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Meeting Minutes 10/28/19

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present:  Chidera, Sandra, Jessica, Julissa, Helen, Christina C., Anuja, Jhossep, Monica, Mavjuda, Debbie, Josh, Christina F., Victoria






  1. Fun Activity :) 


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. CU Boulder ESports Update

      1. Rejection email was sent by Mavjuda

    2. Rockers Rumble

      1. Motion to approve Breaking Club to hear their funding meeting during off funding cycle.

        1. Motion fails 0-13-1

      2. “H,

I am Levi, the current club president, and signer for CU Breakin Club. 

I have recently been struggling to submit the budget draft for our event to be hosted on February 1st, 2020. On the due date of the initial budget draft, 10/16, I attempted to submit my club's budget form. I spent a great deal of time filling it out and when I hit submit it did not end up going through. From what I remember the site took a bit to load and it reloaded the page with nothing filled out. It wasn't until a couple of days later that I realize the submission didn't go through as I was looking for a confirmation email. I quickly emailed my liaison (Colin) and went to fill out another form. After finishing for a second time, I went to submit it again and the same thing happened.

Since the budget request form takes a fair amount of time to fill out, I decided to wait until I could meet with Colin before trying to submit again in case the same thing happened. I was finally able to properly submit the form. Since last Wednesday, the details of the budget have been refined.

I was hoping that the CEB team would be willing to hear the budget proposal upon a special request. The event is planned to take place on February 1st, 2020 and the Glenn Miller ballroom reservation has already been made as of a year ago. Rockers Rumble is now upon it's 14th consecutive year and at this point, a lot of the leg work for the event has already been completed. I hope that this error won't set the event back. I think it is an important event for the CU Boulder community. Please let me know what I can do.

Thank you,

Levi Wood


  1. Old Business

    1. Second Funding Cycle

      1. Gender and Sexuality Alliance “GSA Dragshow” November 2, 8pm @ Lower Rec - Anuja and Maya

        1. Update: sent them another email today to check in on how things are going

          1. Tabling

          2. Postering

          3. Send survey

        2. Who will be attending?

          1. Chidera

          2. Anuja

          3. Maya

          4. Christina Chambers

          5. Victoria

          6. Mavjuda

      2. Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week Fall 2019” November 11-15 - Julisa and Sandra

        1. Update: No updates

      3. Jewish Student Association “Eva Schloss, Ann Frank's Stepsister, Tells her Story” November 13, 7pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Helen and Josh

        1. Update: finalized the design for their poster- giving them the okay to print and post! 

        2. They have been sending out a link for attendees to RSVP for their event. 

      4. Middle Eastern Student Association “Middle East Night” November 15, 7pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom -  Chidera and Victoria

        1. Update: Have not received poster

          1. Ask them to follow up

      5. Indian Student Association “Diwali Celebration” November 16, 5pm @ Lower Rec -  Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Update: No updates

          1. Event has been promoted by SASA

    2. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Creative Writing Association “CWA Reading Series” January 28-February 11, 6:00pm @ Old Main - Chidera and Victoria

        1. Budgetary Questions:

        2. Notes:

          1. Performers (Raquel Salas Rivera) - $2,000 - $2,000

          2. Performers (Paul Tran) - $4,000 - $4,000

          3. Airfare (two performers) - $800 - $800

          4. Hotel (two performers) - $600 - $600

          5. Audio/Visual (Event Tech Support) - $100 - $100

          6. Advertising - $50 - $50

          7. Security (CUPD) - $200 - $200

          8. Total - $7,500 - $7,750

        3. Motion to Approve for CEB Funding of $7,750.00 for Creative Writing Association “CWA Reading Series”

          1. Motion passes 9-0-1

      2. Chinese Students and Scholars Association “Chinese New Year Gala” February 2, 4:30pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Anuja and Maya

        1. Budgetary Questions:

        2. Notes:

          1. Food (UMC Catering) - $9,700.17 - $6,305

          2. Parking (performers) - $40 - $20

          3. Performers (Lion Dance) - $850 - $850

          4. Performers (Jason Chen) - $11,000 - $0

          5. Performers (Jasmine Flower Dance) - $400 - $400

          6. Hotel - $200 - $0

          7. Guest Meals - $280 - $0

          8. Operating Supplies (Display and Supplies) - $570 - $570

          9. Program Council - $3,060 - $3,060

          10.  Security (CSO) - $250 - $250

          11.  Facility Rental - $898.22 - $898.22

          12.  Advertising - $900 - $500

          13.  Photobooth - 1,074 - $150

          14.  Total - $29,222.39 - $13,003.22

        3. Motion to Approve for CEB Funding of $13,003.22 for Chinese Students and Scholars Association “Chinese New Year Gala”

          1. Motion passes 10-0-1

      3. Performers Without Borders  “Amirah Sackett” February 3-February 7, 9:00am @ Irey Theater - Mavjuda and Helen

        1. Budgetary Questions:

        2. Notes:

          1. Performers (Amirah Sackett) - $5,000

          2. Hotel (7 nights) - 1,477.87

          3. Guest Meal (8 days/$50 per day) - $400

          4. Airfare - $305

          5. Total - $7,182.87

        3. Motion to Approve to table Performers Without Borders  “Amira Sackett”      

          1. Motion passes 8-1-1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

      4. CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association “Annual Conference for CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association” February 14-February 15, 11:00am @ British and Irish Studies Room - Monica and Sandra

        1. Budgetary Questions:

          1. Airfare (David Schaberg) - $314.60 - $314.60

          2. Airfare (Federico Marcon) - $546 - $546

          3. Honoraria (David Schaberg and Federico Marcon) - $900 - $900

          4. Hotel (3 nights for both) - $1,200 - $1,200

          5. Guest Meals - $240 - $240

          6. Ground Transportation - $240 - $240

          7. Facility Rental - $400 - $400

          8. Advertising - $302 - $302

          9. Parking - $112 - $0

          10.  Operating Supplies (registration packet) - $327.62 - $327.62

          11.  Airfare booking fee - $40 - $40

          12.  Food - $1,680.09 - $1,680.09

          13.  Total - $6,302.31 - $6,190.31

        2. Motion to Approve for CEB Funding of $6,190.31 for CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association “Annual Conference for CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association”

          1. Motion passes 10-0-1

      5. Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show” February 15, 6:00pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Josh and Julisa 

        1. Budgetary Questions:

        2. Notes:

          1. Advertising - $500 - $500

          2. Props and Costumes - $1,500 - $1,500

          3. Audio/Visual (AV Equipment) - $50 - $50

          4. Facility Rental - $1,029.34 - $1,029.34

          5. Food - $625.06 - $625.06

          6. Audio/Visual (Program Council) - $1,950 - $1,950

          7. Facility Rental (labor) - $1,130 - $1,130

          8. Performers (Phuong Cam) - $6,000 - $0

          9. Performers (Nix) - $2,200 - $2,200

          10.  Performers (Myra Tran) - $2,000 - $2,000

          11.  Performers (Lion Dancers) - $800 - $800

          12.  Airfare (Phuong Cam) - $2,100 - $0

          13.  Airfare (Nix) - $500 - $500

          14.  Airfare (Myra Tran) - $300

          15.  Hotel (Myra Tran) - $300

          16.  Hotel (Nix) - $300 - $300

          17.  Total - $21,284.40 - $13,184.40

        3. Motion to Approve for CEB Funding of $13,184.40 for Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show”

          1. Motion passes 8-0-1


  1. Officer Reports


    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Absent during meeting reminder

      2. Collaborating with PC

        1. Movie screening of Waves for black history month

        2. November 10th, 7pm - ask about their expectations of CEB

        3. Motion to approve a collaboration with Program Council to host a premiere screening of Waves

          1. Motion passes 12-1-1

      3. CU Gaming Survey

        1. 100 respondents

        2. Christina C. has documents with details of the survey

      4. Event Announcement

        1. Ignite Social Justice and Leadership Conference

          1. 10am-5pm this Saturday

          2. Sessions, keynote speaker, etc.

    2. Leg Council

      1. Nothing

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Apologies for not being able to attend JK

      2. Elections

    4. Webmaster

      1. Enrolled in payroll

    5. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. none

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator


      2. Issues with the application?

      3. MSA survey confusion

        1. Asked to use their own survey for their event

        2. Follow up about using CEB survey, not their own.

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Once again, thank you for all of your work for the JK event!

      2. Next steps? →

        1. What direction are we trying to go with our next speaker?

          1. 2-3 smaller speakers in the spring?

          2. Speaker should provide valid content

          3. Quality over quantity mentality

          4. If CUSG allocates us more money, they expect bigger speakers. Smaller speakers may affect our funding.

          5. Bigger names are something we are capable of in comparison with other orgs. 

      3. Spring Speakers

        1. 1 big, 1 small

          1. Pros: improbability of getting funding cut, filling up Macky with a well-known name

          2. Cons: may not address our topics exactly

        2. 2-3 small

          1. Pros: they might target our topics exactly

          2. Cons: funding may be cut

        3. Motion to bring one big speaker and one small speaker in the spring

          1. Motion passes 12-1-1

      4. Vote on

        1. Table to assess interest

          1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

        2. Table Chella Man completely

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Nothing

    9. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Poster

        1. Link to Application:

        3. Comments/Suggestions:

          1. Bullet points on what CEB does instead of mission statement 

            1. Interested in…(bullet points)

            2. Bring interesting diverse speakers

            3. Funding cultural diverse organizations on campus

            4. Retreat

            5. Fix deadline date

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. CSI position

    11. Chair

      1. Thank you for such a great event!!

      2. Finance Board Meeting


  1. Adjourn

    1. 8:37pm