Conference Papers

Neumann D., Zagona E., Short J., Sidlow M., Wunsch M., Hunter J., β€œRiver and Reservoir Operations using RiverWare within the Corps Water Management System (CWMS).” In Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, June 24–28, 2019, Reno, Nevada.

Neumann D., Zagona E., β€œRiverWare Interactive Scenario Explorer (RiverWISE) Demonstration.” In Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, June 24–28, 2019, Reno, Nevada.

Zagona, E. (2016), β€œRiverWare Model and Analysis Tools for River System Planning and Management.” In Proceedings of the Seventh Graduate Studies and Scientific AVΓϋΚͺ Conference in Basic and Engineering Sciences, February 20–23, 2016, University of Khartoum, Sudan.

Neumann D. and E. Zagona (2016). β€œDecision Support Systems on the Upper Rio Grande Basin using RiverWare.” Canadian Water Resources Association 69th National Conference, May 25–27, 2016, Montreal, QuΓ©bec, Canada.

Butler, A., Jerla, C, Nowak, K., Prairie, J, Oakley, B., Wilson, N., Zagona, E. (2015). β€œThe Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study: Modeling to Support a Robust Planning Framework.” In Proceedings 3rd Joint Federal Interagency Conference on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, April 19–21, Reno, Nevada.

Daylor, J., Neumann, D., Zagona, E., and Steffen, J., (2015). β€œMulti-objective Modeling in RiverWare for USACE-SWD.” In Proceedings 3rd Joint Federal Interagency Conference on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, April 19–21, Reno, Nevada.

Steffen, J., Stringer, J., Daylor, J, Neumann, D. and Zagona, E. (2015). β€œTAPERβ€”A Real-time Decision Support Tool for Balanced Flood Operation of the Arkansas River in Tulsa District.” In Proceedings 3rd Joint Federal Interagency Conference on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, April 19–21, Reno, Nevada.

Magee, T., E. Zagona and M. Clement (2014). β€œEfficient methods for Optimizing Under Uncertainty.” In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, August 17–21, 2014.

Clement, M., T. Magee, J. Taylor, and E. Zagona (2014). β€œIncorporating Complex Mid-Columbia Operations into a Hydropower Optimization Model.” In Proceedings HydroVision International, Nashville, Tennessee, July 22–25, 2014. 

Ibanez, E., E. Zagona, G. Brinkman, M. Milligan, T. Magee, and M. Clement (2013). β€œLarge Scale Integration of Hydro, Wind and Solar Power with Detailed Hydro Modeling.” In Proceedings HydroVision International, Denver, Colorado, July 22–26, 2013.

Neumann, D., G. Oelsner, J. Prairie, S. Anderholm, and E. Zagona (2013). β€œSalinity Modeling in the Colorado River and Upper Rio Grande River Basins Using RiverWare.” In AWRA Spring Specialty conference on Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality II, St Louis, Missouri, March 25–27, 2013.

Neumann, D, W. Sharp, C. Boroughs, and S. Kissock (2011). β€œA Combined Forecast and Operations Model of the Upper Rio Grande Basin using RiverWare.” In AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference, Albuquerque New Mexico, November 2011.

Avance, A., J. Daylor, J. Cotter, D. Neumann, and E. Zagona (2010). β€œ.”  In Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, June 27–July 1, 2010

Magee, T., S. Jacks and E. Zagona (2010). β€œ.” In Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, June 27–July 1, 2010.

Zagona, E., E. Kandl, J. Carron and S. Bowser (2010). β€œ.” In Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, June 27–July 1, 2010.

Zagona, E., K. Nowak, B. Rajagopalan, C. Jerla and J. Prairie (2010). β€œ.” In Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, June 27–July 1, 2010.

Zagona, E., B. Rajagopalan, S. Setzer (2008) β€œ.” In Proceedings of the High-level Internationa Forum on Water Resources and Hydropower, October 16–18, 2008, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing, China.

Valerio, A., E. Zagona and H. Rajaram (2008) β€œ.” In MODFLOW and More 2008: Ground Water and Public Policy Conference Proceedings, May 18–21, 2008, International Ground Water Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado.

Prairie, James, Balaji Rajagopalan, and Terrance Fulp (2007), β€œStochastic Streamflow Generation Incorporating Paleo-Reconstruction.” In Proceedings of the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2007, May 15–19, 2007, Tampa, Florida.

Eshenbach, Elizabeth., Edith Zagona and Katrina Grantz (2006). β€œWater Resources Planning and Management Curriculum Incorporating RiverWare.” In Proceedings of ASCE Operations Management 2006β€”Operating Reservoirs in Changing Conditions, Darell Zimbelman & Werner C. Loehlein (Eds.), August 14–16, 2006, ASCE, Sacramento, California.

Magee, Timothy M., and Edith A. Zagona (2005). β€œHydropower Simulation and Optimization with RiverWare.” In Proceedings of Waterpower XIV, July 2005.

Prairie, James R. (2005). β€œRepairing the Long-term Salinity Projection Model for the Colorado River Basin.” In Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, 2005.

Davidson, P., R. Hedrich, T. Leavy, W. Sharp, and N. Wilson (2002). β€œ.” In Proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Boroughs, C.B. and E.A. Zagona (2002). β€œ.” In Proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Magee, T.M. and H.M.Goranflo (2002). β€œ." In Proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Neumann, D., B. Rajagopalan, E. Zagona, M. Bender, and T. Scott (2002), β€œ.” In Proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Prairie, J., B. Rajagopalan, and T. Fulp (2002). β€œLong-term Salinity Prediction with Uncertainty Analysis.” In Proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Wheeler, K., T.M. Magee, T. Fulp, and E. Zagona (2002). β€œAlternative Policies on the Colorado River.” In Proceedings of Natural Resources Law Center Allocating and Managing Water for a Sustainable Future: Lessons From Around the World, Boulder, Colorado.

Biddle, S. H. (2001). β€œOptimizing the TVA Reservoir System Using RiverWare.” In Proceedings of the ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress May 20–24, 2001, Orlando, Florida.

Fulp, T., and J. Harkins (2001). β€œPolicy Analysis Using Riverware: Colorado River Interim Surplus Guidelines.” In Proceedings of the ASCE World Water & Environmental Resource Congress, Orlando, Florida.

Magee, T., E. Zagona, and D. Frevert (2001). β€œOperational Policy Expression and Analysis in the RiverWare Modeling Tool.” In Proceedings of the ASCE World Water & Environmental Resource Congress, Orlando, Florida.

Salas, J., D. Frevert, J. Rieker, D. King, S. Meyer, W. Lane, and E. Zagona (2001). β€œNew Developments on the SAMS Stochastic Hydrology Package.” In Proceedings of the ASCE World Water and Environmental Resource Congress, Orlando, Florida.

Gilmore, A., T. Magee, T. Fulp, and K. Strzepek (2000). β€œMulti objective Optimization of the Colorado River.” In Proceedings of the ASCE 2000 Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Carron J., E. Zagona and T. Fulp (2000). β€œUncertainty Modeling in RiverWare.” In Proceedings of the ASCE Watershed Management 2000 Conference, Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Reitsma, R.F. and B.P. Buttenfield (1999). β€œInductive Explorations of Information Space Geography.” In Proceedings of AMCIS, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Zagona, E. and T. Magee (1999). β€œModeling Hydropower in RiverWare.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydropower, ASCE Waterpower ’99, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Zagona, E., T. Fulp, H.M. Goranflo, and R.M. Shane (1998). β€œRiverWare: A General River and Reservoir Modeling Environment.” In Proceedings of the First Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Zagona, E.A. and R.M. Shane (1996). β€œPRSYM: Modeling Framework for Water Resources Operations Management.” In Proceedings of the Fifth Water Resources Operations Management Workshop, Arlington, Virginia.