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Meeting Minutes 11/18/19

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present: Christina C., Victoria, Sandra, Chidera, Ryan, Anuja, Maya, Mavjuda, Christina F., Helen, Debbie, Josh, Jhossep, Jessica, Julisa 



Absent: Monica



  1. Fun Activity :) 


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Board Dinner (Monday, December 9th) 

      1. Oreganos

      2. Beau Jo’s

        1. Italian food 

        2. Colorado Pizza

      3. ’s

        1. American food (burgers, flat bread)

      4. California Pizza Kitchen

        1. Pizza, salad, and pasta 

      5. Hapa

        1. Sushi

      6. Pasta Jays

      7. Benihana


  1. Old Business

    1. Second Funding Cycle

      1. Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week Fall 2019” November 11-15 - Julisa and Sandra

        1. Turban Tying:

          1. Advertising: 

            1. Poster over the UMC

            2. Not much postering

            3. Were prevalent on social media

            4. Two lectures - people talked

            5. No tabling

          2. Content:

          3. Logistics: 

  1. A lot of turbans left over

  2. gNo survey

  3. Trash

  4. Event ended early

          1. Future: 

            1. Planning better to limit the wastage of food

            2. Make sure to send Surveys out to people

            3. Make sure to clean up after yourself


        1. Kirtan Night

          1. Content:

            1. More students than community members

            2. Had way too much food

              1. No sanitation, food warmers 

              2. Not all food was culturally relevant (cookies) 

                1. No compost bins, no compostable utensils

            3. More students (from the organization) and a lot of community members

          2. Logistics:

            1. Not all food was culturally relevant 

            2. A lot of food and drinks left over

            3. Event ended early

              1. Like 2 hours

            4. No survey

              1. Brought it up too late

              2. Couldn't find survey 

          3. Future:

            1. Make sure to send out surveys

            2. Make sure the food you bring is culturally relevant 

        2. Bhangra Night:

          1. Content:

            1. Performance with colorado Bhangra team was good

              1. Lesson afterwards (interacted with audience) 

          2. Logistics:

            1. Event ended early

            2. Same day as Middle East Night

              1. May have affected attendance 

            3. Survey 

              1. Posters at table where food was 

              2. No one was serving food (no one was enforcing survey taking) 

              3. Only 11 surveys total

            4. Great DJ - played the whole time

          3. Future:

            1. The DJ played all night for Bhangra night, but the audience seemed to clear out after CBT performed. The event should be shorter next year or they need a higher turn out.

            2. Too much left over food at Bhangra night. They had whole trays of food that were not even open by the end of the night.

            3. Make sure you coordinate so your event does not overlap with another event. Student attendance was limited due to Middle East Night.

            4. Your organization lacked organization. Please make sure future events are better organized and do not end two hours early with food being wasted.

            5. Make sure food regulations are placed next time food is served at your event. This is a hazard when food is left without proper sanitary conditions.

            6. What did you do with the extra food leftover?

        3. Who will be attending? Wednesday (UMC North Dining Room 7-10); Friday (Bhangra Night, Idea Forge 8-12)

          1. Victoria

          2. Julisa

      1. Jewish Student Association “Eva Schloss, Ann Frank's Stepsister, Tells her Story” November 13, 7pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Helen and Josh

        1. Advertising:

          1. A lot of posters

          2. All over social media 

          3. UMC tabling tents

          4. Added us as Cohost on FB event

        2. Content:

          1. Good - but weird that sports person was interviewer.

            1. Very professional and qualified interviewer

            2. Student alumni 

          2. Interesting content

          3. Great story teller 

            1. Jokes to lighten mood 

          4. Meaningful content in regard to a story of survival

        3. Logistics:

          1. Oran did a good job at communicating

          2. Filled up entire Glenn Miller

            1. A lot of students 

          3. Very organized 

          4. Plugged in survey at the beginning of speech 

          5. Asked for emails, were planning to send survey to them. 

          6. Thanked CEB multiple times

        4. Future:

          1. Follow-up with survey email

        5. Who will be attending?

          1. Josh

          2. Monica (might be late)

          3. Helen (late)

          4. Anuja

          5. Mavjuda

          6. Chidera (Tentative)

          7. Christina C (Tentative)

      2. Middle Eastern Student Association “Middle East Night” November 15, 7pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom -  Chidera and Victoria

        1. Advertising:

          1. They were part of the Fri-yay series by health and wellness

          2. Send a mass email to everyone on their mailing list

          3. A lot of postering 

          4. Not much tabling 

          5. Sent many direct messages on Instagram to CEB to advertise for them 

        2. Content:

          1. Most performances seemed relevant and all were really good

          2. Student-community ratio: 50:50

          3. While there was food, there were models with traditional clothing and flags 

            1. Would not consider it a fashion show 

            2. Called it a fashion show

            3. People could go ask them questions 

          4. Highlight of Middle East night: Bhangra team


        1. Logistics: 

          1. Event ran a long and started late. While they’re we entertaining, it hard to sit for 4 hours of performances

          2. No selling is allowed at events, MESA should know this.

            1. Selling jewelry 

          3. Was supposed to end at midnight

            1. At safe meeting they said it was going to end at 11

          4. Serving beverages that were not authorized by catering 

            1. Arabic coffee

          5. Survey 

            1. People got food without filling out survey 

            2. One announcement 

        2. Future:

          1. Require sound check 

          2. Follow up with selling things at event

          3. Ask for quote of  Coffee and UMC catering 

        3. Who will be attending?

          1. Victoria

          2. Chidera

          3. Monica

          4. Christina C (tentative)

            1. Email from UMC

          5. Christina F.

      1. Indian Student Association “Diwali Celebration” November 16, 5pm @ Lower Rec -  Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Advertising:

          1. A lot of posters

          2. Facebook ads

          3. DM’d and tagged us constantly

          4. No tabling 

        2. Content:

          1. Great performances that were culturally relevant 

            1. Relative to Indian culture 

          2. MC’s were entertaining 

        3. Logistics:

          1. Started one hour late 

            1. Setting up

            2. Practicing 

            3. Technical issues

          2. Dinner break started early and really slowed down the pace of the event

          3. People started to leave after the food which was after the 4th performances.

          4. Had a good variety of performances

          5. Didn’t announce the survey

            1. Only 3 were filled out- all community members

          6. Student-community Ratio: 25:75 

        4. Future:

          1. Make the start time of the event more clear. If the event is starting late, you need to let people know ahead of time so they are not wasting an hour of their time waiting.

          2. Make sure to table and advertise more to students.

          3. Better communication with survey 

          4. Better communication with performers/team so you start the event on time. The practice which took place before the event confused a lot of people.

        5. Who will be attending?

          1. Victoria 

          2. Jhossep

          3. Jessica

          4. Chidera

          5. Julisa

    1. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Creative Writing Association “CWA Reading Series” January 28-February 11, 6:00pm @ Old Main - Chidera and Victoria

        1. Update: A little confusion, but all clear now. Event is only 2 days. Asking about finalizing dates.  

      2. Chinese Students and Scholars Association “Chinese New Year Gala” February 2, 4:30pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Anuja and Maya

        1. Update: Apologized to Albert for the confusion, sent an email to Jamey to schedule the funding meeting for this week so we can knock it out before break.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

      3. Performers Without Borders  “Amirah Sackett” February 3-February 7, 9:00am @ Irey Theater - Mavjuda and Helen

        1. Update: Meeting with Jamey on Wednesday

      4. CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association “Annual Conference for CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association” February 14-February 15, 11:00am @ British and Irish Studies Room - Monica and Sandra

        1. Update: Met with Jamey 

      5. Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show” February 15, 6:00pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Josh and Julisa 

        1. Update: Meeting with Jamey Friday 11/22

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Latin Arts Society “Subterráneo” March 13th, 5pm @ UMC Club 156 or Farrand Field - 6:45pm - Monica and Debbie

        1. Answers

          1. No response

            1. Main point of contact was not emailed

        2. Budgetary Questions:

        3. Notes:

          1. Audio/Visual - $3,500.00

          2. Performers (Olmeca) - $5,000.00

          3. Airfare - $900.00

          4. Hotel - $350.00

          5. Ground transportation - $100.00

          6. Advertising - $100.00

          7. Total - $9,950.00

        4. Motion to Approve $0 for Latin Arts Society “Subterráneo” event 

          1. 2-11-1

        5. Motion to table Latin Arts Society “Subterráneo” for a week to retrieve a response, and if no response is provided within a week, the Board will table this event indefinitely 

          1. Motion passes 13-0-1

      2. GlobeMed “The Fight for Healthcare” March 12, 7pm @ Visual Arts Complex 1B20 - 6:15pm - Jhossep and Christina

        1. Answers:

        2. Budgetary Questions:

        3. Notes:

          1. Performers (Anil Parajuli) - $2,000.00 - $2,000.00

          2. Food - $1,187.00 - $1,187.00

          3. Hotel - $1,300.33 - $1,300.33

          4. Guest Meals - $180.00 - $180.00

          5. Airfare - $1,278.00 - $1,278.00

          6. Audio/Visual - $54.00 - $54.00

          7. Advertising - $120.00 - $250

          8. Gifts/Prizes (Flowers) - $48.00 - $0

          9. Ground transportation - $169.80 - $169.80

          10. Total - $6,337.13 - $6,419.13

        4. Motion to Approve $6,419.13 for GlobeMed “The Fight for Healthcare” event 

          1. Motion 10-0-1


  1. Officer Reports


    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Recruitment Interview Realization

      2. Emailed CSI Liaisons about April event funding

      3. Exec Team Evals

      4. Meeting with DSB this week

      5. Won’t be here on December 2nd

    2. Leg Council

      1. Reviewing bylaws soon?

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Non-traditional Student Liaison and Social Media Chair Application open 

    4. Webmaster

      1. Please email me your org posters 

      2. I’ll be updating the site this week 

      3. Email: adgo0608

    5. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Please share application 

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Liaisons set up meeting with Jamey 

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Meeting w/ DSB on Wednesday @6:00 PM

      2. ADL Event:

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. DSB Meeting

    9. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Retreat Locations Ideas?

        1. Breckenridge

        2. Winter Park

        3. Keystone

        4. Steamboat

        5. YMCA EstesPark

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. Attendance Updates- keep an eye out for emails from me regarding your attendance!

      2. Remember attendance records are always available to everyone here:

        1. Shared CEB drive > 2019-2020 > Secretary >

    11. Chair

      1. Timesheets are due

      2. DSB Meeting

      3. Quarter meeting

  1. Adjourn

    1. 7:52 pm