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Meeting Minutes 10/07/19

  1. Call to Order    


  1. Roll Call

Present:  Julisa, Anuja, Christina C., Sandra, Victoria, Debbie, Jessica, Jhossep


Excused: Chidera, Monica, Mavjuda, Josh, Helen

Absent: Skylar, Ryan, Maya



  1. Fun Activity :) 


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Postering for JK (6:00 pm-6:30 pm)

  • UMC, Hellems: Anuja, Chidera

  • CHEM, Ekely, Atlas: Julisa, Sandra

  • Economics, Education: Debbie, Christina

  • Math, Engineering: Jhossep, Jessica

  • Muen, Porter, Gold: Maya, Helen,- 

  • Envd, physics: Ryan, Josh- 

  • C4C, Business: Victoria, skylar - 

  • Other: Humanities, Old Main, Hale, C4C business, Muen, Porter, Gold, ENVD, Physics

  • ABSENT: Mavjuda, Monica, Maya, Helen, Josh, Ryan, Skylar, Chidera 


    1. General Check-in (Christina C.)

      1. Lack of commitment from some members of the board 

        1. Not coming to meetings

        2. Not getting stuff covered (Tabling)

        3. Discussion about this next meeting

          1. Policies (Bylaws)

        4. New member recruitment 

      2. Racially charged incident that happened on campus this past weekend

        1. Wear black to support

        2. Christina F. will reach out to BSA and ask what we could do to support them

          1. Come to open forum, Tuesday October 8th in Glenn Miller Ballroom at 8:15 am 

    2. JK Event Updates (Christina C.)

      1. Scott Adler will announce CEB at the event

        1. (Dean of graduate school)

      2. SAFE Meeting

      3. Kasich will be doing a book signing following the event.

      4. Boulder bookstore will be selling Kasich’s book at the event.

      5. Needs from the group

        1. Please solidify plus ones by October 14th (we will generate the list then)--plus ones will be invited to the event but not the reception only because our time is very limited.

        2. Please be prepared to be at the Kasich event as early as 4pm (class permitted)

        3. Please mentally prepare for the week of this event--We have a lot going on as a group

          1. Week of event will be first budget cycle for third funding meeting

          2. Retreat will be that Friday


  1. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers “Salsa Night” October 11th, 6pm @ Rec Multipurpose Room - Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Update: 

          1. Survey sent

          2. Move $100 of advertising to speaker

            1. Vote passes 7-0-1 

        2. Who will be attending?

          1. Jhossep

          2. Jessica

          3. Anuja

      2. Muslim Student Association “MSA Showdown” October 19th, 10:30am @ the Rec - Julisa and Christina F.

        1. Update: Sent CEB Survey


    1. Second Funding Cycle

      1. Gender and Sexuality Alliance “GSA Dragshow” November 2, 8pm @ Lower Rec - Anuja and Maya

        1. Update: Had funding meeting with Jamey, waiting for GSA to send us their poster

      2. Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week Fall 2019” November 11-15 - Julisa and Sandra

        1. Update: Had funding meeting with Jamey

      3. Jewish Student Association “Eva Schloss, Ann Frank's Stepsister, Tells her Story” November 13, 7pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Helen and Josh

        1. Update:

          1. Asked to co-host event on social media

          2. Send email to Josh/Helen about poster going live without approval

      4. Middle Eastern Student Association “Middle East Night” November 15, 7pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom -  Chidera and Victoria

        1. Update: Scheduling a meeting with Jamey, tentatively next week on the 15th. 

      5. Indian Student Association “Diwali Celebration” November 16, 5pm @ Lower Rec -  Skylar and Jhossep

        1. Update: Meeting with Jamey is set


  1. Officer Reports


    1. Advisor(s)

      1. General Check-in

      2. DSCC October Events (LGBTQ+ History Month)

        1. LGBTQ+ conversation with MGC (October 8th 5pm in DSCC)

        2. DSCC Dialogues: Pride Discussion (October 15th 5pm in DSCC

        3. Silent Disco Party with CISC (October 18th 7pm UMC 235)

        4. Paris Is Burning with GSA (October 23rd 8pm Abrams Lounge)

        5. Org Reminders

      3. Will be out of office:

        1. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

        2. Contact Erin if you have any questions

    2. Leg Council

      1. None

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. None

    4. Webmaster

      1. None

    5. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Please share Jk stuff

      2. Isra pictures 

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Come to the CEB Workshop tomorrow at 5:30-7pm at Hellems 255


        2. Orgs that have RSVP

          1. Brazilian Club

          2. Korean American Student Association

          3. AIESEC

          4. Designers without Borders

          5. Latin Arts Society (?)

        3. CEB Members who are coming to the event!

          1. Jessica

          2. Chidera

          3. Julisa

          4. Victoria (may be late)

          5. Anuja

      2. When you make a survey in Buffconnect for your org, please rename the duplicated survey to the event name. 

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Idea for an advertising “event” for Kasich-

        1. Table outside the UMC on a warm day

        2. Promotes student discussion

        3. Informal

        4. At least two CEB members at the table at all times to make sure the conversations are constructive and civil

          1. Contact Student Center for 

        5. Opinion?

          1. Board commitment

            1. How will we make sure two CEB members are at the table?

          2. Mediator- needs to be comfortable with making sure discussion stays civil

          3. Poster board suggestion

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. None

    9. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Add Debbie and Ryan to GroupMe

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. None

    11. Chair

      1. Sorry I could not be at the meeting this week! 

      2. Had a meeting with finance board last week for the 4th quarterly report.

      3. If you are a member of the exec team and have not sent me your availability for a one on one, please do so!

      4. Have a great week!!

  1. Adjourn

    1. Adjourned at 7:49pm