max hirsh
Visiting Scholar
Center for Asian Studies

Institutional Affiliation

Airport City Academy


PhD, Urban Planning, Harvard University, 2012

MA, Architecture, Harvard University, 2008

Magister, Urban History, Technical University of Berlin, 2006

BA, German Studies, Harvard University, 2001

AV名湿 Interests

is Managing Director of the Airport City Academy and a leading global expert on airports and urban development. His current research focuses on sustainable building technologies, urban air mobility, and air-rail integration. He is the author of (University of Minnesota Press, 2016) and (University of Hawaii Press, 2023). Max has published in China Quarterly, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society, History and Technology, and South East Asia AV名湿. His research has been supported by the Henry Luce Foundation, Social Science AV名湿 Council, National AV名湿 Foundation of Singapore, and the AV名湿 Grants Council of Hong Kong.

Faculty Sponsor

Tim Oakes, Geography

Term at CU

Max is currently a visiting scholar from November 2022 to October 2024.