Assistant Professor of Economics

Institutional Affiliation

University of Denver
Department of Economics


Ph.D., Economics, University of Utah
M.Sc., Economics with reference to the Asia Pacific Region, School of Oriental and African Studies
Laurea, Economic and Social Sciences, Luigi Bocconi University

AVʪ Interests

Global capitalist crisis; the Chinese economy; and feminist economics

Regional and Thematic Interests

Business and Economics


Chiara Piovani is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Denver, a position she has held since 2011. Her research interests include the global capitalist crisis, the Chinese economy, and feminist economics. Prior to coming to the University of Denver, she received her Ph.D. from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, where she wrote her dissertation entitled "Essays on China's Political Economy: Macroeconomic Imbalances, Social Conflict, and Climate Change." In addition to extensive research on the Chinese economy, Piovani has also done work on Southeast Asia and Indonesia.

Selected Publications

2013/2014 "Gender and Social Protection Policies." Background paper for the UN Report Progress of the World's Women 2013/2014.

2012 Chiara Piovani and Hande Togrul. "Heterodox Economics and the Crises of Capitalism: Rethinking Pedagogy in Higher Education." International Critical Thought 2, no. 3: 375-386.

2011 Chiara Piovani and Minqi Li. "Is Climate Stabilization Compatible with Economic Growth? The Cases of China and India.” World Review of Political Economy 3, no.4: 477-494.

2011 Chiara Piovani with Mingqi Li. "One Hundred Million Jobs for the Chinese Workers: Why China’s Current Model of Development Is Unsustainable and How A Progressive Economic Program Can Help the Chinese Workers, the Chinese Economy, and China’s Environment." Review of Radical Political Economics 43, no. 3: 77-94.