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Meeting Minutes 3/4/19


Monday, March 4th, 2019

6:00 PM. in Hellems 211


  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Julisa, Jessica, Sandra, Nora, Victoria, Chidera, Monica, Christina R., Jhossep, Christina F., Sowmya, Victor, Niko, Sowmya, Anuja, Josh, Maya, Ashley, Monica, Victor

Proxies: Sowmya for Skylar, Sandra for Maddie, Niko for Helen, Victor for Christina R.  


Absent: Isabelle, Mavjuda Skylar, Helen

  1. Fun Activity :)


    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. 6:00 - 6:30 AD BLITZ: Viola Davis, Tarana Burke, Isra Chaker, and Widows Screening

      1. UMC, Chem - Chidera, Nora

      2. Hellems, Atlas - Christina F., Sandra

      3. Ekeley, Humanities - Jemil, Josh

      4. Economics, Guggenheim - Christina R., Julisa

      5. Muenzinger, Porter - Jessica, Anuja

      6. Ramaley, Rec - Jhossep, Victoria

      7. Math, Engineering - Maddie, Niko

      8. C4C, Business - Nickey, Monica

      9. Music, Ketchum - Olivia, Sowmya

      10. Education, Hale - Hayden, Maya

    2. 6:30pm - CU Comedy Club (Jessica & Skylar) - Friday, April 19th

      1. Lucas - Founder & Acting President

      2. Things to talk through with org (suggestions from Erin)

        1. Marketing:

          1. Who is creating marketing material for this?

            1. Has a person who has been doing posters for events. Wants multiple people to do posters. CEB has posters with picture of the person and the Marketing person for Comedy’s posters don’t have pictures

            2. Two posters will reach multiple audiences

          2. When is the announce date?

            1. Working on the contract, working out a few loose ends of the contract.

            2. Emailing with Sean, part of Tig’s team

            3. Want it not open to the public; only open to students and faculty

            4. Glenn Miller will be cheaper if it’s only for students and open to students

              1. Would prefer for it to be free and only for students

              2. Quote for Glenn Miller is $800 if free for students

        2. Day of logistics, who is doing what? How much assistance does Comedy Club need?

          1. Opener (Lucas can talk about an email that was sent from agent regarding opening act, but Erin also sent email thread to Mavjuda)

            1. Tig has a friend she wants to bring to open show. Agency knows we do not have the budget for it. Can board vote to approve an opener that Tig wants to bring?

              1. There is not need for payment for Tig’s friend

              2. Do not have friend confirmed yet, want to make sure bringing an opener must be confirmed

                1. Want the opener to be the host and introduce the event

              3. 10 minute opening, 45 minute performance and then a 20 minute Q&A that they want moderated by someone

              4. Tig’s team said definitively that they do not want the event open to the public

            2. How would you like CEB to be involved in this event?

              1. Once the contract is settled, we can further discuss this. For right now, CEB can help set up and helping people get into Glenn Miller

          2. Q&A portion of event - who will be moderating the Q&A, process to get questions, etc…

            1. Questions will need to be submitted to Tig/agency prior to event.

            2. 20 minute Q&A that they want moderated by someone

            3. Tig would be answering questions, and Tig’s team wants 2-3 options as their moderator that they can choose from

              1. Perhaps a professor, a person from CEB or CU Comedy Club

                1. Moderators can be three people

              2. Unsure how receptive Tig would be to this three people idea

                1. Want number of people on stage kept to a minimum

              3. Perhaps want a faculty member as a moderator since their history can be looked up or perhaps more professional

            4. Do you know why they specifically asked for a faculty member as a moderator?

              1. They did not specify, but did say they wanted to choose from three options

            5. Does Tig and her team want a list of questions before the event?

              1. Want a list of topics that will be covered in Q&A

            6. Do you know what she will or usually talks about?

              1. Tig typically speaks about her cancer break. Unsure what they would talk about. Just recently married and adopted a child.

            7. Is Glenn Miller confirmed/reserved?

              1. Yes, Glenn Miller is reserved.

            8. Since we funded CU Comedy Club due to Tig’s relation to the LGBTQ+ community, could we advertise that and inquire if she can talk about that in the show?

              1. Yes, we can email and confirm whether they can talk about the LGBTQ+ community. If not willing to talk about it, they can talk about it in the Q&A portion

              2. Speculate that would be talked about in the show in some facet

            9. When you email them can you ask them for subtitles they would like advertised for the Comedy Hour?

          3. Thoughts

            1. How to ensure student attendance

              1. Want to distribute tickets that students have to pick up; tickets would have information on them concerning people can be kicked out for being rowdy, ect.

              2. Want students to have a buff one card

        3. Schedule of events, Friday, April 19th

          1. Opener

          2. Tig

          3. Moderated Q&A

          4. Reception???

        4. Next meeting March 18th when returning after Spring Break

        5. Want to begin advertising as soon as contract is completed

        6. Motion to Approve Tig to bring the Opener

          1. 16-0-3

        7. Motion to Approve to make the CU Comedy Club and CEB’s Comedy Hour free to students

          1. 16-0-3

        8. Motion to Approve to make the CU Comedy Club and CEB’s Comedy Hour closed to the public

          1. 18-0-2

    3. Move to approve $163.93 for Indian Student Association CUPD cost for the Diwali event

      1. 12-0-1

    4. “Our office received an invoice that is due to be paid from CUPD for security at your recent Diwali 2018 event. Currently, the event account has $ 914.35 in funding available to pay toward this expense, therefore, an additional $ 163.93 of funding is needed to cover the entire expense of the security invoice. Since we are heading into winter break and funding boards most likely won’t be meeting for a few weeks, you may not be able to obtain additional funding over the break, but will need to pursue additional event funding to cover this expense as soon as you return from break”

    5. Tabling sign up

    6. Ticketing Training

      1. Video from Macky if needed:

      2. The login information is:

        1. Computer password: 1910

        2. Vendini login:

          1. ceb@colorado.edu

          2. Password: #1Paco2019

      3. Mackey supplies computers for CEB use

        1. Picking up all computers and cash box from CSI

        2. Cannot accept checks or cards

          1. Only Cash

      4. Ticketing How to Document:

      5. For V.D. - Board members can purchase two tickets (have two free tickets)  tonight if they want ($2 each). You can use this as a way to practice with the ticketing machine as well. Can someone please collect the cash for this (and bring to Erin tomorrow)? Please make a list of who purchased the tickets and bring to Erin as well.

        1. No Plus Ones - you have to pay, you do have the opportunity to buy tickets before other people

    7. Officer member presentations

      1. Social Media Coordinator

      2. Webmaster


  1. Old Business

    1. Mission Statement

      1. Working statement

        1. Thoughts?

        2. Mission Statement in Process: The Cultural Events Board aims to broaden cultural knowledge by supporting the voices of underrepresented and misrepresented groups on campus, thereby promoting student engagement with their platforms. We encourage opportunities for interaction among students resulting in respect, appreciation, and understanding for cultural differences.

        3. Motion to Approve the new Mission Statement for CEB

          1. Motion passes 18-0-2

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Nepalese Student Association (NSA) “Nepal Night” March 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm- Hayden and Christina R.

        1. Update: They are tabling!

        2. Who will be attending?

          1. Victoria

          2. Julisa

          3. Niko

          4. Hayden

          5. Christina R.

      2. Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” March 11th-15th @ Multiple venues/times - Julisa

        1. Update:

          1. Decided to just stick with the three women that already confirmed.

            1. Was not available

          2. Wanted to know if they could use $75 dollars from what was supposed to go to the DJ to get a photo booth for “Noche de Arte”

            1. We do not fund photo booths.

        2. Who will be attending?

          1. Niko

          2. Chidera

          3. Jessica

          4. Julisa

          5. Anuja

      3. South Asian Student Association “Colors of South Asia” - April 7th @ Lower Rec - Mavjuda and Helen

        1. Update: No new updates

    3. Fifth Funding Cycle:

      1. CHEMunity “A Night with Marie Curie” April 4th @ Old Main Chapel -                   Nickey and Ashley

        1. Update: Keeping poster as is due to the request of the speaker.

          1. Sending an updated poster

      2. Creative Writing Association “Poetry Month Performer Series” April 4th @ Club 156 - Sowmya and Skylar

        1. Update: Meeting with Jamey, no updates

      3. Persian Student Organization “Norouz” April 5th @ Williams Village Dining Center -  Jessica and Julisa

        1. Update: Meeting with Jamey sometime this week

      4. Middle Eastern Student Association “Multicultural Fashion Show” April 5th @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Julisa and Christina F.

        1. Update: Meeting tomorrow about the name of the fashion show

          1. Talking in person

          2. They can advertise for auditions

      5. Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week” April 8th-12th @ UMC, Norlin Quad, Norlin Fountains, & Kitt -  Chidera  and Sowmya  

        1. Update: Sent email aiming to set up an appointment in the next two weeks

      6. International Festival Committee “IFest” April 14th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Ashley and Isabelle

        1. Update: No new updates

      7. Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

        1. Update: No new updates

      8. CU Comedy Club “Speaker” April 19th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Skylar and Jessica

        1. Update: Send email with updates on the motions taken

      9. Graduate Musicology Society “Haitian-Creole Music and Culture with Speakers” April 19th @ Old Main Chapel and Koenig Alumni Center - Hayden and Helen

        1. Update: No new updates

      10. VeRVE Collisionz “12th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 20th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jemil and Hayden

        1. Updates: Met with Jamey last week, meeting went well, no new updates!

      11. African Student Association “Tour of Africa” April 20th @ Lower Rec -

Nora and Helen

        1. Updates: Waiting on their poster!


  1. Officer Reports


    1. Advisor(s)

    2. Leg Council

      1. Not present

      2. Budgetary meetings

    3. CUSG Liaison

      1. Not present

    4. Webmaster

      1. Send bios and pics

        1. Sowmya, Jemil

      2. New members will dress up on a determined day

        1. Not till end of the semester

    5. Social Media Coordinator

      1. Share and like VD , TB, IC :)

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Not present

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. TB event is now live!

        1. Ticketing on Monday, March 18th

      2. Keep pushing IC event as it is approaching next week!

        1. Thursday, March 14th at 7pm in Old Main

        2. No tickets needed, so do ask your friends, colleagues, professors, if they’d like to drop by!

      3. VD event is getting a lot of attention!

        1. Ticketing next Monday, March 11th!

          1. Two tables will be set up to ticket and placed right past the bathrooms on the first floor UMC. Set-up and security will help with ticketing lines as well.

          2. Sign up for ticketing if you haven't already!

        2. We will be able to purchase two tickets each for whomever we would like to come to the event, but still will NOT have any plus-ones for reception.

          1. UPDATE: You as members will already have two tickets already  set for you

            1. 1 ticket: for your presence at the event

            2. 2nd ticket: for whoever you want to be a plus one to JUST the event

            3. 3rd &4th ticket are optional  to buy two more tickets before they go on sale on March 11th

        3. Looking for volunteers to be on Q&A subcommittee

          1. Talk to me or Mavjuda

        4. T.B. went live today!

          1. Promote event, begin ticketing March 18th

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Collabing with PC for the Widows screening. It will be Tuesday, March 19th from 7-9PM in Chem 140

        1. Poster for next week

      2. Julisa is making an event page so share I’ll send a group me out when we have everything solidified and PLEASE SHARE :)

      3. Emailed Rudy for reception for Tarana and waiting on a response from the Heritage center for the Isra event.  

      4. Made the sheet for Isra, fill it in before Tuesday, March 12th

      5. for Isra (needs to be filled out)

    9. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Tarana Burke event on FB is live

      2. Please sign up for tabling for Viola and Tarana ASAP. Ticketing starts NEXT MONDAY.

      3. Those of you that are available this Wednesday (3/6) from 12:45 to 2 PM - there is a Denver Area Visit Information Fair in Glenn Miller and we’re slated to table for about an hour (1-1:45). Who is available?

        1. Christina R.

        2. Chidera

        3. Sowmya

        4. Victoria

        5. Meet in the office around 12:30

      4. If anyone is interested in being Marketing Coordinator, please reach out!

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. Hi, Sunshine Faces!

      2. Below is an Office Schedule for each person to fill their schedules out. I have allocated 3 weeks for people to finalize their schedules. I would really appreciate if you would all select a time for CEB. It is required that people allocate 30 minutes each week.

      3. I am working on writing the notes on speakers for Fall 2019 discussed during retreat. This will be done by next week sometime.

        1. Thank you, loves! I hope you are all doing an amazing week!

    11. Chair

      1. 2nd hearing for CEB are on Wednesday for Leg.

        1. Let me know if you are thinking of running for Chair and want to sit in on these meetings

      2. Elections

        1. Make sure you reach out to people in those positions to

      3. Bylaw Committee meeting after this

        1. Committee will meet after meetings on Mondays

        2. Will start next week with Mavjuda

      4. Thinking of forming a Q&A committee with members of DSB for the VD event. Thoughts? Need 2 members to meet with DSB

        1. Hayden

        2. Anuja

        3. Maya

        4. Still accepting question from social media

      5. Logistics for VD:

        1. Ticketing 70-10-20

        2. No live Q&A

        3. Do we want videos for the VD event?

          1. People being videocorded is a lot of energy, takes a lot of time, risk for technological difficulties, people receive credit for questions they did not

        4. Ashley to do Q&A. Any objections?


  1. Adjourn

    1. 8:20