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Meeting Minutes 3/11/19


Monday, March 11th, 2019

6:00 PM. in ECON 117


  • Call to Order

  • Roll Call

Present: Mavjuda, Christina F., Monica, Christina R., Hayden, Josh, Victoria, Jemil, Nora, Isabelle, Erin, Christina C., Nickey, Maya, Ashley, Anuja, Jhossep, Olivia, Sowmya, Sandra, Jessica, Helen, Julisa

Excused:  Chidera, Niko, Skylar


Proxy: Sowmya for Chidera, Victoria for Julisa, Isabelle for Skylar

  • Fun Activity :)


    • - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  • Open Hearing


  • Approval of the Minutes


  • Approval of the Agenda


  • New Business

    • 6:00 - 6:30 AD BLITZ: Viola Davis, Tarana Burke, Isra Chaker, and Widows Screening - NOTE: CHALKING SHOULD BE FOR ISRA 1ST, then if you have time, Tarana

      • UMC, Chem + CHALKING - Monica, Christina F.

      • Hellems, Atlas + CHALKING - Sandra, Ashley

      • Ekeley, Humanities + CHALKING - Isabelle

      • Economics, Guggenheim + CHALKING - Josh, Mavjuda

      • Music, Ketchum + CHALKING - Sowmya, Anuja

      • Education, Hale + CHALKING - Maya, Jemil

      • Ramaley, Rec - Jhossep, Jessica

      • Math, Engineering - Hayden, Christina R.

      • C4C, Business - Victoria, Olivia

    • ISA: Requesting to move unused funds

      • Food- $54.66

      • Facility Rental: $25.88

      • AV- $149

      • Advertising- $340

      • Props & Costumes- $287.59

      • Rental Car- $100.76

      • Total: $957.89

      • And additional funding of: $120.39

        • Motion to transfer $957.89 from leftover funds to CUPD for ISA

          • Motion passes 11-0-1

        • Motion to approve an additional $120.39 for ISA

          • Motion fails 5-6-1

        • Mavjuda contact ISA

      • SAFE Meeting works to ensure events are well thought out

        • At meeting they were told two officers would be present, and did not know until the day before the event

        • Total bill: $1,058.28

        • Most funding boards do not fund after the event

    • Tabling sign up


        • List of people who need to sign up in general:

          • Ashley

          • Isabelle

          • Niko

        • List of people who need to sign up for 1 more shift:

          • Nickey

          • Victor

      • If VD sells out by tomorrow and/or Wednesday the rest of the week will be used to table for Isra


    • Department emails

      • Please send these out ASAP! Isra’s event is coming up this Thursday, so send these out tonight.

    • Officer member presentations

      • Please contact the officers for which jobs you are interested in!


  • Old Business

    • Fourth Funding Cycle

      • Nepalese Student Association (NSA) “Nepal Night” March 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm- Hayden and Christina R.

        • Advertising:

          • A little late on getting the poster to us to be approved, but already had the FB event up (without the poster) to let people know that the event was happening

          • Good marketing on FB (did a countdown)

          • Sponsored on instagram

          • Tabled and handed on mini flyers in UMC for a week

          • Good amount of posters on campus

        • Content:

          • The student performances were amazing! You could really tell that they put a lot of time and effort into practicing

          • The “movies” that they showed between performances were also well done; had good messages

          • The headliner was very good- the crowd was engaged even though it was already pretty late in the evening

          • Very caring and genuine

          • Nepalese faculty and staff appreciated the event, and impacted a lot of people on campus

        • Logistics:

          • Christina and Hayden did not get a bit.ly link to them in time, but the student org was prepared and had physical surveys (which also helped with the food portion of the event)

          • Looked to be about 60-40 (more students)

          • Started a little later than the time that was said on the FB event and the posters (5/5:30) but the schedule of the event itself was good

        • Future:

          • Get poster approved earlier

          • Issues in contracting, do not get contracts in time to CSI

            • Then they get frustrated

            • International performers is harder to book due to travel visas

          • Schedule funding meeting day after they get funding

      • Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” March 11th-15th @ Multiple venues/times - Julisa

        • Update: Event every day (except WednesdayWedne) this week.

        • Posters are everywhere!

        • Self Care & Game Night

          • 100% students (15)

          • Presentation on self care

          • Games

          • Presenter was alumni

            • Five languages of love test

        • *Mental health in Latin Culture

      • South Asian Student Association “Colors of South Asia” - April 7th @ Lower Rec - Mavjuda and Helen

        • Update: Updated the poster

        • Just asked if they could make the event live, Helen approved

    • Fifth Funding Cycle:

      • CHEMunity “A Night with Marie Curie” April 4th @ Old Main Chapel -                   Nickey and Ashley

        • Update: No new updates

      • Creative Writing Association “Poetry Month Performer Series” April 4th @ Club 156 - Sowmya and Skylar

        • Update: No new updates

      • Persian Student Organization “Norouz” April 5th @ Williams Village Dining Center -  Jessica and Julisa

        • Update: Skylar and Christina met with Jamey

      • Middle Eastern Student Association “MESA Fashion Show” April 5th @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Julisa and Christina F.

        • Update: Met with Jemil, and heads in “MESA Fashion Show”

          • Feels confident that the Fall and Spring semester events

          • Due to the difference in focuses in events

          • Middle Eastern cultures and countries similar to the Middle Eastern

            • Wanted to advertise the MESA Fashion Show, so people would know what it was

          • Want to open  modeling to all students, especially if they have access to  traditional clothing

      • Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week” April 8th-12th @ UMC, Norlin Quad, Norlin Fountains, & Kitt -  Chidera  and Sowmya  

        • Update: Got funding from multiple sources. Had our funding meeting with Jamey.

        • Question: Do they need to have program council if they want to screen a movie in CHEM 140? Do they need to have a different room if they don’t want program council?

          • Program Council owns Chem 140, so they have to be involved

          • Can change location from Chem 140 to not pay Program Council fee

      • International Festival Committee “IFest” April 14th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Ashley and Isabelle

        • Update: No new updates

      • Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

        • Update: No new updates!

      • CU Comedy Club “Speaker” April 19th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Skylar and Jessica

        • Update: Waiting for marketing details from Tig. Working and communicating with Christina


      • Graduate Musicology Society “Haitian-Creole Music and Culture with Speakers” April 19th @ Old Main Chapel and Koenig Alumni Center - Hayden and Helen

        • Update: Emailed today inquiring about the making of their poster. We hope to receive their poster soon!

      • VeRVE Collisionz “12th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 20th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jemil and Hayden

        • Updates:

        • Email received from Sagun: “We were planning to use an external kickstarter (gofundme) to fund the prizes, which is a total of $1750. Please let us know if that is okay with CEB.”

          • Thoughts?

          • Money collected must go through student account and communicating with their Finance CSI liaison

            • GoFundMe is not typically recommended

            • Make sure they are following proper policies

      • African Student Association “Tour of Africa” April 20th @ Lower Rec -

Nora and Helen

        • Updates: Sent a reminder email to send us their poster asap.


  • Officer Reports


    • Advisor(s)

      • Colorado Creed Week (Social Code of Conduct)

        • 8-10am free coffee at Farrand Field

        • Free Colorado Creed Swag

        • 3-5pm Free t-shirt, go see Christina!

        • Free Photo Contest

        • Want to make sure CU Boulder students are upholding educational reputation

      • St. Patrick’s Day

        • Sunday

        • Lucky Lifts through Buff Buses

        • Free food, free tickets for movies

        • Denver Nuggets Tickets in CSI

          • Get a voucher

        • Be safe and be a good friend!

        • DRAG SHOW, Friday

          • Drag Bingo

            • REI gift card

            • Air Pods

      • DSCC Events (Women’s Herstory Month)

        • Womxn’s Herstory Month Zumba

          • March 18th  

          • 5pm-6pm

          • Rec Center: Studio 2

     b.) Vision Board Party

          • March 19th

          • 4pm-6pm

          • DSCC (UMC 457)

            • Talk about self care, and forming goals


c.) DSCC Dialogues: Women of Color Conversation

          • March 20th

          • 5pm-7pm

          • DSCC (UMC 457)

        • Sustainability Fair

          • Good if interested in jobs that contribute to sustainable and environmental fields

          • Thursday, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom 5-7pm


    • Leg Council

      • CEB got the enhancement!

      • Town Hall Discussion Wednesday, March 13th 6:30 - 8pm

      • Spring Elections kicking off

    • CUSG Liaison

      • Keller Center

        • Colorado House Speaker - Owen Hill

        • Debate on Free Speech on Campus

        • Wednesday, Old Main, 6:30 - 8:00pm

    • Webmaster

      • No updates

    • Social Media Coordinator

      • Please share Isra Chaker, mandatory event

      • Business casual

    • Student Outreach Coordinator

      • No updates

      • Get excited for first events new members!

    • Speakers Coordinator

      • Few tickets left for VD, so if you are able to table tomorrow, or were scheduled to table on Wednesday, help out tomorrow!

        • If you are wanting to be a part of the moderated Q&A sub-committee and can’t make it to the meeting, let us know and we’ll add you to the email thread and you can contribute!

          • We meet every Friday 3-4pm till the day of the event

      • Isra Chaker will be on campus this Thursday!

        • If you are wanting to interview, let me know, but since it is coming up soon, it would end up being Nora and I, but definitely let me know and I’ll help breakdown what it would look like and see if it is something you want to do.

          • Same goes for TB event

        • Will be making a doc to input questions on so contribute and ask whatever you think would be prevalent for the event. Isra did not say that she is not willing to answer certain questions, so ask away. They will remain anonymous, unless you would like your name listed beside the question.

        • Since it is a smaller event,there may just be potential for a live audience Q&A...thoughts?

          • Live Q&A with backup questions

          • Questions then live Q&A

            • Good to show examples of questions

        • Haven’t had time recently (so sorry), but will be working with Hayden to present the list from Spring retreat to you all and pass it on to the future SC to work off of!

          • Message me for more Q’s if wanting to run. Sorry if I haven’t gotten back to you. I want to be as thorough as possible and not leave any details out since I wish I was told some aspects of this position when nominated,  so be on the lookout for basically an essay from me.

          • This is a STIPEND position, so a fixed rate you get paid bi-weekly

        • SIDENOTE: went to The Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series and heard form  Abigail Posner about being head of strategy for Google’s Brand Unit and her journey in pursuing a career in tech development with a degree in neuroscience and anthropology. Super enlightening convo about how to bring your creativity to fruition, so if you want some notes that I got form that talk, let me know!

      • Tarana Burke

        • Sign up for ticketing.

        • Tickets go on sale on Monday morning at 10:00am.

        • Please share the event on social media

    • Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      • Isra event is coming up this Thursday! Please add your by Wednesday at 11:59PM. Contact me if they can’t make it anymore or if your plus one changes last minute. Reception is taking place in the Heritage Center and plus ones are allowed to come!

      • for Isra event. Spots need to be filled in tonight!

      • Widows screening is Tuesday, March 19th from 7-9 in CHEM 140! Please please please be there! Tell all your friends and invite them on FB! If you can’t attend, please let me or Mavjuda know.

      • Come ask me about my position if you’re considering running for it for next year! I’m going to be making the ROD and figuring out reception stuff for Tarana Burke sometime before spring break, so anyone who wants to can hang out with me and see how I do it so you’ll know how for next year is welcome

      • Isabelleto!

        • Meet & Greet 30 minutes before the event

        • Office of Victim Assistance will be tabling at event along with the office of equity and compliance

      • Please contact Nora if interested in her position!

    • Marketing Coordinator

      • Ideas for promo items next year:

        • CHAPSTICK

        • CAR HOLDERS

        • Water bottles, pads, notepads

        • Can do t-shirts

      • If you haven’t already gotten a hoodie from the office (we had extras!) please put your shirt/hoodie sizes below:

        • Monica Martinez- M

        • Jessica Granados S

        • Christina Chambers - XXL

        • Maddie Gile- M

        • Sandra Appiah - M

        • Jhossep Torres L

      • Again, please make sure that at least two people are at the ticketing table for Tarana at any given time slot.

      • If you’re interested in the Marketing Coordinator position, please let me know.

    • Secretary/Historian

      • Hi, Sunshine Faces!

      • Below is an Office Schedule for each person to fill their schedules out. I have allocated 3 weeks for people to finalize their schedules. I would really appreciate if you would all select a time for CEB. It is required that people allocate 30 minutes each week.

      • I am working on writing the notes on speakers for Fall 2019 discussed during retreat. This will be done by next week sometime.

        • Thank you, loves! I hope you are all doing an amazing week!

      • XOXO, Hay

    • Chair

      • 2nd hearing for CEB were on Wednesday for Leg.

      • Please let me know if you’re thinking of running for chair!!

      • Elections

        • Make sure you reach out to people in those positions to

      • Bylaw Committee meeting after this

        • Committee will meet after meetings on Mondays

      • Anyone interested to do Q&A for Tarana Burke? Need 2 members


        • Monica Martinez

        • Jhossep

        • Jemil

        • Isabelle


  • Adjourn

    • 8:54pm