaring twenties

          4. Recognize graduates and MGC community

          5. Invitations to extended community

          6. Prom-vibe

          7. MGC strives to be active in the community

          8. MGC has been trying to establish itself as a platform for other orgs.

          9. Opening to the community would result in a bigger turnout

          10. Catering is the most expensive and would be done through the UMC.

        2. Questions:

          1. CEB does not fund photographers

          2. Do you have a quote for the ballroom?

            1. Yes

          3. What kind of food will you have?

            1. Appetizers from La Cocina

          4. Do you have a quote for the DJ?

            1. I have to talk to him about it.

          5. How exactly will you advertise this event to those outside MGC?

            1. Social media

            2. Flyers

            3. Networking

          6. How do you feel this event aligns with CEB mission statement?

            1. MGC likes to do events that work around community building; this event will allow community bonding through socializing and coming together.

        3. Mission Statement Alliance:

          1. Multicultural Greek Council aligns with CEB’s mission statement by providing a space for Multicultural Greek organizations and students to practice their culture of Greek life through a variety of performances and dances on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alliance for Multicultural Greek Council

              1. Motion 4-11-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Can you please provide us with a quote for the venue, UMC security, and the band/DJ?

          2. How will this event differ from the Yard Show?


  1. Adjourn

    1. 10:19 p.m.