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Meeting Minutes 10/21/19

  1. Call to Order   

  2. Roll Call

Present:  Julissa, Jessica, Helen, Debbie, Hailey, Monica, Maya, Anuja, Victoria, Christina C. , Mavjuda, Christina F., Sandra


Excused: Jhossep T.

Absent: Ryan

Birthdays: None


  1. Fun Activity :) 


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Chinese Students and Scholars Association “Chinese New Year Gala” February 2, 4:30pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Anuja and Maya

        1. Slides: 

        2. Notes: Albert,

          1. Chinese New Year/ Lunar New Year

          2. Most important holiday in China

          3. UMC ballroom : 4:30- 8:00pm

          4. Story of Nian- will be using firecracker and lantern

            1. Will mimic real fireworks

            2. Dance

            3. Traditional Instrument

            4. Martial Art

            5. Fun Games

            6. Calligraphy and Drawing

            7. Free Food (UMC Catering)

            8. Hanfu Customs

            9. Photo Booth

            10. Education Abroad

            11. Jason Chen: guest singer 

            12. Positive impact to campus:

              1.  local and international students will learn about culture 

              2. Chinese student nostalgia

              3. Bridging cultures

              4. Creating relationships

              5. Learn about study abroad

          5. What we have improved:

            1. UMC Catering

            2. More promotion on campus

            3. BuffCard access to get food

            4. Focusing more on better experience

            5. Less spending on set up

        3. Questions:

          1. Who are the performers?

            1. Jason Chen

            2. Student performers; a few have signed up but still looking.

          2. How long will he be performing for?

            1. Approximately 30 -45 minutes, can work for more time

            2. We have a backup plan, but we prefer Jason Chen since he is bilingual

          3. Would you be comfortable using the CSI photobooth?

            1. Yes, will talk to John about using this one instead of the one in the budget.

          4. What are the individual quotes for each speaker?

            1. Jason Chen: $11000 - including travel, performance, but the hotel is not included.

            2. Jiao Jiao: $$7000 or $8000 approximately

          5. How long is the speaker wanting to stay for? The quote says a whole week.

          6. How important is food for your event?

            1. Food is important, especially for the time that this event is taking place; more people will be hungry.

            2. Proportions of food will be similar to the size of an appetizer.

          7. Do you have supplies from previous years you can reuse?

            1. Last year was the year of the pig, so we need new supplies to match the year of the rat.

          8. Why do you need 30 red envelopes and table lights?

            1. Table lights are for people to walk around while people there are performances.

            2. Envelopes are for display at tables.

          9. Will you be using passports again?

            1. No, we will replace them with programs.

        4. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. The Chinese Student and Scholars Association provides a space for Chinese students to enjoy their Lunar New Year and provide a space to attend to students who are not able to go home for the festivities with their families.

        5. Motion: 

          1. Motion to approve the mission statement for Chinese Students and Scholars Association for their Lunar New Year.

            1. Vote passes 12-0-1

        6. Questions for them:

          1. Can you give us a quote for Jiao Jiao?

      2. Creative Writing Association “CWA Reading Series” January 28-February 11, 6:00pm @ Old Main - Chidera and Victoria

        1. Notes: 

          1. We hope through the performers and their publicity we will attract people and have them understand how we can relate language to many social issues today.

          2. Want to bring awareness to diversity and inclusion

          3. Speaker does poem translation

        2. Questions:

          1. Days of event:

            1. Jan. 28th and Feb. 11

          2. What is their performance?

            1. They will be performing their work and also giving speeches

          3. Attendance?

            1. At least 75 students

          4. Duration of event?

            1. ~ 1 hour

          5. Are dates and times reserved?

            1. It is in progress

          6. Any chance that we can adjust numbers in the budget?

            1. Yes, send updates to liaison

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. The Creative Writing Association provides a space for writers and creative poetry performers to come together to experience various forms of creative art through various performances.

        4. Motion: Motion to approve the mission statement for Creative Writing Association for their CWA Reading Series.

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Questions for them:

          1. Can you send us the reservation for Old Main?

          2. If you had to pick between the two poets, which would you pick?

      3. CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association “Annual Conference for CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association” February 14-February 15, 11:00am @ British and Irish Studies Room - Monica and Sandra

        1. Notes: 

          1. Mission is to facilitate cultural diversity, mutual understanding, decolonizing, epistemology., academic conversation, and networking among graduate students.

          2. Presenters: 25-30

          3. 8-10, 100 minute panels 

          4. Keynote Speakers: David Schaberg (UCLA), Federico Marcon (Princeton)

          5. Topics and Fields: Literature, History, etc.

          6. Highlights: Interdisciplinary approach, alternate perspective, 

          7. Budget: $8302.31

            1. Keynote speakers flights, lodging, transportation

            2. UGGS, Center for Asian Studies, 

            3. CEB funding request: $5052

          8. From CEB:

            1. $990.98 for Food

            2. $200/per night for Hotel

          9. For CUBASGA: Strategize how you would like to utilize funding, regarding gas.

        2. Questions:

          1. Who is the parking for?

            1. The person who picks up the keynote speaker, students who work as transportation for guests/speakers.

          2. What are the registration packets?

            1. Name tags, folders, pens, etc. Generally, supplies for the presenter before the event.

          3. How long are the speakers speaking for?

            1. Around 100 minutes

          4. Would you be open to changing the date of your event because it falls on Valentines day and might cause a decrease in attendance?

            1. We are trying hard to negotiate the time with the keynote speaker, but this is what we can do at the moment. 

          5. Is this open to all students?

            1. Yes

          6. How many people normally attend?

            1. 80-100, but we are hoping to attract a bigger audience.

          7. How are you advertising?

            1. Postering

            2. Emailing

            3. Faculty/ Students are spreading the word

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. CUBASGA is culturally relevant due to the space it creates for the CU Boulder Asian Graduate Studies students to learn about literature within Asian studies through various speakers.

        4. Motion to approve the mission statement for CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association for their Annual Conference for CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Association.

          1. Motion 12-0-1

        5. Questions for them:

          1. How many people are helping you with this event?

      4. CU Boulder ESports “Continue” February 7, 6:00pm @ Will Vill Multi Purpose Rooms - Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Notes: 

        2. Questions:

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

        4. Questions for them:

        5. Motion to table indefinitely unless there was an extenuating event.

          1. Motion 12-0-1

      5. Performers Without Borders  “Amira Sackett” February 3-February 7, 9:00am @ Irey Theater - Mavjuda and Helen

        1. Notes:

          1. Focus on cross-cultural communication and use their performances to address social issues.

          2. Main event that is being proposed is a performance

          3. Performer(Amira) is an activist and most known for her group “We’re Muslim Don’t Panic”

          4. Do not want it to be pure performance, she is also a speaker

          5. Expecting a big and broad audience of different people

          6. It is important to get the student demographic involved in the performance. 

          7. Bring awareness to hip-hop certificate that is offered at CU

          8. Great opportunity to open dialogue about backgrounds

        2. Questions:

          1. Why is the lodging for 8 days when the event is 4 days long?

          2. Why is she here for a week rather than one big event?

            1. We are trying to get her to work with other people to get an elaborate performance.

          3. Is she aware that you are planning a collaboration?

            1. Yes

          4. If CEB chooses to only fund 3 days, can you work with that?

            1. Yes

          5. Are you still trying to get food funding through your own department?

            1. Yes

          6. Did you reserve the theatre?

            1. No, we are working on that but it is not possible at the moment.

          7. Advertising?

            1. Flyers

            2. Media

            3. Department WOM

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. Performers Without Borders provides space for performers to come together and interact with others by bringing in a performer to help workshop.

        4. Motion: Motion to approve Performers Without Borders for their event Amira Sackett

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Questions for them:

          1. Would you want money for advertising? If so, how much would you need?

          2. Could you provide an itinerary for the days of the events? Can you send the itinerary for what this event would look like if we only funded it for three days? Can you send the itinerary for what this event would look like if we only funded it for seven days? 

          3. Can you give us a quote of Amira per days she is here?

      6. Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show” February 15, 6:00pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Josh and Julisa 

        1. Notes: Sabrina, Jane, Brandon

          1. Promote interest, appreciation, and awareness of Vietnamese culture. 

          2. Impacts of VSA: Culture, Community, Family

            1. Importance of diversity

            2. Acceptance of one's heritage

            3. Professional workshops

            4. Recognition on a regional and national level

            5. Family program

            6. Spring Retreat

            7. Provide space to build relationships

          3. Purpose is to celebrate Tet

            1. Tet: the New Years celebration based off the Lunar calendar.

            2. Time to share beliefs and values and a good representation of Vietnamese culture.

          4. Benefits:

            1. Share Vietnamese culture

            2. Communal gathering

            3. Member interest

          5. Performers:

            1. Lion Dancers, Nix, Myra Tran, Phuong Cam

          6. Budgeting:

            1. Performers: 14500

            2. UMC Services: 1800

            3. Program Council: 3200

            4. Advertising: 500

            5. Props, Costumes, Decor: 1500

            6. Total: $21500

        2. Questions:

          1. Would you consider having just one performer go a longer time?

            1. Traditionally, we have always had two headliners along with other performers, we also believe more performers will add to the cultural awareness. 

          2. If they choose to fund the seven dancers will they need lodging?

            1. No

          3. Budget request still asks for food?

            1. Not going to be food, just going to be beverages.

          4. Were you given money for costumes last year?

            1. Yes

            2. New budget will include male costumes which were not ordered last year, and new fans.

          5. How long is your speaker planning on speaking for?

            1. 15 minutes/ can work for the speaking time to be longer

          6. How long are your performers planning on performing for?

            1. Each for approx 15 minutes max (4)

            2. Other dances from students are 5 minutes (3)

            3. Skit: 5 minutes each

          7. Which performer would you choose?

            1. 1. Lion Dancers, 2. Myra Tran, 3. Phuong Cam, 4. Nix

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. The Vietnamese Student Associations “Lunar New Year” is cultural relevant due to the exemplification of Vietnamese culture through various performances, dances, and food and providing a space for Vietnamese 

        4. Motion: Motion to approve Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show” 

          1. Motion passes 12-0-1

        5. Questions for them:

          1. Could you get your performers to perform for longer? If so, would that be a price increase?

          2. Could you get Lion Dancers that are local instead of out of state?


  1. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. Muslim Student Association “MSA Showdown” October 19th, 10:30am @ the Rec - Julisa and Christina F.

        1. Who should have attended:

          1. Morning:

            1. Christina F.

            2. Julisa 

          2. Afternoon:

            1. Chidera

            2. Anuja (I went in the evening)

          3. Evening:

            1. Debbie

            2. Christina F. (did not attend)

            3. Jhossep

        2. Advertising:

          1. Table tents, posters, UMC screening, Aggressive CEB advertising, no tabling

        3. Content:

          1. Jeopardy game was all relevant 

          2. Lower basketball courts playing volleyball

          3. Evening prayers

          4. 6:30 pm - still be going down but started to whine down

        4. Logistics:

          1. All students - approx. 70 attendance

          2. No one filled out the survey

        5. Future:

          1. Please make sure you are advertising the surveys for future events and making sure people are filling them out.


    1. Second Funding Cycle

      1. Gender and Sexuality Alliance “GSA Dragshow” November 2, 8pm @ Lower Rec - Anuja and Maya

        1. Update: Poster approved, told them to put the CEB logo on it

        2. Someone put the Drag Show date in the CEB calendar as Oct 27th??

      2. Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week Fall 2019” November 11-15 - Julisa and Sandra

        1. Update: No updates

      3. Jewish Student Association “Eva Schloss, Ann Frank's Stepsister, Tells her Story” November 13, 7pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Helen and Josh

          1. Update: Met with Jamey

          2. Posters have been approved

          3. Starting to figure out logisitics

      4. Middle Eastern Student Association “Middle East Night” November 15, 7pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom -  Chidera and Victoria

        1. Update: Met with Jamey

        2. Waiting for poster approval

      5. Indian Student Association “Diwali Celebration” November 16, 5pm @ Lower Rec -  Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Update: No updates


  1. Officer Reports


    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Kasich

        1. VIPs

        2. Intro (Mavjuda)

        3. Posters for Signing

        4. Buying Water/Snacks

        5. Meeting with Rudy (Wednesday 1pm)

      2. Retreat Friday

        1. Need to know which Olive Garden to order from

        2. We will just debrief Kasich and discuss next steps

        3. Location and time: Friday (10/25) 5-7pm ECON 117

    2. Leg Council

      1. Nothing

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Nothing

    4. Webmaster

      1. Nothing 

    5. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Like and share please 

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Sign-up for this


      2. Workshop Ideas?

      3. New Member Recruitment and Retreat

        1. In order for new members to see a funding cycle, we are going to do new recruit interviews the first two weeks of January.

        2. Retreat will be Jan. 24-26

        3. First two meetings of Spring semester: January 13th & 20th

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. :’)&Բ;

      2. Christina C. and I have a meeting with Rich from GTN on Wednesday for Spring Speakers

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Buffs Discuss pulled out :( 

    9. Marketing Coordinator

        1. Thank you all for tabling <3

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. Office Hours

    11. Chair

      1. Expectations

      2. Finance Board Meeting 

  1. Adjourn

    1. 9:25pm