Published: Oct. 16, 2017



  • Intro on teaching and reaching visioning
  • Laying out of fall work
  • Role of Committee and Report

Intro to A&S Strategic Planning Process by David Brown

  • History of A&S process
  • Work of committee to date—draft vision statement
  • Schedule for committee’s work

•CMS is a very interdisciplinary group whose goal is to be very porous. IWP and Remark American were mentioned as possible models for interdisciplinarity.

•A big barrier they see is the contridiction between allocations based on student credit hours/majors and interdisciplinarity.

•Childcare on campus is a problem.

•We need to diversify both the faculty and student body.

•Could we emphasize majors designed by students rather than departmental majors?

•There needs to be funding for getting graduate students from different departments together.

•There needs to be some sort of coordinating effort to bring all of the arts together.

•Space for different kinds of teaching would be very helpful

•Atlas institute or places like it need to be expanded.

•We need to emphasize more practice-based pedagogies.

•NEST is a good example of what the college needs to be doing.

•Need more centralized spaces for doing collaborative work
