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Meeting Minutes 9/16/19


Monday, September 16th, 2019

6:00 PM. in UMC Room 415-417


  1. Call to Order    


  1. Roll Call

Present: Jhossep, Anuja, Jessica, Chidera, Julissa, Monica, Mavjuda, Christina F, Helen, Josh, Skylar, Maya


Excused: Sandra


Birthdays: Christina F., Victoria 


  1. Fun Activity :) 


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Second Funding Cycle

      1. 6:15- Jewish Student Association “Eva Schloss, Ann Frank's Stepsister, Tells her Story” November 13, 7pm @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Helen and Josh

        1. Notes:

          1. (Oren)

          2. Guest Speaker: Anne Frank’s step sister. This might be her last tour due to her age. She lives in London and raises awareness about the holocaust.

        2. Questions:

          1. How important is food for the event?

            1. Important. Will help people attend the event.

          2. Why 3 nights?

            1. Because shes of an older age

          3. Photographer?

            1. Not needed

          4. For Web design and graphic design, would you be comfortable with our marketing person for expense purposes?

            1. Yes

          5. What do you need for advertising?

            1. For graphic designers. CSI prints for a cheaper price and working with marketing should reduce prices.

          6. Will you be paying for her flight from London?

            1. We will be paying for the flight wherever she is coming from. 

          7. Food for her?

            1. Her food will be provided for her and sent to her hotel.

          8. Are you collaborating with Hillel and Chabad ?

            1. Yes, they will help us with the advertising.

          9. Did she write a book and will sell it at the event?

            1. She does, but we are not sure if she will be doing that on campus.

            2. Advertising her book would be fine, but if she chooses to sell you have to talk about it with Finance CSI first. 

          10. In terms of advertising, does anything need to be approved by her?

            1. Yes.

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. The Jewish Student Association aligns with CEB’s mission by bringing awareness to the Holocaust and educating the community about the effects of the Holocaust.

            1. Motion to approve the mission statement alignment for Jewish Student Association

              1. 10-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. What is Hillel and Chabad helping you cover? Could they cover the cost of the food?

          2. Do you have to use a poster that is already pre-made or is it something you have to create from scratch?

          3. Will she be selling books during the time of the event? She is not allowed to sell the books but she is allowed to advertise.

      2. 6:35- Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week Fall 2019” November 11-15 - Julisa and Sandra

        1. Notes:( Duwani)

          1. Same event held last spring.

          2. Moved to the fall so it doesn’t conflict with World Affairs and have more student engagement

          3. The week will encompass the three most popular events from last year. Having an event everyday for five days was straining for the org, so they will cut down the days to be more efficient.

          4. Event is meant to bring awareness about the culture.

          5. More members this year, things should be easier to organize.

        2. Questions:

          1. How important is food for your event?

            1. Pretty relevant because Punjabi people are known for food and dancing.

          2. Are Kirtans being reused from last semester?

            1. No because one of them broke. 

          3. What is the difference between the headscarves and the turbans?

          4. Can you find a cheaper DJ?

          5. How relevant are the guests to Bhangara night?

          6. Are the guests performing or speaking? And for how long?

            1. 45 mins each - performing

          7. What can you improve from last year?

            1. Communication and making sure reservations are all placed. Everything is more organized this year than the past years.

            2. Last year, they had 2 events, so they started cutting down events based on popularity. 

          8. If you could only secure one part of your budget, which would it be?

            1. We have a back up plan, we have someone that is willing to come for cheaper. However, we have a contract for both of them.

          9. Is the performer important to the success of the night?

            1. Performers are there to engage the audience and it is important that they are there to bring more people in. 

          10. How long are they willing to perform each?

            1. They each agreed to 45 minutes, but are willing to work with us if things need to change.

          11. How important is food for your event?

            1. It is important because it is a huge part of the culture and will attract more people. 

            2. Friday night we will cater from an authentic restaurant in Broomfield.

          12. Are your instruments being reused from last semester?

            1. Yes, but we are still requesting more because of the increase in the org members this year. 

            2. Typically, instruments are acquired from local vendors.

            3. Turbines that were used last year were not great, so they are hoping that if they ship them from India they will have better quality.

          13. Did you have left over turbines last time?

            1. Yes.

          14. Why do you want to buy tables and chairs?

            1. We are asking for this funding just in case EPC does not give us a quote.

          15. Is the arcade going to be open in time for your event?

            1. Yes, they have a shed area that will be beneficial in case of weather issues. 

            2. We also have an alternate location in case outside gets difficult, which will be inside the UMC.

          16. You are asking for a lot of money, would you be able to work with a smaller budget?

            1. Most of our money is going towards our speakers, so it is important to get the funding to have a successful event

          17. If you had to choose a performer, which would it be?

            1. Karan Aujila

          18. Is having a performer at your event vital?

            1. Yes, the performer will hype the attendees in the event and will then make the event more successful.

          19. Would you be okay with just a DJ?

            1. We would be okay with a DJ, but we would prefer to bring a speaker so that way more people will attend the event and be more efficient with our expectations.

          20. If you do get Karan, would he be able to get his own DJ?

            1. We can inquire about him performing longer and seeing if he can get a DJ to bring with him.

            2. Funding for this speaker includes airfare and lodging.

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. Bringing in Sikh culture on campus through turban tying and showcasing Bhangra culture on the CU Boulder campus.

            1. 13-0-2

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Get a quote for third performer and for Kirtans rental.

      3. 6:55- Middle Eastern Student Association “Middle East Night” November 15, 7pm @ Glenn Miller Ballroom -  Chidera and Victoria

        1. Notes:( Mohammad, Mishal, Skylar, Hussain)

          1. Middle East Night is the biggest event for MESA

          2. It is a showcase for different middle eastern cultures through clothing, food, etc. 

        2. Questions:

          1. Who is the comedian?

            1. The funding we asked for is the maximum amount that we would ask for.

            2. The funding covers three different speakers.

          2. Have you already reserved the ballroom?

            1. The quote we sent you was from last year, but we expect it to be the same as lst year after including all official expenses.

          3. How do you plan to fix the community to student attendance ratio?

            1. We are planning to table a lot on campus.

            2. The scheduling of the event will be planned around the time of the semester where more students will be able to attend.

          4. Do you plan to use the CSI photobooth?

            1. The photobooth will make a difference from the previous years.

          5. If you already have entertainment for the night, is it necessary for comedians and other entertainers?

            1. Yes, because we want to provide variety and make sure that we draw a lot of people's attention who would like to attend. 

          6. If you were to be given less money, do you think your event would still be successful?

            1. Yes, but we would really like to have the funding to attract attendees and entertainment to make sure that the event executes as advertised.

          7. How important is food for this event?

            1. Food is very important because it contributes to the cultural relevance and will help us attract people to attend.

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1. Promote diversity and showcase middle eastern culture and educate the public.

            1. 13-0-2

        4. Questions for them:    

          1. Can you get an exact quote from your MC/Comedians?

          2. How can you make this event different from your fashion show event?

      4. 7:15- Indian Student Association “Diwali Celebration” November 16, 5pm @ Lower Rec - Skylar and Jhossep

        1. Notes:(Duwani, Gaythri, 

          1. Funding for the annual Diwali event in the lower gym at the Rec center that consists of dancing, skits, and food. 

          2. Diwali is a big Indu festival so this event would be a great way to add diversity to the campus and inclusion to the campus.

        2. Questions:

          1. How long will the DJ perform?

            1. 1 ½ hrs starting at 9:30pm  and will be in charge of the music throughout the whole event starting at 5pm

          2. What kind of food?

            1. Food will be light; like appetizers.

            2. For example: bread rice, and dessert. 

          3. Why do you need an extra $7000 for room reservation?

            1. The Rec said that they needed to go through another vendor to provide a stage.

          4. Would you be okay if cut down your food budget?

            1. We already cut down the budget as much as we could and food is important to our event.

          5. How many people do you expect?

            1. We expect more people than last year (850) so we expect at least 1000.

          6. Do you have costumes/props that you can reuse from previous years?

            1. Yes, but we still need funding because we are using new materials for this event such as backdrops.

            2. We will provide you an exact quote for the materials we plan to purchase. 

          7. How do you plan to incorporate the festival of lights?

            1. The costumes, henna designer, skits, and candles will encompass the culture of the festival for this event. 

          8. ISA Request

            1. $450 for CUPD (edit)

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1.  Incorporating the culture of Diwali on the CU Boulder campus through the engagement of food, culture, and performances.

            1. 14-0-1

        4. Questions for them:

          1. Could you please provide us with an exact quote for the materials you would be purchasing for this event?

      5. 7:35- Gender and Sexuality Alliance “GSA Dragshow” November 2, 8pm @ Lower Rec - Anuja and Maya

        1. Notes:(Andrew)

          1. GSA is a place where we can form a community for LGBQT members.

          2. Will be hosted in gym rec center

          3. Will allow to being LGBQT culture to campus; will screen Paris is Burning documentary.

          4. Working with other organizations to bring more attention to the inclusion of LGBQT members in community.

        2. Questions:

          1. Who is the drag queen?

            1. Bella Couture-Le Cher 

          2. Why didn't you go with the same speaker last year?

            1. We wanted to change things up and bring a new face to the stage.

          3. Would you be willing to work with our marketing coordinator for your marketing needs?

            1. We already have someone, but we are willing to collaborate if needed. 

          4. What does your stage look like?

            1. 16x16x24

            2. Smaller than usual, but staging will fit well with all of Program Council’s equipment.

        3. Mission Statement Alignment:

          1.  Incorporating the Drag culture on the CU Boulder Campus by hosting an annual drag show and engaging the student body in experiencing the history and significance of a drag show.

            1. 14-0-1

        4. Questions for them:


  1. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. Chinese Student and Scholars Association “Mid-Autumn Festival” September 13th, 3pm @ Norlin Quad/UMC Arcade - Nickey and Josh

        1. Advertising:

          1. Great! Tables in the UMC.

          2. Content was good.

          3. Had members advertise as well

          4. Amazing tabling at the UMC. Had at least 4-5 members at least and they were up and talking to as many people as possible

        2. Content:

          1. Content was good and people looked like they had fun.

          2. Calligraphy writing; food was good; traditional clothing.

          3. All the tents were great with at least 1-2 people manning it and helping explain everything to people

        3. Logistics:

          1. In the beginning, there was a rush of students to get food and they left. 

          2. Issue getting food in the beginning, but then there was a rush and they couldn’t get everyone to do the survey.

          3. Student to community - 70/30. Primarily CSSA students.

          4. Students were getting food before going to event and filling out the surveys. I asked them to change and put the QR codes on the tables and they complied right away and made sure to do it immediately. 

        4. Future:

          1. Figure out the food line

          2. Be more conscious about making everyone take the survey to get food. Make it into a three stamp rule, where people can only get food when they fill out the survey.

          3. Add music to remove the awkwardness and silence. Make it more of a fun environment.

          4. Big gap in the room; create a more inclusive environment by joining the two sides together.


      1. CU Gaming “Press Start” September 13th, 6pm @ the Rec - Victoria and Chidera

        1. Advertising: 

          1. Well advertised all over campus. It was in the CU emails and in all the residence halls. Tabled frequently as well

          2. Went through the Rec and had professors announce on campus

        2. Content: 

          1. The speaker was charismatic and engaging with the audience but  a significant amount of people were distracted by the booths located on the sides of the stage and even more so when food was served. I think this has to do with the delay. 

          2. Speaker was constantly fighting with the gaming devices that were set up on the sides. People were not as engaged due to the set up

        3. Logistics:

          1. Event was delayed by 30 minutes because of technical difficulties. The mic quality was inconsistent throughout.

          2. The mic system was not the best

          3. The food was not served at the proper time - served the food during the time of the speaker’s speech

          4. Were selling merchandise

          5. Papers with the QR codes - giving it out to people post-middle event (were trying to push it)

        4. Future:

          1. Warn about selling merchandise at their events,

          2. Do not serve food in the middle of her speech; wait for an appropriate time. 

      2. Latin Arts Society “Mexican Independence Week” September 16-20 6:00 pm @ Business Field, Will Vill - Mavjuda and Sandra

        1. Update: Had funding meeting with Jamey, first event starts tonight. Christina C. for the questions you asked about their karaoke night and this was the response they gave: 

Hi Sandra, 

Sorry for the confusion. Karaoke night does not have a charge its a completely free event but off campus. Karaoke Night will be the 19th of September. On Friday we will have a celebration at the same venue but that is of course not funded by ceb since we will be charging for entrance that night.  I will attach the flyer to the email. Karaoke night replaces the LatinX Fashion show because we had trouble with collaborations.


        1. They used funding you provided to print posters and this Friday event cannot be funded at all because it is off campus. They either need to take the flyer down or pay for those out of revenue funds (which they have).


        1. Who will be attending on Wednesday?

          1. Skylar

          2. Sandra 


      1. Multicultural Greek Council “MGC Yard Show” September 27, 8pm @ UMC Center Ballroom  - Skylar and Monica

        1. Update: No updates. Will send out an email to check up on them. 


      1. Muslim Student Association “MSA Showdown” October 1st, 10:30am @ the Rec - Julisa and Christina F.

        1. Update:

          1. Approved their poster

          2. Sent them info to start advertising


      1. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers “Salsa Night” October 10, 6pm @ Rec Multipurpose Room - Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Update: Met with Jamey, waiting for poster


  1. Officer Reports


    1. Advisor(s)

      1. I met with Tau Psi Omega regarding interest in doing a speaker event with us.

      2. If the October event is announced this week (I will send a Gourpme message):

        1. The website needs to be ready to go live on Thursday. (Nickey)

        2. I will send out talking points before Thursday for everyone to use.

        3. Ticket sales will begin September 30th.

          1. Does everyone know the prices in case people ask?

      3. If a student org has not attended in-person training for the year, the next one is September 25th 5pm-6:30pm in Hellems 199. Established orgs that do not complete the registration process for this year by September 30th will be put in bad standing.

    2. Leg Council

      1. Not here

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Candidate packets- UMC 125 or CUSG website

      2. Staff positions are available

        1. Deputy Chief of Staff(paid)

        2. Intern Coordinator (paid)

        3. Appellate Court (stipend)

    4. Webmaster

      1. Send me their final posters - a lot of them change

      2. Send me photos you have taken at the events or if you see people taking photos that are from the group, please ask them to send it to my email - tech5494@colorado.edu

    5. Social Media Coordinator 

      1.  Winner?

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. First funding hearing email

Liaisons do you have any questions?

      1. Are you interested in having a game night?

    1. Speakers Coordinator

    2. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

    3. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Isra tabling for tomorrow?

      2. Poster on table- has the wrong location

    4. Secretary/Historian

      1. Sign up for !!!!

        1. Will be hung outside the office room for orgs

        2. Liaisons- Please include in your emails.

        1. Working with Christina C. to see if we can get the monitor working

        2. Trash bins have been removed.

    5. Chair    

      1. Setting up meetings with the exec team

  1. Adjourn

    1. 8:41 PM