Published: Oct. 14, 2019

Work from the China Made project, now in its second year, has been published and can be found on the project site’s page. The latest issue of the journal Made in China (April-June, 2019) features a collection of essays from the First China Made Workshop, which took place in Boulder last October. Work by Jonathan Bach, Andrew Grant, Tong Lam, Alessandro Rippa, Hallam Stevens, Dorothy Tang, and Amy Zhang is included, along with an introduction by Tim Oakes. In partnership with the Chinese-English Keywords Project based at Rutgers University, China Made is also producing a series of ‘keywords for infrastructure and media’, the first four of which are now posted. Additionally, Tim Oakes has published a new article on infrastructural urbanism in China in the journal Eurasian Geography and Economics. You can also find our ‘China Made Briefs’, news about the China Made project, and a series of video interviews with infrastructure scholars. The page is regularly updated with new publications and media.