Published: April 30, 2018
Amy Javernick-Will (left) receives her award from two ASCE leaders.

Construction engineering researcher Amy Javernick-Will has received the Daniel W. Halpin Award for Scholarship in Construction from the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Construction Institute.

Javernick-Will, the Nicholas R. and Nancy D. Petry Professor in Construction, was honored for “outstanding scholarship in the areas of disaster recovery and enhancing the global quality of life through socially sustainable infrastructure and for contribution to advancing construction engineering through scholarship, mentoring and a commitment to diversity.”

In addition to her research and teaching work in the Construction Engineering and Management group, Javernick-Will is the associate director for graduate education and research for the Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities.

The Halpin Award is given to a young researcher who demonstrates “outstanding scholarship that advances construction engineering as a science.” Javernick-Will received the award at the Construction AVʪ Conference in New Orleans in early April.