Our greatest asset in this visioning effort is our community.ÌıYou have great ideas about where we should be headed. To make sure that we hear all of these ideas, campus leadership invites you to gather together and develop community white papers.

The deadline for submitting a white paper has passed. If you have a question about white papers, please email Academic Futures.Ìı

To view and download white papers as a whole, please use this .Ìı


Building a Culture of Partnership: Staff and Operations of the College of Arts & Sciences (Balch et al.)

The authors provide a model of operational efficiency for CU-Boulder’s largest college based on a partnership between staff and faculty in which staff are integral to the success of A&S’s academic mission. See the white paper

Ideas for Developing a Campus Culture of Valuing Time as a Limited, Essential Resource (Koval)

The author outlines a way for faculty and staff to spend less time on tasks that could be considered “not important but considered urgent,†and focus instead on activities directly relevant to teaching and research priorities. See the white paper

Student Support Programming and Coursework (Baron)

The author calls for a campus-wide network of academic support for all students in order to end the outdated “sink or swim†mentality of academic achievement that still exists in some quarters at CU Boulder. See the white paper

Unified Campus Experience (Gammon, Cheung, Grabham, Moriyama)

The authors maintain that employees could benefit from an initiative similar to the Unified Student Experience (USE) that examines ways to support employees in their many roles, identifying barriers, gaps and opportunities to strengthen campus culture. See the white paper

CU Needs To Stop Building the Wrong Buildings (Braider)

The author makes a case for ending campus construction that does not directly support CU Boulder’s main mission of research and teaching, and for enacting a vision – including a capital construction vision – that does. See the white paper

What the Humanities Do, and How They Could Do It Better (Braider)

Based on his own experience teaching in the humanities, the author calls for casting off disciplinary constraints and constructs that squelch creativity, and expanding the centrality of the humanities in the academic experience of students. See the white paper

Toward better priorities for campus investment (Bonetti)

The author argues that student support services such as advising should be priorities for investing needed dollars over campus lifestyle amenities and athletic facilities. See the white paper

Student and Staff Success at CU Boulder (Firestone)

The author argues that by creating more opportunities for staff to directly connect with students as well as creating a more inclusive workplace, the university would help staff better align with the Strategic Imperatives and the mission of CU.

Interdisciplinarity (Yeh, Geography faculty co-authors)

The authors remind that a canvass of examples of interdisciplinarity currently informs research and teaching in Geography and at CU Boulder, providing a key model for the Academic Futures initiative.

CU’s efforts to ‘Internationalize,’ values and future direction of the University (Yager)

The author puts forward a plan for internationalization of education that builds on the university's reputation as a leader in atmospheric sciences and proposes a co-curiruclar center to "thread climate-change realities and points of inspection throughout all academic disciplines."
