Published: May 3, 2018

CAS is pleased to announce a number of exciting Asia-related courses that are being offered this semester. Looking to add a last-minute course? Interested in learning more about Asia in Fall 2018? Click course titles below for descriptions and schedules!

ASIA 2000: Gateway to Asian Studies

ASIA 4300: Special Topics in Asian Studies: Urban Asia

Contemporary Asian Cinema

GEOG/ASIA 2852: Contemporary Southeast Asia: Environmental Politics

GEOG 3682: Geography of International Development

GEOG 3822: Geography of China

HIND 3811: The Power of the Word: Subversive and Censored 20th-Century Indian and Pakistani Literature

ASIA 4001: Advanced Language Co-Seminar for HIND 3811
Students who would like to use materials in Hindi and/or Urdu to complement their studies in this class can also enroll in ASIA 4001: Advanced Language Co-seminar for HIND 3811, a one-credit class that will meet for two hours every other week. In this class, we will apply our Hindi/Urdu skills to read excerpts from original texts and other sources. Students at any level of Hindi/Urdu are welcome.

HIST 5129: Modern Asian History (South Asia)

INDO 1110: Beginning Indonesian 

KREN 1011: Introduction to Korean Civilization

KREN 2441: Film and Korean Culture

Nepali Language Directed Independent Study (DILS)

RLST 2202: Islam

Thai Language Directed Independent Language Study (DILS)

Tibetan Language Directed Independent Study (DILS) 

For a full list of Asia-related course offerings in Fall 2018, please view our course list.